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alternative treatments for cocaine addiction?

Migrated topic.

Pebble on the Beach

C r a c k B l i p T o o t T o o t ! ! !
Hey guys,
Ive been reading these things about opiate addiction and iboga, but is there something equivalent for cocaine addiction?

See, there's this friend of mine who's been snorting that foul, cut and recut crap for almost ten years now and he's reaching levels with this stuff that are almost inhumane (30-50 grams in a 3-4 day course). I know you might think i'm overdoing it here by posting such numbers but believe me, it's no joke. I once came into a room where he'd spent one of those sessions and it's all over the place, floor, tables, cabinets, like two f*kin dustfairys been humping all over the room, and him sitting on the sofa so paranoid he doesn't even dare to speak out of fear "they"'re going to get them. It's sad and he knows he's almost crossed the line of no return. Hell, this guy should already be dead, he's a medical mystery.

the problem with coke is that it's not like heroin or other opiates, the withdrawal isn't physical, it's mental, nagging in your brain all the time. I know this because I went up to the proverbial line with him but got a hold of myself. He took the jump...

Does anyone know something that i might administer to him, in a ceremonial setting perhaps. He's not the type for these type of things but he confided in me that he really wants to quit that stuff but he can't do it alone, so I might be able to persuade him in the necessity of setting for these endeavours.

all intel is welcome.
salvinorin A apparently has some use in reguards to cocaine addiction...not sure how, but I remember reading it, google it..I think the problem some had with that was it did not last so long. Mescaline might be good though..I ate some torch a few weeks ago and took notice of how I basically lost my appetite for cannabis durring the duration and next few days even..and mescaline is used in the native american church for dealing with addiction, mainly alcoholism but I think it could still help with cocaine or any habit really. Mescaline really is wonderful..fills me with this thing that once there, I realise was missing.
I think Iboga has also been used successfully to treat cocaine and crack addictions, as well as the opiates. Iboga is a very powerful tool that I would say is more than capable with helping anyone with ANY kind of addiction, whether physical or psychological, that they seek help with. I've also heard ayahuasca being used to treat cocaine addiction in some cases.

Iboga should only be administered in the presence of an experienced healer however.
fractal enchantment said:
Mescaline might be good though..I ate some torch a few weeks ago and took notice of how I basically lost my appetite for cannabis durring the duration and next few days even..

So it would be an ongoing treatment if i'm reading this correct, like some sorts of anti-deppressants need to be taken for longer periods of time. I'm gonna look this up for sure, just as the salvinorin A lead.

Bancopuma said:
Iboga should only be administered in the presence of an experienced healer however.

Yeah i know, that's what also put me of a bit concerning that road, as i'm not exactly a full fledged healer and don't really know anyone in that field.

thanks for the feedback and if anyone else has suggestions I would love to hear them.
Sad.. Iboga may be able to reset his brain. But I my experance watching others spiral down with coke its usually jail, becoming physical ill and ending up in hospital, or no longer having a source were the main reasons people.

Many also use booze it covers the guilt and other horrible feelings of addiction wile destroying judgement at the sametime. I have tried to help people before many times after they screwed me a couple times I have no choice but to let them go To die, hit rock bottom or recover. Ofen it requires physical relocation moving away.

Good luck man good to see you looking out for him do your best but remember you can olny do so much many things are beyond your control.

Kratom may relax him and help keep mr jones away but it can also be addictive but is WEAK if used daily and EXPENSIVE. I usually takes at least three weeks to begin to erase any ingrained habit in the brain

Coca tea may be useful in curbing cravings.

Not strong enough to produce any sort of high, but has enough to appease the dopamine receptors during a bad craving.
Sad.. Iboga may be able to reset his brain. But I my experance watching others spiral down with coke its usually jail, becoming physical ill and ending up in hospital, or no longer having a source were the main reasons people.

Many also use booze it covers the guilt and other horrible feelings of addiction wile destroying judgement at the sametime. I have tried to help people before many times after they screwed me a couple times I have no choice but to let them go To die, hit rock bottom or recover. Ofen it requires physical relocation moving away.

Man, that's exactly what's happening to the guy. He keeps a bottle of vodka besides his bed like normal people have a bottle of water there. Guzzles it down accordingly too.

In a form of black humour we used to place imaginary bets on how he was going to end up and when, but that was before it was this bad.

Coca tea may be useful in curbing cravings.

That may be an idea...
Heavy dose of pharma with a sitter may help, I think that is more healing/ deals with regular addictions more so than any mesc. I have taken.
acolon_5 said:
Coca tea may be useful in curbing cravings.
Right on!! The key to get rid of an addiction is to gradually build down your dose. It is not a good idea to quit cold turkey, it is way better to (under supervision) reduce the dosages taken step by step, the last step may very well be Coca tea.
swim thinks somking weed helps with Anxiety that occurs with cocaine withdrawl
swim snorted coke years ago swim got so deppresed with the withdrawls that he just quit and was verry happy for quitting it chagend swim perpesctive
fractal rider said:
swim thinks somking weed helps with Anxiety that occurs with cocaine withdrawl
swim snorted coke years ago swim got so deppresed with the withdrawls that he just quit and was verry happy for quitting it chagend swim perpesctive

xanax works better. To me it is all about will power and your own convictions which is why aya and pharma seem to help so many.
Get them to smoke some good herb, set them up with like a quarter, so they don't run out and go back to the white shit right away. Get a half oz of cubensis, and set aside a few nights every couple weeks where you have nothing to do but hang out with them, and let them experience life from a new perspective. They will reflect on their current situation, if someone is there they will be able to vocalize their feelings and their realizations will be better cemented in their everyday life. This works. It will take about a month or two for them to become deeply interested and entwined with life again.
MagikVenom said:
Ofen it requires physical relocation moving away.

I have a friend who is off of heroin now only because his freinds took the liberty of doing just that..basically they kidnapped him and took him into the bush to detox. That might be rough, but he is still here.
Evening Glory said:
acolon_5 said:
Coca tea may be useful in curbing cravings.
Right on!! The key to get rid of an addiction is to gradually build down your dose. It is not a good idea to quit cold turkey, it is way better to (under supervision) reduce the dosages taken step by step, the last step may very well be Coca tea.

I agree thats good thinking! man I wish I could go down to the eastside and give out bags of that stuff to all the cocaine addicts...

cannabis I have heard from many many people does help..I had a friend who freebased for years, and he finally left his gf who couldnt get herself enough together to detox with him so he left her and his appartment and his job(construction, where cocaine is rampant) and lived on the beach for the summer. He camped out with other friends and whatnot and smoked tons of pot and ate mushrooms. He worked for a few food vendors he got to know on the beach and made enough to survive and ended up off the crack..
Also, a good healthy diet with TONS ADN TONS of water should help speed the detox up. I can guanantee you if they are not a real healthy eater and drinks tons of water that that will make it worse.When things get like that the whole entire body is jsut so out of balance..it requires a holistic approach. You want lots of vitamines and minerals etc becasue the body would be so damn depleted by now. Probabily got no adrenal funtion left barely either, which is a horrible feeling(my naturalpath gave me a spray for this that I took under the tounge every night for a month and it REALLy helped me feel awake and energised in the mornings). I went through detox recently from heavy food allergies for the last 25 years and it's damn hard, I was depleted of wayy to many things..cant imagine cocaine detox. I am studying medicine in school right now but I am no expert(yet anyway), but things like calcium and magnesium supplements really can help sooo much(in addition to other treatments of course)..calcium and magnesium citrate should help with stress and anxiety ..anyway, good luck and hope all ends well!
fractal enchantment said:
cannabis I have heard from many many people does help..

Yeah he already does that to keep himself docile and away from temptation. But like with your friend, surroundings play a big part in it too. Cocaine is so incredibly all over the place the last couple of years, it's easier to find a large quantity of it then finding 5 or 6 pills of E where I live, wich was infathomable a few years back.

He should get away from here but he hasn't so far, so we'll see next time I see him and talk about the option displayed here.

I wanna say thanks to all you guys for your warm advice and insight. However this is gonna work out it's great to find a place like this where these topics can be adressed without restraint.
acolon_5 said:
Coca tea may be useful in curbing cravings.

Not strong enough to produce any sort of high, but has enough to appease the dopamine receptors during a bad craving.
Yes I watched a documentary on coca in which a Peruvian guy said they had had success treating cocaine addictions with coca leaves.
sorry to hear about your friend. :(

The good thing is that he want's to quit....if that desire isn't there then really there is not a whole anyone can do.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug, and i've seen it drag a few friends down real hard, and it is all psychological.

I know some thing's that have worked for some of my friend's was simply relocate for a little while and remove themselves from the situation and their surroundings. It certainly isn't the long term answer, but it can help put some "clean time" under his belt to let the cravings subside a bit.

There has already been a lot of good feedback.

If your friend is really serious about getting clean, there is an ayahuasca clinic in peru that specifically deals with addiction.It's called Takawasi and they've been around for a while.


Here is a documentary about the clinic,called "the snake and i", plus i saw a bunch of stuff about the clinic on youtube but most of it is in spanish.

http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en&source=hp&q=the snake and i&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv#

Good luck !!
Iboga should work for cocaine as well, but possibly not as effectively as it would if you were addicted to opiates.

I'd suggest Iboga, Peyote or Ayahuasca used over a 7-10 day period with multiple sessions.
After stopping heavy cocaine use the main problem is going to be getting their dopamine system working normally again. The longer and harder one uses the longer it takes to get back to normal. Luckily cocaine isn't as bad as meth where the system can be damaged permanently.

Basically the consequence of depleting your system for so long is that one will experience intense cravings and prolonged periods of depression. If another drug helps one get over these cravings and its not equally as harmful then sure use it.

However I think its important that any drug addict doesn't get it in their mind that they can't quit without another drug or another more helpful situation. The problem with this kind of thinking is that in the users mind it delays the real hard reality of quitting. They can make excuses like "oh ill just keep using until I try that jungle brew that will heal me". Or "I will keep using until I have two weeks off work to dedicate to quitting".

If one wants to quit the best time is NOW. You can quit ANYTIME. ANYONE has the power to quit using ANY drug. Once the desire to quit is there and one takes charge of their life they CAN do it.
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