If theres a small window of oppurtunity, you could try the ash/leaf bed method, but it doesn't work for Swim. I would safe it, buy a proper vaporisation device and then try again. It's tempting...I know, but it's very easy to waste a lot of spice. Some have success from day one, but it took SWIM alot of stuff to actually find a working method. Then, it's still not that easy to get enough in if you're not that sensitive to dmt. So it might, or might not be another challenge you'd have to face...just think of how much it would suck to get that smoking thing handled and sitting on an empty spiced vile! Without the opportunity to extract for months!
Just take your time, educate yourself some more, learn to meditate, develope a positive relation to the spice in your mind ..it'll all come in handy, I can assure you that.