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Analysis - When god wants to make a man powerful - Denzel Washington


R151ng 5tar
Outtake of speech:
When god wants to make a man powerful he always shreds him into peaces first.
Never forget it is a process with god.
Without pain there will be no growth.
So accept the pain. Embrace the pain.
Because god is there to ask you: do you really want to achieve your goals?
And when you start walking with god people will stop walking with you. not because they do not like you. But because you are about to sacrefice things.
They are not willing to sacrefice.
And when god takes you to deep waters not everyone will be able to swim with you.
However do not confuse movement with progress.
Because you can run in place but not get anything done.
I want you to take a moment and think.
Are you moving forward?
Who are you taking with?
And how are you making things better?
By gods given power.
You have a gift you were born with it.
Now it is time for you to develop that gift.
You need to do anything necessary to protect it and then you share it.
The process won`t be easy.
But trust in gods plan.
Keep pushing forward and never give up.
God bless you.
~Denzel Washington


- First thing I dislike about this is that he used "man" instead of "someone".
- I am personally not really believing
into human created religions. But something/somewhat created the universe or the reality. I believe in something but I am not able to give it a name. However, this is secondary.

When god wants to make a man powerful he always shreds him into peaces first.
Never forget it is a process with god.
Without pain there will be no growth.
I would have used the word "strong" instead of "powerful".
But I think I understand his message.
Noting was/is/will be easy in life.
We knew this when we were a child.
Where the first few steps seemed very hard.
The fear of falling or drowning when we learned to ride a bike or swim.
The fear of failure when we had exams.

But did we forget about this mechanics?
That effort is involved for succeeding achievements?
Or did we want to forget it?
Was the effort bigger then the motivation of success?
Or was it a matter of interest and decision?

It would be unfair from me to only restrict it only to this.
Some do not really have a choice and are forced to that, the way it is.
I am opting this special scenarious out as I think they require a unique analsysis.
But I would be happy if we would communicate even about these.

So accept the pain. Embrace the pain.
Because god is there to ask you: do you really want to achieve your goals?
Learning or pushing forward will be a lot easier when accepting the effort.
If we look again at the example where a child learned to walk, did it think about the effort?
Is there a healthy child on this planet who did not learn to walk?
Children probably do not know the meaning of "effort", right?
Does not knowing that concept of effort make it easier to act?
And did we decide to stop pushing forward because we focus too much on the effort and too less on the motivation of the result?

IMO it is a personal decision if someone has goals at all.
But is it even possible to have no goals at all?
It is even more personal and private which specific goal someone has for himself.
And this should be tolerated.
We do not have to justify about it although we could agree or disagree with HIS/HER decision.

And when you start walking with god people will stop walking with you. not because they do not like you. But because you are about to sacrefice things.
They are not willing to sacrefice.
And when god takes you to deep waters not everyone will be able to swim with you.
The most common way how communites are formed is because of shared interests imo.
If this interests changes it is then a matter of tolerance and acceptance.
Only because someone has different interests it is no reason to shrink the community imo.

The scenario looks a bit different with groups/teams imo.
Everyone in the group/team has or at least should have the same goals.
They should pull the rope together.
Sometimes it means hard work and an investment of a lot of time in order to achieve this goals together.
With this scenario people would have to sacrefice time and put effort into.
If then someone is not willing to contribute there is a higher likelyhood that he will not achieve this goal or even worse that the enite team will not achieve it.
Then there are individuals who are overachieving which can lead to "deeper waters".
Basically new opportunities.
They can surely do whatever is possible to pull others with them.
But this works only to a specific degree and depends on a lot of factors like will, contribution, experience, how fast someone learns, personal obstacles,...

However do not confuse movement with progress.
Because you can run in place but not get anything done.
I want you to take a moment and think.
Are you moving forward?
Who are you taking with?
And how are you making things better?
By gods given power.
This is one of the reason why I quit my last job.
Sometimes you can put in all the imagineable effort but when it has no impact why waste your energy?
You can spend hours of meetings and make suggestions or communicate why situations are the way they are,
but if none cares nothing changes/gets done.
In this situation my answer to "Are you moving forward" was "No".
The reason why something had to change.

I like this statement a lot "Who are you taking with?".
Because it highlights the importance of a team.
It is not enough to be successful as a single person in a group/team/department/company/whatever.
Anything else would be fake.
If we take an employmentship as an example, then your rise depends on the success of the company.
And the success of a company depends on the success of EVERY individual.

The statement "By gods given power." makes the content "just" more motivating.

You have a gift you were born with it.
Now it is time for you to develop that gift.
I view the "gift" as the being everyone is.
Individual people can have a very big impact.
And when it is only about sharing your thoughts.
Because this thoughts can be shared again.

I view society as a big system.
Systems are composed by sub-systems which are composed by even smaller parts.
Thoughts and talk can have a very big impact.
I fear some are not aware of it.

A human body can weight multiple kg/punds, but a single virus can infect, spread and kill a body.
How much does a virus weight?

Although I do not really see issues with talking about facts, independently if they are negative or positive.
Sometimes we need to be aware of the negativity in order to be able to think about how we could make things better.
But there has to be some sort of balance imo.
The intention of communicating negative points should be to brainstorm for possible solutions.
And not to just spread the negativity like a virus poisioning the society even more while not even wanting to think about or accept solutions.
And this is the big difference.

As we learned to walk as a child.
We had to develop in order to be able to run.
I think this can be applied to a lot of activities.

You need to do anything necessary to protect it and then you share it.
The process won`t be easy.
Doing "anything" to protect something can be viewed a bit negative imo.
But I think the tellers intention was/is good.
So doing anything neccessary but not "controversal" to protect it was what he wanted to express.

But trust in gods plan.
Keep pushing forward and never give up.
God bless you.
Words are very pwoerful.
Independently of my beleives, this causes sort of hope and motivation.
Hope is a very important topic IMO.

Everyone has hard times. Some longer some harder then others.
But it is the hope which helps us to stand firm.
I like to memorise what caused hope for me and think about it when required.
In tough times even with hope we can not perform the same way as usually.
But hope helps use to make the best out of it.
Nice quote and nice analysis! I also think "powerful" could also be kind of a macho idea perhaps because to me it implies power over others. I would be interested to know how he considers powerful to be. I kind of presume no matter how evolved I become I won't be especially powerful. I'm pretty laid back and nice. I presume it is spiritual power, so I wonder what that means to him.
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