Rising Star
Ive already posted in the extraction help section but thought id take the time to introduce myself
Im from newcastle england and have always into experimenting with drugs, ive tried just about everything i can get my hands on although psychadelics have always been close to my heart, not only from a recreational point of view but i honestly think that i have a more positive and open minded view of the world thanks to these substances and that illegalisation of them in fact robs civilisaition of something important.
i cant wait try try dmt as it sounds as though it will add an extra dimension to many experiances ive had IM/iving ketamine and losing all sense of self and entering a world beyond our own. I know the DMT experiance will be very different to that of ket but from what i can gather the entire loss of ego aspects could possibly be compared
Thats enough of an essay me thinks, happy tripping all.
Im from newcastle england and have always into experimenting with drugs, ive tried just about everything i can get my hands on although psychadelics have always been close to my heart, not only from a recreational point of view but i honestly think that i have a more positive and open minded view of the world thanks to these substances and that illegalisation of them in fact robs civilisaition of something important.
i cant wait try try dmt as it sounds as though it will add an extra dimension to many experiances ive had IM/iving ketamine and losing all sense of self and entering a world beyond our own. I know the DMT experiance will be very different to that of ket but from what i can gather the entire loss of ego aspects could possibly be compared
Thats enough of an essay me thinks, happy tripping all.