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Almost to much 5-meo

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Last night i had onle hell of an experince, it started off with .350 of virola theiodora. The virola was very nice it feels so good it was very euphoric but it was not all that visual just a bit of brittend colors and a few wavy lines and such. I had a idea to smoke some dmt instead of taking more virola as it was getting late and i had work in the morning. I got out the pipe and dumped a pile of some nice cristals on and took a small-medium hit and was in the veil and mabye part way into hyperspace and i sat and enjoyed this for a little bit. The next hit was a hard hit making the pipe wistle a little as i sucked(i use a machine type pipe/handheld bong) as soon as i inheald i could tell there was a diffrence, the diffence being there was some 5-meo left in the pipe from the last time i smoked and i could taste it and knew i was i for a ride. As soon as i got into hyperspace the was a china voice, the old "your back" and i ussally dont get this anymore. Then the china man was saying "chinewha" over and over more intensly as he faded away and the twisting twerling patterns were taring me apart it felt like. About this time some crazy thought rolled into my head, what time is it, where is your daughter, what day is it,ect, ect... this went into a crazy ego death experince. I have never had a ego death/paranioa from dmt before so it was like "what the fuck" i opeand my eyes only to find that did not help and the china voice says " you are not going anywere" and then deeper with the "chinewha" so deep i cannot explaine to the point i was entertaning the thought of frekking out compleatly or wanting to scream or run hide, this was the point i told myself like many times before to just let it roll. About this time it started backing off tell it was bearable but is was seeing stuff for 10-15 min after all this i thank?? I thank i need to get a pipe or maybee an oiler just to smoke 5-meo out of becase this is the seconde time 5-meo has bittin me in the but:)
I did 350 mg sublingally, then smoked some dmt/5-meo. I might have not been that clear wrighting it i was really stoned when i wrote it.
Shiiiiiiit man what a bad tripp. Hate this mindfuck is so freaking freaky. One expecting visuals and euphoria and there you go MINDFUCK :lol:
I dont thank of it being a bad trip but a diffucult experince, and once again learned that i can go that much deaper and not compleatly freek out or maybee just freek a little;)
redeyesmj said:
I dont thank of it being a bad trip but a diffucult experince, and once again learned that i can go that much deaper and not compleatly freek out or maybee just freek a little;)
Are you sure ?

Well, entities sounds alright to ILPT but a `china man` ? LOL a bit harsh hehehehe
I am one of those who does not belive in "bad trips" I belive they can be many thangs like difficult or a learning experince,I am also one of those peaple who likes to scare himself a bit with his psycs. I have scared myself many time before and will probaly do it many more times pushing myself deeper and deeper as i go.
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