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Am I Playing With Fire?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello tribe.

Six years ago I smoked 70mg of freebase DMT and had the breakthrough plus plus. Ever since, I've had extreme respect for the molecule.

Fast forward 6 years later and I've become interested in Changa. I hear that it's more gentle than a freebase DMT journey and that's exactly what I'm looking for.

I *do not* want another breakthrough, I just want to see if Changa can be used for healing and as a medicine. If I stick with 25-35% Changa am I still at risk of a breakthrough? Or is 25-35% Changa "gentle" and not scary?

Thank you!
had Changa for the first time a couple days ago at a 1:1 ratio. A little scary. Working towards a first breakthrough, and having a hard time doing that even with 1:1. Fear and stuff.

Just finished making a 1g jimjam to 2g mullein mix and it’s super mellow, Not even going to try getting far with this. Used q21 tech, weighed the goop, melted again in water, mixed herbs then let dry in dehydrator. Real safe and easy. Not official Changa yet but it gives relief and helps sleep at night. Depression is improving
Hey archaic_revival_!

Can you give more info or give link to a trip report(if you do have one) or is it too personal to share?
You can break through on changa. It's hard to predict when you will breakthrough, but adequate preparation increases the chances. There are times when everything is prepped, the stars aligned, and yet you don't breakthrough. Other times when you smoke some without any prepping, and you breakthrough (often can be a "bad" trip).

Changa allows more time for exploration. Unlike freebase which is often way too fast paced to take back anything useful, changa is a slow ascent and descent, with time to contemplate.

Usually people wonder why they aren't breaking through, not the other way around. Why are you adamant on not breaking through again?
Psilosopher? said:
Why are you adamant on not breaking through again?

Psilosopher?, because the breakthrough is terrifying. You're blasted into an alien dimension populated by seemingly intelligent non-human entities that interact with you. How does a domesticated member of a society deal with something like that? How do you protect yourself? Is it even possible to do so?

I would much prefer a gentler exploration of Hyperspace. But maybe that's wishful thinking. That's why I'm asking if I'm playing with fire...
archaic_revival_ said:
Psilosopher? said:
Why are you adamant on not breaking through again?

Psilosopher?, because the breakthrough is terrifying. You're blasted into an alien dimension populated by seemingly intelligent non-human entities that interact with you. How does a domesticated member of a society deal with something like that? How do you protect yourself? Is it even possible to do so?

I would much prefer a gentler exploration of Hyperspace. But maybe that's wishful thinking. That's why I'm asking if I'm playing with fire...

Perhaps it isn't obvious, but most people that frequent this forum aren't "domesticated members of society". I could even say that most people here look forward to exactly what you just described. Stretching the boundaries of your consciousness isn't terrifying. It's exciting. Terror and excitement are often the one and the same. Do i feel trepidation before every time i smoalk? Of course. Does this fear dissolve immediately within nanoseconds of smoalking? Of course. Do i think i was stupid for even feeling fear once i'm there? Absolutely.

I revel in this "fear". It's what makes us human. Why do humans seek out rollercoaster rides, bungee jumping or sky diving? Because it's full of terror, excitement and adrenaline. But this is only possible due to the safety. You trust that your handlers will keep you safe. If safety were not guaranteed, only the bravest/stupidest would venture out in that territory.

Now, with DMT. Unless you are smoalking in a dangerous setting, physical harm will not come to you. The intensity of the experience may seem like an assault on the senses, but it only "seems" that way if you resist. I know that the idea of surrendering to a substance may seem risky, but you said it yourself "Ever since, I've had extreme respect for the molecule". I treat DMT like a parent and a martial arts master. It feels more like a parent than my actual parents. Sometimes, you just gotta accept an arse kicking from time to time. It beats discipline and wisdom into you, and then caresses you with eternal and infinite love. There is no growth without suffering. There is no enlightenment without contemplation of the extremities of the human mind. You must traverse beyond the bubble that society has constructed around you. Otherwise, you'd be thinking about the same boring things every day, like straight edge square people.

Most of the time, the entities are benevolent and want to help you. Other times, they are indifferent. Rarely, will you meet a malevolent entity. In my experience, they usually manifest if i've been blasting off too often, or not acting upon the teachings bestowed upon me in previous travels. If you have supreme mental control, the entities cannot harm you. There was a point where i've broken through so many times, that a lot entities feared my presence. Like i was a foreign warrior, bulging with rippling muscles and armed to the teeth. I meant absolutely no harm, but they still feared me.

Your 70mg dose is quite high for a first time. Most people would need to work their way up to that kind of dose.

tl;dr: don't resist the breakthrough. one of us... one of usssss...
Hey archaic_revival_

Thank you for the link, after reading your trip report and thinking a bit i think what you NEED is to go for another breakthrough, why? Here is a great quote: The key to success is for you to make a habit throughout your life of doing the things you fear. Then you can grow to infinity, the sky is not the limit your fear is! Good Luck :thumb_up:
Th Entity said:
Hey archaic_revival_

Thank you for the link, after reading your trip report and thinking a bit i think what you NEED is to go for another breakthrough, why? Here is a great quote: The key to success is for you to make a habit throughout your life of doing the things you fear. Then you can grow to infinity, the sky is not the limit your fear is! Good Luck :thumb_up:

:thumb_up: :thumb_up: :thumb_up:
Psilosopher? said:
I revel in this "fear". It's what makes us human. Why do humans seek out rollercoaster rides, bungee jumping or sky diving? Because it's full of terror, excitement and adrenaline. But this is only possible due to the safety. You trust that your handlers will keep you safe. If safety were not guaranteed, only the bravest/stupidest would venture out in that territory.

Now, with DMT. Unless you are smoalking in a dangerous setting, physical harm will not come to you.

Just to offer the OP some balance here, I do not agree with the opinions in your post.

Where or when was it decided that DMT is safe? Aside from the fact that the physiological truths about how it all works on our brain and bodies is a little thin, the DMT experience is primarily a mental experience. Physically we may be just sitting with closed eyes, but what is going on from a mental perspective? Your opinion is as good as mine on that one, so declaring it safe is misleading.

We all take/took a calculated risk. No one really understands it.

Psilosopher? said:
The intensity of the experience may seem like an assault on the senses, but it only "seems" that way if you resist. I know that the idea of surrendering to a substance may seem risky, but you said it yourself "Ever since, I've had extreme respect for the molecule". I treat DMT like a parent and a martial arts master. It feels more like a parent than my actual parents. Sometimes, you just gotta accept an arse kicking from time to time. It beats discipline and wisdom into you, and then caresses you with eternal and infinite love. There is no growth without suffering. There is no enlightenment without contemplation of the extremities of the human mind. You must traverse beyond the bubble that society has constructed around you. Otherwise, you'd be thinking about the same boring things every day, like straight edge square people.

This can be done without DMT. Moreover, I'd venture to suggest that there are plenty of people who have taken the conformist box off their head and placed the DMT-Shaman-Hippie-Insert Choice Descriptor straight back over it. There's some rationalising in your post that I won't dissect here, but I see it in a lot of posts by people enamoured by DMT.

Psilosopher? said:
Most of the time, the entities are benevolent... . If you have supreme mental control, the entities cannot harm you. There was a point where i've broken through so many times, that a lot entities feared my presence. Like i was a foreign warrior, bulging with rippling muscles and armed to the teeth. I meant absolutely no harm, but they still feared me.

Fundamentally disagree with this. I know for a fact you can not explain the mechanics of that realm, so to proclaim entities can not harm you is wild conjecture, and absolutely irresponsible to be proclaiming it to others as truth.
xss27 said:
Psilosopher? said:
I revel in this "fear". It's what makes us human. Why do humans seek out rollercoaster rides, bungee jumping or sky diving? Because it's full of terror, excitement and adrenaline. But this is only possible due to the safety. You trust that your handlers will keep you safe. If safety were not guaranteed, only the bravest/stupidest would venture out in that territory.

Now, with DMT. Unless you are smoalking in a dangerous setting, physical harm will not come to you.

Just to offer the OP some balance here, I do not agree with the opinions in your post.

Where or when was it decided that DMT is safe? Aside from the fact that the physiological truths about how it all works on our brain and bodies is a little thin, the DMT experience is primarily a mental experience. Physically we may be just sitting with closed eyes, but what is going on from a mental perspective? Your opinion is as good as mine on that one, so declaring it safe is misleading.

We all take/took a calculated risk. No one really understands it.

Anything i write in regards to the DMT experience is my own experience. Nothing is objectively true when it comes to something as untestable and undocumentable as DMT, barring simple empirical experiments. Not everyone will experience the same things, or think the same way. Just offering my perspective, since i've broken through more times than i can count, breaking through being the focus of the OP.

Given its use over millenia by multiple cultures, and the simplicity of it's chemical structure, and it's ease of metabolism, and that most people do not have a negative reaction. I think it's safe to say that it is safe. However, not everyone will be "fine" after using it. DMT is a powerful tool, and for those that are unprepared (including the mentally ill), it can lead to some catastrophic consequences.

I have been to the most darkest and mind shattering places on DMT. I have experienced the pain of all life in the universe, and it nearly tore my brain into a bajillion pieces. It did not feel pleasant. At all. Have i been physically or mentally broken? No. After a harrowing experience like that, do i still consider it safe? Yes, but only to those who are prepared.

Sure, it can lead to negative behaviours or thoughts in some individuals, but those individuals tend to be unhinged in the first place.

xss27 said:
Psilosopher? said:
The intensity of the experience may seem like an assault on the senses, but it only "seems" that way if you resist. I know that the idea of surrendering to a substance may seem risky, but you said it yourself "Ever since, I've had extreme respect for the molecule". I treat DMT like a parent and a martial arts master. It feels more like a parent than my actual parents. Sometimes, you just gotta accept an arse kicking from time to time. It beats discipline and wisdom into you, and then caresses you with eternal and infinite love. There is no growth without suffering. There is no enlightenment without contemplation of the extremities of the human mind. You must traverse beyond the bubble that society has constructed around you. Otherwise, you'd be thinking about the same boring things every day, like straight edge square people.

This can be done without DMT. Moreover, I'd venture to suggest that there are plenty of people who have taken the conformist box off their head and placed the DMT-Shaman-Hippie-Insert Choice Descriptor straight back over it. There's some rationalising in your post that I won't dissect here, but I see it in a lot of posts by people enamoured by DMT.

That was the point. The OP mentioned "domesticated member of a society", which implied a societal conformist standpoint. One does not need DMT or any psychedelics at all to live a fulfilling and enriched life. It seemed like the OP was on the fence as to take another breakthrough dose. So, i offered some food for thought to widen the perspective.

DMT is not some sort of panacea. Sure, i revere and respect DMT, but it is no substitute for a truly happy and content life.

xss27 said:
Psilosopher? said:
Most of the time, the entities are benevolent... . If you have supreme mental control, the entities cannot harm you. There was a point where i've broken through so many times, that a lot entities feared my presence. Like i was a foreign warrior, bulging with rippling muscles and armed to the teeth. I meant absolutely no harm, but they still feared me.

Fundamentally disagree with this. I know for a fact you can not explain the mechanics of that realm, so to proclaim entities can not harm you is wild conjecture, and absolutely irresponsible to be proclaiming it to others as truth.

I have been severely harmed by an entity. But it was all in the moment. There is no lasting pain or negative effects. This is all assuming one is mentally sound. If one had mental problems, then it can manifest as something worse.

Again, this is from my own personal experience. I have contacted plenty of entities, who have taught me a thing or two. One of which being how to handle being in a bad trip or encountering malevolent entities. I can banish them at will, but i only do so when i am sure that they offer no help. This comes with experience. A LOT of experience. I have been to hell and back plenty of times, constantly seeking experiences filled with insight and wisdom. I was more than eager to embrace anything in pursuit of it. I could not do this when i was relatively new to DMT.

tl;dr: To the OP, yes, you are playing with fire. Whether you use the fire as a tool to light your way, provide warmth in times of cold or to provide you with mental sustenance. Or you could burn in the inferno of your own creation. It all depends on practice and experience. Start with small fires first before attempting to light a bonfire.
Psilosopher? said:
Given its use over millenia by multiple cultures, and the simplicity of it's chemical structure, and it's ease of metabolism, and that most people do not have a negative reaction. I think it's safe to say that it is safe. However, not everyone will be "fine" after using it. DMT is a powerful tool, and for those that are unprepared (including the mentally ill), it can lead to some catastrophic consequences.

But again you're only going by what you can see, not what you can't see. As a predominantly mental experience that is where the lack of safety is in my estimation. The notion that the unprepared or mentally ill can experience real negative affects but the regulars are somehow excluded is the same delusional tone that emanates from cannabis smokers. Even Terence McKenna exuded that same tone, even after mushrooms kicked his superiority complex down.

Psilosopher? said:
Have i been physically or mentally broken? No. After a harrowing experience like that, do i still consider it safe? Yes, but only to those who are prepared.

Are you certain, or are you just reassuring yourself? Substance users, especially the younger crowd, think they're indestructible until they're not.

Psilosopher? said:
Sure, it can lead to negative behaviours or thoughts in some individuals, but those individuals tend to be unhinged in the first place.

Now we're getting to the crux of this thinking pattern here. "Some individuals, but not me.".

Psilosopher? said:
So, i offered some food for thought to widen the perspective.

Likewise. Mine is the opposite of your position, to give him/her something to think about.

Psilosopher? said:
I have been severely harmed by an entity. But it was all in the moment. There is no lasting pain or negative effects. This is all assuming one is mentally sound. If one had mental problems, then it can manifest as something worse.

Again, how do you know this for certain. Can you detail the metaphysical laws and mechanisms that operate in that dimension, and in relation to the penetration of that one into this physical one? Can you lay out why your psychology somehow makes you immune to these influences whereas someone else's does not, beyond the hyperbole of "they were unprepared and/or ill"?

I don't wish ill will or anything, but erring on the side of real caution is the counter-angle I offer to the OP. You only have one mind whilst you're alive, one should consider the truth of the situation before launching off.
Listen to xss27. He or she makes some very valid points. I am glad another perspective was offered no matter how much I disagree.

The O.P. is struggling to make peace with DMT. Fighting it. I don't want a breakthrough. Placing conditions. It's fear. Either the O.P. will face it down and go once again or will dabble and end up there on accident or will allow the fear to win over and never return.

If the decision is to dabble or breakthrough once more, then why not prepare for it? The idea placed down to try again is one viewpoint. Facing the fear and going into the experience with a new found courage is something that I feel could do the O.P. a lot of good. Just the preparation of going again can be a building up strength of mind and courage. It's a good opportunity to face a fear.

Curiosity and this building up of strength could combine to create a powerful positive experience. It is one possibility. This would be the ideal outcome. It doesn't work that way unfortunately. Could go back and have another difficult experience, especially if one is not prepared while dabbling with changa. It in many ways can be a coin flip when going into these experiences unprepared. Many of us have experienced this over and over. There comes a time when you just accept it. Accept whatever comes and pull something out of it. Roses grow nicely from manure.

The O.P. at this point sounds like they are very well aware of the dangers. The experience was overwhelming it sounds like. Sucks when you get an experience that freaks you out. It happens to the best of us. Some of us choose to go back. Not becasue we are playing with dangerous things, but because we choose to accept it all, challenge our fears in some cases and cherish the experience no matter what happens. We learn to work with the tool.

I feel like if you have fears about it then you will either face it or turn away from it. Either embrace what DMT is and the breakthrough or do not do it at all. It is all too easy to breakthough on accident when dabbling. Prepare yourself for a breakthrough if you plan on dabbling with changa. If you do not feel you are ready for that kind of experience again, don't do it.

Maybe some day, months or years from now, you will find a pull to go back. If this day occurs it is because your curiousity and courage is winning over your fear. You may go back and wonder what all your fear was even about to begin with.
Are psychedelics safe? I'd say they are 'reasonably safe'. There is a risk involved. There is a body count, only they are not in the morgues but on medications (or should be on medications), burned out, depressed and/or psychotic. I'd say as risky activities go, it's 'risky like motorbiking'. You talk to bikers, most every one of them will have had a friend who died young in a traffic accident. However, most bikers live to their old years. There are ways to mitigate the risks, too. Abide by traffic regulations. Don't speed (too much, too carlessly). It's not all that different with psychedelics. Most of the weird shit happens when doing 'risky' stuff. Drug combinations. Going into a trip with a neurotransmitter imbalance from previous drug use. Bad mental / emotional setting. Unsafe or unsettling external circumstances.

It's important to emphasize the physical safety of DMT because panic attacks are not uncommon. People will go into the experience honestly and seriously believing they are going to die. It's a good thing to remember at that point that no, they won't. DMT is not toxic at any dosage one might viably inhale. Knowing this is important. A panic attack can be more dangerous to health than the trip itself - there was a thread recently about an older woman getting a stroke while on DMT, most probably due to a panic attack over the unexpected nature of the trip. Thinking that DMT is hazardous is a self-fulfilling prophecy. That said, while it's not hazardous as such, psychedelic trips carry risks. People need to be aware of that. But there is no point in overstating those risks.

As for the OP... If they don't want to break through, they should lay off DMT entirely. Otherwise, the fear of the breakthrough will haunt every single trip, and a bad breakthrough will inevitably happen, and cause some serious trauma. People who are afraid of the ocean shouldn't go to the beach, really - unless it's with the express intention of facing that fear. After my first, rather soul-shaking breakthrough, I was a little frightened of breakthroughs in general, and this fear even colored my psilocybin trips much darker than they need to be, until I was able to let go of it.
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