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Anadenthera colubrina / peregrina ,bufotenine , 5-OH-DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Well I'm not too if bufotenine is within the scope of this board or not but seeing as how this is such a nice place but a bit quiet , perhaps some are interested in the topic. Anadenthera Colubrina produces seeds that are the basis of the hallucinogenic snuff imbibed in parts of south america. For several years now the entheogenic enthusiasts community has reguarded the primary active constituent bufotenine, or 5-OH-DMT, as producing unpleasant effects. Some have gone so far as to state that the pleasant effects enjoyed by indigenous south americans is actually DMT or 5-MEO-DMT but analysis has time and again found only trace quantities of these tryptamines and large (up to 12%) quantities of bufotenine. Recently there has been quite a buzz on the topic on numerous boards and quite a bit of activity on the wikipedia entry for bufotenine. Part of this buzz owes to experiments done by Johnathan Ott whereby he found anadenthera based snuffs to be a pleasant and highly active hallucinogen that lasts about 2 hours . The effects of the snuff are also distinct from both 5-meo and DMT. Apparently, part of the process of creating a snuff that produces pleasant effects involves mixing roasted and pulverized seeds that have had the outer shell removed with ash or lime and a little water (1:4 ratio of seed to lime). The mush is kneeded and allowed to fully dry. This converts the form of bufotenine into a much less water soluble phenol that more readily crosses the blood brain barrier. So, if any of you have tried this or are interested in the topic please POST AWAY! The seeds are available at many online vendors and since 100 grams of seeds runs about 40 dollars the snuff is very inexpensive on a per dose basis and with effects that last only about 2 hours this has the potential to be a very versatile tool for inner exploration. Home
I have a friend who succeeded in making a freebase psilocin.he says it has quite a body load when smoked and resembles 5 meo.I yet have to try it out.
After reading numerous reports on erowid swim followed the process using pickling lime and water and recently sampled a small bit (once completely dry). The snuff wasn't nearly as painful as many indicate but the dose was a small bit and some poppy seed tea had been ingested by swim earlier so perhaps some desensitization had occured. The PST was part of the reason a larger dose wasn't taken.
[quote:976ef67e8a="zero"]There was actually an extremely interesting report/preparation added to Erowid yesterday. It provoked me to consider giving this a shot... http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=64707[/quote:976ef67e8a] Yah - very interesting. And finally an explaination of why my friend was getting fuck-all yields from a plant that reportedly contained 12% alks and why what he did get felt like 5MEO. Another fairy to chase now though. Another procedure to work out. Sigh. 8)
Noman said:
[quote:66fa1e0963="zero"] Another fairy to chase now though. Another procedure to work out. Sigh. 8)[/quote:66fa1e0963] Yeah, I was quite elated to find another fairy to chase. I was getting bored. :p
My friend in Antarctica writes: "Okay, I worked up 15g of cebil exactly as our friend Baron describes in the Erowid post. The only exception was that after the acid extraction, the resulting dried material wasn't a goo, it was more like a hard fruit leather (it peeled off the plate in a sheet) and it was completely insoluable in IPA - the alcohol didn't even take on a color. The material dissolved readily in water however, so I made a thin syrup of that and added an equal amount (7.5g) of calcium hydroxide. This made a pea green paste of the reddish brown syrup which dried overnight to becone black and hard as a rock. The black rock was crushed in a mortar and pestle and extracted with acetone three times. The last extraction was noticably lighter than the first two so I called it good at this point. These extractions were combined and evaporated and I've just scraped up 300mg of dark brown slightly sticky material with a distinct indole scent to it. Bioassay to follow. I've included the extraction part of the Erowid article below for reader's easy reference." [i:cead0414c1]So I played around quite a bit and finally invented my own very extraction technique. Here’s how it’s done. Boil the powdered beans in water made pH 3 with hydrochloric acid for about an hour, and then filter out the beans, and repeat 2 more times with new water, also made pH 3 with hydrochloric acid. Concentrate the combined water extracts down and evaporate to leave some solid brownish gunk. Weigh this gunk and measure out an equal portion of calcium hydroxide (the same pickling lime used to make Yopo and Vilca snuff!). Dissolve the gunk in a small amount of isopropyl alcohol, just enough to make it a thick syrupy liquid, then add an equal portion of water, then mix in the calcium hydroxide. Mix it very well. You don’t want any clumps. It should be the consistency of thick pea soup. Let it sit for about 6 hours for the calcium hydroxide to react with the bufotenine, creating the basic salt calcium bufotenate. Now evaporate it (you can use an oven at 300 F for this step). Once it’s evaporated completely add a generous portion of acetone. Mix it well. The acetone won’t dissolve any of the calcium hydroxide, or much else, but will easily dissolve the calcium bufotenate. Let it sit an hour or more for the non-soluble particles to sink to the bottom, once the acetone takes on a clear dark amber color, poor your mix through a filter to obtain the acetone. You can repeat the acetone extraction with new acetone a few more times until its clear. Evaporate the combined acetone to get an extremely potent extract that is nearly 90% pure calcium bufotenine, which is one of the most potent forms of bufotenine. It’s the form found in properly make Yopo and Vilca snuff that has been used for thousands of years in South America. It’s more psychoactive than free-base bufotenine and much more psychoactive than the acidic salt form found in the unprocessed beans.[/i:cead0414c1]
Can't wait the results of bioassay !! :) One question to be sure to understand, your friend got 7.5 of dried extract from 15 g of seeds ?
Okay so finally he gets to it: A lump about the size of a large grain of rice (didn't have access to a scale at the time) was dropped into a chickenbone type base pipe and when a torch was applied the bulb immediately filled with vapor. He took the hit and held it. The taste was distinctly tryptamine, mustier and more plantlike than the plasticy taste of DMT. There was nothing for awhile and he let out the hit thinking that he must not have gotten enough and then at about the two minute point it came on. Body feeling very heavy, he could move but it took a lot of effort and concentration. A vague disassociated feeling - "somethings different, what? oh yeah, Im on a drug". With eyes closed there were no visuals but the blackness had a depth and dimension like he was seeing in various shades of black. With eyes open things had that sort of fuzzy glow that he associates with DMT. He was back to baseline in twenty minutes. He returned to the pipe. This time when he applied the torch, the lump sizzled and melted before putting off any vapor and he got a good thick hit going before toking. He did two more in quick succession, not exhaling but putting them on top of each other. The third toke was way more acrid and tasted way less of tryptamine so he figured most of the alks were gone at that point. Again, it took about two minutes before he really felt anything. Then he slumped in his chair. Extreme lethargy - he could move but had absolutely no desire to. Eyes closed he was encased in spinning diamond shapes on all sides. Still, everything was dark. Like a negative of a DMT trip. He was completely lost in this for what he estimates to be fifteen minutes and then it ocurred to open his eyes. The open eye visuals weren't much stronger than with the smaller hit. The sedation was though. He had no desire to do anything but sit slouched and unmoving for another forty five minutes during which the CEVs dissipated. I'd say this one is well worth exploring folks.:D
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