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Anahuasca Adventure

Migrated topic.


I have really enjoyed DMT the last few times I've done it (Turns out I'm pretty resilient to psyches, and have to predose with harmala) and I thought I'd try my hand with some ayahuasca(anahuasca, mimosahuasca; what have you). I used black banisteriopsis caapi, and mimosa hostilis. A friend and I took our caapi brew, waited 20 minutes, and then downed the Mimosa tea. The familiar calm I've learned to associate with harmala extracts slowly creeps over me, and I begin to smile. In total darkness, with meditation music playing, we laid for 4 hours, only speaking a few times, and only vague relations to moments in our trip.

I remember lying there with my eyes closed, as light started to streak through my vision; very faint and dim to start, growing in magnitude and intensity rather quickly. "Are you feeling it?" My friend and I said near in unison... I took his inquiry as a yes, as I'd assume he took mine as well. For nearly 10 minutes I flew through these whimsical ribbons of white light, when they started taking on different colors... At this point, I'm rather excited and the colors start to take different forms. Many convoluted to start, and then these images seemed to start dividing themselves across the vertical axis of my vision, left side being warm, mostly red and orange, and the right side being cool, mostly blues and white. Both sides are radiating as the converge in the center to form two kissing faces; Left, red, masculine, and right, blue, feminine. I remember the energy of the masculine figure flowed from his eyes out, along the outline of his profile in both directions, from his forehead(presumably his third eye) and the feminine figure flowed from her mouth, out and around... Both energies dissipated in the peripherals of my vision as wispy hair.

All of a sudden it's black and white flashes, and out of the oscillating grey-scale extremes, mushrooms start to gain definition. Black and white stripes form a waving band, and I feel as though I'm traveling along this band as if it were a path of some sort. This goes on for a minute; mushrooms whizzing by... I can see a void in the distances and it approaches quickly... I fall into this void(which now feels like a black-hole or worm-hole maybe?) and it dumps me out into my elementary school playground. Everything is the same except for the tunnel I slid out of, and the fact that it was surrounded by what appeared to be the walls of a caldera(mouth of a volcano). I don't recall it ever looking like this, and yet, I cant feel it looking any other way! It felt like paradise, I could hear waves crashing, and found myself wondering why I ever left this place.

I don't remember much after this because the density of the information stream was intense. As if to sense my being overwhelmed, the trip slowly subsided in a fashion that I wasn't exactly sure at what point I was "down". I look forward to doing another brew, but will be going with a pharmahuasca using pure extracts; in efforts to narrow desirable results to my individual needs for any variant of "mild" to "intense" experiences. Finding these plants have given me new purpose, and new found faith in "the other".

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