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Always know where your Towel is....

Migrated topic.

Ford Prefect

Rising Star
Hello all! I'm excited about participating in this wonderfull forum. I've been reading your threads for months now. I have moderate experience with psychedelics and a huge interest (naturally;) I also plan to begin my chemistry courses this year. I'm jazzed about learning the finer points of our physical reality in order to introduce a few chosen indivuals to the macroscopic metaphysical "...ecology of souls." -T. Mckenna.

Anywhoo... I've never blogged or posted or whatever on the web before. Seriously, never. My girlfriend,a chronic facebook addict, will never let me hear the end of this. So thank you for being a part of my personal history by reading this. Also be patient, i dont know the web lingo. It took me forever to figure out the anagram SWIM probably stands for something like someone i met. I thought for the longest time it was a pseudonym for some killer rogue chemist like STRIKE from The Hive. (The Hive site has been taken off the web, i think).

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Welcome brother FP...If you're only going to be active in one forum the Nexus is it, WELCOME!

Have you taken any DMT in your previous psychedelic sessions?
Hello Myco & thank you for the big welcome. Yes I have taken DMT. I found a enough last summer for several experements. I had a great introduction. I have not been as far as the "void" or "nexus" as I've heard it described. I found the "door" once and Carl Sagan (my personal hero) was there (with white angel wings) to welcome me. It was amazing.

So naturally I wanted to share. Right? The interesting thing was that everyone I gave it to (from a vary select group) that i didnt have a deep spiritual or "psychic" connection didn't feel it, at all. Weird for such a powerfull chemical, I thought.

But I soon began to learn through trial, error and education that the DMT guest list seems to be by invite only, or so it seems. My girlfriend being the deciding factor for my opinion on tne matter. For she was part of the 'that didnt work club' for a while. How frustrating it is to watch all those divine mg's whisp away only to hear "I dont feel it" grrrr.

My girl is a vary worldly person & she is extreemly intelligent, but spiritually she has room to grow it seems. Anyway we are total Cat people. She adopted a ferrel maine coon when we met. She literally had this outdoor, homeless cat eating from the palm of her hand. That cat 'Twinkle Toes' passed away last summer. Shortly after we went to a festival with my vary close psychonaut friend. (My dmt guy as it were).

We were on LSD (naturally, my favorite) :). It was dusk, there were bats in the sky over the pond at our venue. Yes, Bat Country! She had been wanting to have her true DMT experience and chose this moment. We sat on one side of the hill in a private spot. I lit her pipe. (I have an Essential Vaaap, I highly recomend. It works well and looks nothing like a meth pipe. good for hash oil too). She had her tokes and nodded out, success!

When she returned she privatly told me that after she exhaled, and the already familiar threshold effects took place, she saw our cat walk around from behind me to infront of her, look her square in the eye and then vaporate. Cool, I thought a real trip. We speculated that she saw that because she misses her cat and wanted to see her. I leaned on the side that 'contact' was made, (thanks carl).

Later she returned to the tent for the night. She is always the first one down on a trip, it seems. My friends and I sat at our camp and recapped the days events (still tripping). Our crew (catophiles as well) were vary excited about an experience by the pond with the property owners cat. They (& yes they stalked the cat) watched many people try to pet and connect with this cat, all with no luck. So they sat near the main house, by the pond, to watch the fish jump and the people on MDMA paddleboat. This is when this Grand Festy Kitty decided to come up and rub on the three of them with vigor. A satisfying time I'm sure. We sat and marveled about our group feline connectivity. Then I shared Trillians first real DMT stroy and we passed a bowl of herb. la de da.

Then it sruck me that this anti social cat molested my friends in the same moments that Trill had her final goodbyes with her kitty Tinky. I realized the timeline was correct. Just before dusk, we split up at fork in the road. They went to the pond and we went to the other side of the neighboring hill.

Some coincidences are too big to be ignored, (especially when your on LSD) :shock:

Anyway if you made it this far, thank you. Wish me luck, at the moment i'm waiting for my first ever extraction to separate. I'm hoping to have more luck with my home birthed Spice this summer. TTFN
Wow. Seems like you had such a great time, and good luck with your extraction my friend, I hope it goes well!
oh, it's almost dry! It's amost dry! Based on the numbers i should get a half gram, but i'll be happy if i get 200mg. I am sooo excited. this is taking me back to my first herb grow, or my first batch of home brew, or hash oil. In either case the quality sucked (accept the oil -wheew) but there is nothing better than homebirthed buzz. (Now i make killer brew, by the way. I think I'll get this extract thing down) Initialy i thought dmt would be as easy as making soap. I think it's safe to say it's not. Beer was difficult at first, but now i just think of it as like making a huge batch of tea. All prespective, i guess.
Well it worked... I re-xstal one time. From 50g mhrd i got about 200mg, I'm guessing (that was my prediction wasnt it?) I'm sure technique and spillfactor played a big roll. Also i was a bit impatient and evaped with my oven set on warm, cracked open with a fan on it, (windows open, cealing fan etc). It got over 200F a couple times so i know i lost a bit there. today I'm doing a hot water bath on this batch, i havent seen the thermometer break 90F yet... Do you think the bath will cause me problems?
Also i only did three warm nap pulls, do you think that was enough?
I still have alot of kinks, but then I've always been a kinky guy. Either way I'm vary pleased with myself for pulling this off. No one in the real world knows knows I may have done this. I cant wait to call my buddy and tell him i gave birth to a happy little elf. I think i'll name him Dimitri ;)any suggestions would be much apprecieated. Thank you for your interest endlessness.
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