Hi guys, this past Thursday marked my one-year anniversary of being at the Nexus. As there were no introduction essays required at that time, I thought it would be nice to introduce myself and give an overview of my entheogenic history. I have tried not to go too in depth and bore you with inanities or just scrape the surface and skim through everything in a wild non-personal blur. I have focused on the major events in my life since discovering entheogens and before joining the nexus, with a breif preamble on my other mind-altering substances. I omitted my couple years of binge drinking cuz honestly I can't remember much of anything to report on , other than psychedelics pretty much put an end to it. Feel free to read as much or as little as you like. I found writing this very therapeutic and am happy just to put it out here. Thank you all for being the incredible people that you are. :d Also, writing this was so long and done in wordpad, so it has not been proofread at all Enjoy.
I first encountered mind-altering substances in junior high. It was 9th grade and me and my best friend at the time decided that we wanted to try weed. I can’t for the life of me remember what prompted this (go figure) but, it probably had something to do with a combination of my own natural curiosity and the desire to rebel against my parents. Anyway, whatever the reason, we tried it and liked it and it became a monthly or bi-monthly ritual from 15-17. Occasionally we would go into my friends’ dad’s basement and liberate a bottle of sparkling wine to accompany our poorly rolled and incredibly loose joints of low quality weed. As high school continued on I began smoking with more frequency, especially as parties became more and more commonplace. During my junior year of high school, several of my friends (including Dolla Bill) tried mushrooms, but I declined, thinking they were some crazy drug and that I wanted no part. I knew nothing about them beyond the fact that they made you hallucinate and that a sketchy guy sold them. I had some interest in my friends’ experience, but it didn’t seem like anything all that interesting. One friend reported that his cats were “like, flying around the room” and another friend just got sick off of them. The two others who had participated had uninteresting stories as well, so I didn’t give it much more thought throughout highschool.
Once I got to college I began smoking weed with more regularity. My habit gradually increased as a result of making more and more friends who were weed smokers. For the first time in my life, psychedelics became readily available. Having been adamantly anti-drug up until this point, my head was still full of government propaganda (hell, I had even taught my younger brother to “just say no”) and I decided that before trying any of these substances I would research them, and even then I would only try substances that came from the earth. So, as all my friends were running around trying different substances, I was in my dorm room and my classes on Wikipedia and Erowid, finding outthe truth about all these substances. Needless to say, once I started reading, my interest was piqed and I read as much as I could about any substance, whether or not I had any interest in trying it.
Shortly after I had delved into all of this research, a couple of my friends got their hands on some mushrooms and, while I was still initially hesitant, I decided at the very least, I would hang out with them while they tripped. They decided that they wanted to dose in my dorm room, as I had no roommate and I conceded. As they split the mushrooms up, I thought, "What the hell, it's now or never" and asked for my 2 grams and ate them with some orange juice. After an hour of waiting in the dorm room, we headed out to campus. I was the first one out and while waiting for my friends, I went and looked at a flower patch next to my dorm. THE FLOWERS WERE BREATHING!!!!! Oh my god, I see their life, I see their energy and I see them breathing! I couldn't believe it. I had a massive grin on my face and as my two friends came out, we headed across campus, all with perma grins. I had a very Gaian trip, watched the Earth breath, felt the interconnectedness of all things, felt completely at peace with the world, and felt a weight, that I had never realized I was carrying, completely dissipate.
That trip changed my life. I dropped all the bullshit and pettiness that I had been carrying for so long. I became a happier, more content person. My parents noticed and commented on this change, life became beautiful, trees were incredible to just watch in waking life. I changed my major from psychology to Anthropology and Political Science and I began to do more research on entheogens. Towards the end of the year I had another mushroom trip, this one with more visuals and epiphanies than the prior one. I went home for the summer completely in awe of everything I had experienced over the course of the year. That summer I got back together with an old girlfriend and while things started out great, shortly after, I could sense something was not right.
I returned to school for my sophomore year and in the fall ate my first eighth of mushrooms. I was supposed to be tripping with my friend pro_bert, but in what would become an all-too-regular occurence, he bailed on me in the final stages of preparation for the trip. Not to be put off or prevented from having this experience, I ate the eighth myself and wandered off into the campus woods. This experience blew my doors off. I was shown, by Nature, the circle of life and death and my place in it. I saw the web of connections between every living thing, the electrical field that Alex Grey discusses meditating on was there, I also encoutnered a cloaked figure in my periphery that observed me for almost the entire trip. At the end, I came home and sat on the floor for several hours, having no desire to distance g hmyself from mother Gaia and just reflected on everything I had seen. At this time, I was still kind of with the girl, but it was a weird situation. I kept sensing that something was not right, and after this trip it clicked. I knew she was fooling around with other people, but she would not admit it to me. At the same time, my grandfather was dying and I was taking bi-weekly trips to florida to spend time with him.
At the beginning of winter break I confronted my girl about what was going on, but she refused to admit anything. I found out from a friend of hers who got drunk and spiteful at a party that, shortly after we had gotten back together, she had cheated on me at beach week. This gave me the ammo that, when she later asked me to fix her computer, I felt completely justified in typing "hooked up" into her wonderful apple search function. For those of you who don't know (and I didn't before this incident, having never used an apple in any regular sense) apple chat saves all of your chats and allows them to be searched. Sure enough she had hooked up with seven people and was apparently sleeping with this other dude. When I confronted her about this, I completely cleared my mind and just let the questions that my brain formulated come to the surface. I was still in the afterglow of the last mushroom experience and was coming up with things that I had no way of knowing (I'll spare you the details, suffice it to say she was SHOCKED that I could have had any inkling of these things, as was I). She said she really wanted to work towards having a successful relationship, and I essentially said if she came clean on everything, that was a possibility.
I went down to Florida that break to spend what would by my last extended amount of time with my grandfather. I asked her to come clean with everything before I went down there so that I would not have those last moments ruined by bullshit. More stuff came out while I was down there through a friend letting something slip and that pretty much torched the relationship. I returned to school in the spring still struggling with my grandfather's health and the smoldering wreckage of my first love, despite not actually ending the relationship. That semester went well, and I first discovered acid. I also discovered I have a hard head as I went out several times with groups of people and despite eating as much or more than them, they were always tripping face and I was always having threshold effects. I found the acid gave me a lot of insight an calmness in regards to that relationship, but I don't think it allowed me to address it as well as I would have liked. Around this time I discovered Mckenna and was floored by his stoned ape theory as well as his discussions of DMT.
My grandfather passed a couple months into the semester, but I was able to see him the weekend before he died. The interesting thing about that experience was that he had been slipping into different states of reality and despite being the sharpest person I have ever known, was apparently having difficulty seeing "waking" life as others perceived it. However, when I visited him the last time, he became very lucid, apparently moreso than he had been in a month or two and we had some incredible discussions and I took care of him for several days. Over those days he explained how there were times when he would be sitting in the livingroom looking out of my aunt's big bay windows and would know he was in florida, but he would be seeing the mountains from his trips to peru, or various animals from his world journeys (interestingly enough, one of them was a jaguar). I felt incredibly close to him over those three days and knew, when I left Florida, that it would be the last time I would see him.
Over spring break of that semester, I was driving down to Florida to spend some time with my aunt and uncle in the wake of my grandfather's passing. I had several grams of cannabis in my car with me. I got pulled over in South Carolina for "touching the fog line" (the right line on the highway) and had my car illegally searched. The officers found my weed and, while the case would be pled down to civil infractions several months down the line, I got to spend three days in Florence Co. prison. That was an incredibly eye-opening experience and when I finally got down to Florida, I was processing a lot of different things. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, in a small compartment of my car I had four hits of acid wrapped in foil. Depite the officers ransacking the car, they never found the acid. So, when I was with one of my college friends at his home in Miami, we each ate two hits and I had the strongest acid trip I had experienced to date.
At the very beginning of the trip we were walking under an train overpass and some guys ran up on us. I heard pounding feet and yelled "HEY, STEP OFF". The two guys who had been coming for me stopped in their tracks, but the one who had been coming for my friend reached him and cold-clocked him on the back of the head with his forearm. We went to the local firestation to get my friend some first aid as he had fallen down and had a nasty scrape that was oozing blood. I waited outside, not wanting to arouse suspicion, and as I had suspected, the firefighters commented on my freind's elevated heart rate and dilated pupils, but they chalked it up to the mugging. Once we got out of there, we had a nicely bonding trip. Over the course of the trip I helped my future roommate and current friend figure out his career and we had some really nice conversation.
After returning home from this wild Florida jaunt, my still girlfriend was supposed to come by and visit me over whatever break it was that immediatly followed spring break. Instead she ended things the day before she was supposed to visit. So at this point I was dealing with all kinds of fucked up craziness in my life (admittedly, I had helped create much of it). However, I was still in the afterglow of the acid and was feeling quite good, very in touch with life, very content and happy. At the end of the year I had another amazing mushroom experience and reached a level of incredible serenity in my life. This would turn out to be more than crucial as when I returned to Florida to help disperse my grandfather's estate, I had to play peace keeper between his four daughters, 2 of whom went off the deep end (the youngest, who are twins and one of whom was on benzos at such a high dosage she was off the Erowid charts). My mother completely detached from the proceedings, so it came down to my and my aunt who lives in FL to handle everything and be the responsible individuals (luckily my grandfather had had the foresight to make her the executrix of his estate).
Over the course of that summer I developed a ridiculous weed habit, smoking all day, everyday and that habit would stay with me through the first semester of my junior year of college. I spent my junior year researching entheogens in greater depth. I began to listen to more Mckenna, read more and more literature on Ayahuasca and dmt and wondered how or when I was ever going to encounter the stuff. I ordered some Aya ingredients off of BBB, but never got around to making it until my senior year. Junior year I spent doing a lot more research on entheogens than actually using them, and began to focus on making a career out of studying entheogens. By my second semester I had significantly cut down my cannabis habit and, after getting hit with mono, I took a good two 45 day break from any use whatsoever. I wrote several papers on entheogens from both an anthropological and political perspective.
Towards the end of the semester, as the result of getting some really awesome weed and my roommate showing it off to the wrong person, I wound up getting robbed at gunpoint. I wound up having a shotgun shoved into my stomach and getting marched up my stairs with a pistol to the back of my head. This experience never really settled in, or I never really came to grips with this experience. It has been messing with me in numerous ways since it occurred. However, at the time, I shrugged it off and continued with my schoolwork, finishing the semester successfully. However, before the semester ended and shortly after I had been robbed, I had my first real encounter with dmt. I had tried to smoke dmt once before when some friends of one of my roommate had brought by a couple remaining grains of spice and had me hit it off of some foil, but it really didnt do anything (for a number of reasons). So their friend who had extracted it was back in town and I got invited over to his house to take my first spice journey. I told the guy packing it I wanted enough to take the three hits I had heard Mckenna expound on so frequently. I should note that these were "druggy" friends of my roommate. Not very intellectual and were all treating me as though they were expecting me to bug out and entertain them by smoking this dmt.
They packed up a one-hitter for me and I hit the piece as long and hard as I could. I held the smoke in for what seemed to be an impossibly long time and then took another hit. I watched as my fingers twisted and split in a very alien manner. I then closed my eyes and leaned back against the bottom of the couch (I was seated on the carpeted floor). Instantly I died. I was out of my body, literally, my energy was in front of my face and I knew that I had died, I was outside of myself, but it felt like the most natural, wondrous feeling I had ever had. From a video that was taken of this experience, I know I had a massive grin on my face. As I took of through the tunnel that had appeared, twisting up towards the right corner of the room, I came into an area where I was in front of a massive, multicolored, shimmering Taj Mahal, it was so beautiful. After seeing this incredible structure for what felt like far too short of a time, I could feel myself coming back. I opened my eyes and said "It's so nice to know that this is always here". The people who were in the room were all watching me, very intrigued and somewhat disappointed that I had not provided them with the amusement they had been seeking.
As I left that house I KNEW it was time for me to extract my own. I got home and over the course of that weekend I ordered everything I needed for my extraction. I followed Shirley Knott's pictorial of Marsofold's Tek for my first extraction and yielded some very nice off-white and slightly yellow crystals. I initially made a lightbulb vaporizer, but had little success using a bic lighter, so I went out and got a jet lighter. However, I was still unhappy with the results I was getting. So a couple days after my first extraction I got a shalet. I don't know how much dmt I was smoking on those trips, all I knew is that I only wanted breakthrough experiences. I would pack up between a pea and a raisin amount of dmt (probably about 50-100mg) I pretty much never vaped it all, but i'd just add little amounts on top of the residue that was already in there, and it never failed. That was mid- April of last year. For the first 8 months of my relationship with DMT I was journeying upwards of 10-15 times per month (for the first three monhts it was literally daily), with 95% of the experiences being full breakthroughs lasting 5-10 minutes +. I introduced somewhere around 25 people to dmt, including all of my close friends. Even those who were not enamored with the experience said that it was the kind of thing they were glad they had done at least once. Some people found it an immensely helpful and life-changing experience (go figure ).
About three-and-a-half months into my dmt experiences, I stumbled upon the DMT Nexus while trying to figure out what the hell I had been experiencing. While reading Entropymancer's paper on jungle spice on one of those i-reader pages I found references to the Nexus and decided to see what the hell it was. After finding the website, I lurked here for about a week before joining. I couldn't believe the discussions that were taking place, I just had to be a part of this amazing community. It was unlike any forum I had ever seen before. Real discussions, real meaning, real depth, I couldn't believe such a place existed online. I joined a year ago and have been so grateful to be a part of this community ever since. I love you all so much and cannot thank you guys for making this place the amazing, wonderful community that it is, nor can I thank The Traveller enough for creating and maintaining this site better than any admin I have ever encountered. You are all in my thoughts on a daily basis and I don't know what I would do without you.
peace and love
I first encountered mind-altering substances in junior high. It was 9th grade and me and my best friend at the time decided that we wanted to try weed. I can’t for the life of me remember what prompted this (go figure) but, it probably had something to do with a combination of my own natural curiosity and the desire to rebel against my parents. Anyway, whatever the reason, we tried it and liked it and it became a monthly or bi-monthly ritual from 15-17. Occasionally we would go into my friends’ dad’s basement and liberate a bottle of sparkling wine to accompany our poorly rolled and incredibly loose joints of low quality weed. As high school continued on I began smoking with more frequency, especially as parties became more and more commonplace. During my junior year of high school, several of my friends (including Dolla Bill) tried mushrooms, but I declined, thinking they were some crazy drug and that I wanted no part. I knew nothing about them beyond the fact that they made you hallucinate and that a sketchy guy sold them. I had some interest in my friends’ experience, but it didn’t seem like anything all that interesting. One friend reported that his cats were “like, flying around the room” and another friend just got sick off of them. The two others who had participated had uninteresting stories as well, so I didn’t give it much more thought throughout highschool.
Once I got to college I began smoking weed with more regularity. My habit gradually increased as a result of making more and more friends who were weed smokers. For the first time in my life, psychedelics became readily available. Having been adamantly anti-drug up until this point, my head was still full of government propaganda (hell, I had even taught my younger brother to “just say no”) and I decided that before trying any of these substances I would research them, and even then I would only try substances that came from the earth. So, as all my friends were running around trying different substances, I was in my dorm room and my classes on Wikipedia and Erowid, finding outthe truth about all these substances. Needless to say, once I started reading, my interest was piqed and I read as much as I could about any substance, whether or not I had any interest in trying it.
Shortly after I had delved into all of this research, a couple of my friends got their hands on some mushrooms and, while I was still initially hesitant, I decided at the very least, I would hang out with them while they tripped. They decided that they wanted to dose in my dorm room, as I had no roommate and I conceded. As they split the mushrooms up, I thought, "What the hell, it's now or never" and asked for my 2 grams and ate them with some orange juice. After an hour of waiting in the dorm room, we headed out to campus. I was the first one out and while waiting for my friends, I went and looked at a flower patch next to my dorm. THE FLOWERS WERE BREATHING!!!!! Oh my god, I see their life, I see their energy and I see them breathing! I couldn't believe it. I had a massive grin on my face and as my two friends came out, we headed across campus, all with perma grins. I had a very Gaian trip, watched the Earth breath, felt the interconnectedness of all things, felt completely at peace with the world, and felt a weight, that I had never realized I was carrying, completely dissipate.
That trip changed my life. I dropped all the bullshit and pettiness that I had been carrying for so long. I became a happier, more content person. My parents noticed and commented on this change, life became beautiful, trees were incredible to just watch in waking life. I changed my major from psychology to Anthropology and Political Science and I began to do more research on entheogens. Towards the end of the year I had another mushroom trip, this one with more visuals and epiphanies than the prior one. I went home for the summer completely in awe of everything I had experienced over the course of the year. That summer I got back together with an old girlfriend and while things started out great, shortly after, I could sense something was not right.
I returned to school for my sophomore year and in the fall ate my first eighth of mushrooms. I was supposed to be tripping with my friend pro_bert, but in what would become an all-too-regular occurence, he bailed on me in the final stages of preparation for the trip. Not to be put off or prevented from having this experience, I ate the eighth myself and wandered off into the campus woods. This experience blew my doors off. I was shown, by Nature, the circle of life and death and my place in it. I saw the web of connections between every living thing, the electrical field that Alex Grey discusses meditating on was there, I also encoutnered a cloaked figure in my periphery that observed me for almost the entire trip. At the end, I came home and sat on the floor for several hours, having no desire to distance g hmyself from mother Gaia and just reflected on everything I had seen. At this time, I was still kind of with the girl, but it was a weird situation. I kept sensing that something was not right, and after this trip it clicked. I knew she was fooling around with other people, but she would not admit it to me. At the same time, my grandfather was dying and I was taking bi-weekly trips to florida to spend time with him.
At the beginning of winter break I confronted my girl about what was going on, but she refused to admit anything. I found out from a friend of hers who got drunk and spiteful at a party that, shortly after we had gotten back together, she had cheated on me at beach week. This gave me the ammo that, when she later asked me to fix her computer, I felt completely justified in typing "hooked up" into her wonderful apple search function. For those of you who don't know (and I didn't before this incident, having never used an apple in any regular sense) apple chat saves all of your chats and allows them to be searched. Sure enough she had hooked up with seven people and was apparently sleeping with this other dude. When I confronted her about this, I completely cleared my mind and just let the questions that my brain formulated come to the surface. I was still in the afterglow of the last mushroom experience and was coming up with things that I had no way of knowing (I'll spare you the details, suffice it to say she was SHOCKED that I could have had any inkling of these things, as was I). She said she really wanted to work towards having a successful relationship, and I essentially said if she came clean on everything, that was a possibility.
I went down to Florida that break to spend what would by my last extended amount of time with my grandfather. I asked her to come clean with everything before I went down there so that I would not have those last moments ruined by bullshit. More stuff came out while I was down there through a friend letting something slip and that pretty much torched the relationship. I returned to school in the spring still struggling with my grandfather's health and the smoldering wreckage of my first love, despite not actually ending the relationship. That semester went well, and I first discovered acid. I also discovered I have a hard head as I went out several times with groups of people and despite eating as much or more than them, they were always tripping face and I was always having threshold effects. I found the acid gave me a lot of insight an calmness in regards to that relationship, but I don't think it allowed me to address it as well as I would have liked. Around this time I discovered Mckenna and was floored by his stoned ape theory as well as his discussions of DMT.
My grandfather passed a couple months into the semester, but I was able to see him the weekend before he died. The interesting thing about that experience was that he had been slipping into different states of reality and despite being the sharpest person I have ever known, was apparently having difficulty seeing "waking" life as others perceived it. However, when I visited him the last time, he became very lucid, apparently moreso than he had been in a month or two and we had some incredible discussions and I took care of him for several days. Over those days he explained how there were times when he would be sitting in the livingroom looking out of my aunt's big bay windows and would know he was in florida, but he would be seeing the mountains from his trips to peru, or various animals from his world journeys (interestingly enough, one of them was a jaguar). I felt incredibly close to him over those three days and knew, when I left Florida, that it would be the last time I would see him.
Over spring break of that semester, I was driving down to Florida to spend some time with my aunt and uncle in the wake of my grandfather's passing. I had several grams of cannabis in my car with me. I got pulled over in South Carolina for "touching the fog line" (the right line on the highway) and had my car illegally searched. The officers found my weed and, while the case would be pled down to civil infractions several months down the line, I got to spend three days in Florence Co. prison. That was an incredibly eye-opening experience and when I finally got down to Florida, I was processing a lot of different things. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, in a small compartment of my car I had four hits of acid wrapped in foil. Depite the officers ransacking the car, they never found the acid. So, when I was with one of my college friends at his home in Miami, we each ate two hits and I had the strongest acid trip I had experienced to date.
At the very beginning of the trip we were walking under an train overpass and some guys ran up on us. I heard pounding feet and yelled "HEY, STEP OFF". The two guys who had been coming for me stopped in their tracks, but the one who had been coming for my friend reached him and cold-clocked him on the back of the head with his forearm. We went to the local firestation to get my friend some first aid as he had fallen down and had a nasty scrape that was oozing blood. I waited outside, not wanting to arouse suspicion, and as I had suspected, the firefighters commented on my freind's elevated heart rate and dilated pupils, but they chalked it up to the mugging. Once we got out of there, we had a nicely bonding trip. Over the course of the trip I helped my future roommate and current friend figure out his career and we had some really nice conversation.
After returning home from this wild Florida jaunt, my still girlfriend was supposed to come by and visit me over whatever break it was that immediatly followed spring break. Instead she ended things the day before she was supposed to visit. So at this point I was dealing with all kinds of fucked up craziness in my life (admittedly, I had helped create much of it). However, I was still in the afterglow of the acid and was feeling quite good, very in touch with life, very content and happy. At the end of the year I had another amazing mushroom experience and reached a level of incredible serenity in my life. This would turn out to be more than crucial as when I returned to Florida to help disperse my grandfather's estate, I had to play peace keeper between his four daughters, 2 of whom went off the deep end (the youngest, who are twins and one of whom was on benzos at such a high dosage she was off the Erowid charts). My mother completely detached from the proceedings, so it came down to my and my aunt who lives in FL to handle everything and be the responsible individuals (luckily my grandfather had had the foresight to make her the executrix of his estate).
Over the course of that summer I developed a ridiculous weed habit, smoking all day, everyday and that habit would stay with me through the first semester of my junior year of college. I spent my junior year researching entheogens in greater depth. I began to listen to more Mckenna, read more and more literature on Ayahuasca and dmt and wondered how or when I was ever going to encounter the stuff. I ordered some Aya ingredients off of BBB, but never got around to making it until my senior year. Junior year I spent doing a lot more research on entheogens than actually using them, and began to focus on making a career out of studying entheogens. By my second semester I had significantly cut down my cannabis habit and, after getting hit with mono, I took a good two 45 day break from any use whatsoever. I wrote several papers on entheogens from both an anthropological and political perspective.
Towards the end of the semester, as the result of getting some really awesome weed and my roommate showing it off to the wrong person, I wound up getting robbed at gunpoint. I wound up having a shotgun shoved into my stomach and getting marched up my stairs with a pistol to the back of my head. This experience never really settled in, or I never really came to grips with this experience. It has been messing with me in numerous ways since it occurred. However, at the time, I shrugged it off and continued with my schoolwork, finishing the semester successfully. However, before the semester ended and shortly after I had been robbed, I had my first real encounter with dmt. I had tried to smoke dmt once before when some friends of one of my roommate had brought by a couple remaining grains of spice and had me hit it off of some foil, but it really didnt do anything (for a number of reasons). So their friend who had extracted it was back in town and I got invited over to his house to take my first spice journey. I told the guy packing it I wanted enough to take the three hits I had heard Mckenna expound on so frequently. I should note that these were "druggy" friends of my roommate. Not very intellectual and were all treating me as though they were expecting me to bug out and entertain them by smoking this dmt.
They packed up a one-hitter for me and I hit the piece as long and hard as I could. I held the smoke in for what seemed to be an impossibly long time and then took another hit. I watched as my fingers twisted and split in a very alien manner. I then closed my eyes and leaned back against the bottom of the couch (I was seated on the carpeted floor). Instantly I died. I was out of my body, literally, my energy was in front of my face and I knew that I had died, I was outside of myself, but it felt like the most natural, wondrous feeling I had ever had. From a video that was taken of this experience, I know I had a massive grin on my face. As I took of through the tunnel that had appeared, twisting up towards the right corner of the room, I came into an area where I was in front of a massive, multicolored, shimmering Taj Mahal, it was so beautiful. After seeing this incredible structure for what felt like far too short of a time, I could feel myself coming back. I opened my eyes and said "It's so nice to know that this is always here". The people who were in the room were all watching me, very intrigued and somewhat disappointed that I had not provided them with the amusement they had been seeking.
As I left that house I KNEW it was time for me to extract my own. I got home and over the course of that weekend I ordered everything I needed for my extraction. I followed Shirley Knott's pictorial of Marsofold's Tek for my first extraction and yielded some very nice off-white and slightly yellow crystals. I initially made a lightbulb vaporizer, but had little success using a bic lighter, so I went out and got a jet lighter. However, I was still unhappy with the results I was getting. So a couple days after my first extraction I got a shalet. I don't know how much dmt I was smoking on those trips, all I knew is that I only wanted breakthrough experiences. I would pack up between a pea and a raisin amount of dmt (probably about 50-100mg) I pretty much never vaped it all, but i'd just add little amounts on top of the residue that was already in there, and it never failed. That was mid- April of last year. For the first 8 months of my relationship with DMT I was journeying upwards of 10-15 times per month (for the first three monhts it was literally daily), with 95% of the experiences being full breakthroughs lasting 5-10 minutes +. I introduced somewhere around 25 people to dmt, including all of my close friends. Even those who were not enamored with the experience said that it was the kind of thing they were glad they had done at least once. Some people found it an immensely helpful and life-changing experience (go figure ).
About three-and-a-half months into my dmt experiences, I stumbled upon the DMT Nexus while trying to figure out what the hell I had been experiencing. While reading Entropymancer's paper on jungle spice on one of those i-reader pages I found references to the Nexus and decided to see what the hell it was. After finding the website, I lurked here for about a week before joining. I couldn't believe the discussions that were taking place, I just had to be a part of this amazing community. It was unlike any forum I had ever seen before. Real discussions, real meaning, real depth, I couldn't believe such a place existed online. I joined a year ago and have been so grateful to be a part of this community ever since. I love you all so much and cannot thank you guys for making this place the amazing, wonderful community that it is, nor can I thank The Traveller enough for creating and maintaining this site better than any admin I have ever encountered. You are all in my thoughts on a daily basis and I don't know what I would do without you.
peace and love