Hello, Nexus! I am not a DMT user. I am not a supporter of DMT use. Although, neither am I one who is anti-DMT use. I am a skeptic. I research and study various subjects, from Evangelical Faith Healing to Psychic readings, and attempt to either prove or disprove the claims. A very good friend, perhaps my best friend I should say, introduced me to the concept of DMT recently. I have heard many things about DMT and have began reading different books on it. I've come to learn about the various "spiritual" experiences that DMT produces. I've heard murmurings (if not shouts) about how the user travels in and out of dimensions. I am very interested in learn more about this aspect of the DMT experience, and will be asking many questions in these forums. So in advance to that, thanks for all of your responses. I also have set up a page on Facebook where we can discuss these things. There is a link in my post in the "Open Discussion" area.