Hermes Trismegistus
First of all, I must say that I'm surprised and delighted that such a community exists on the internet. The quality and quantity of information here is truly impressive. From what I've seen so far, the respectfulness and decency with which members conduct themselves here is also remarkable. I look forward to getting to know the members.
Up Till Now
In the search for meaning in my life, I came across the recorded lectures of the revered Terence McKenna. I can say with certainty that his influence is responsible for leading me down this enchanted path of exploration. My first encounter with this wondrous being's immortal message had me immediately captivated. I began to search for more of his material in a somewhat frenzied manner. I felt a sincere sadness when I learnt that McKenna had died in 2000 but also this caused his message to take on a new personal meaning for me. I immediately began to feel a responsibility for doing my utmost to contribute to the great work. If it is at all possible to say this with even a minute grain of modesty, I feel that I am to become a part of the continuation of his efforts. Not the sole inheritor of his intrepid spirit, but rather an inspired individual who has been deeply affected by his genuine and heartfelt attempt to transcend the isolation of the human experience.
I come here as someone who has contributed to the Shroomery for just over one year. Being there has given me insight into modern psychedelic culture, and taught me many lessons about discipline and self-development. I have a fairly intense interest in psychedelics which began around one year ago. By learning the basics of mushroom cultivation, I was able to provide myself with my first psychedelic experience. And so it began..
My Involvement with the Entheogens
I consider myself an experienced user of cannabis, with 6 years of very regular use behind me. During this period my use has fluctuated from overuse, to abuse, to no use and finally to disciplined enjoyment. I have used cannabis recreationally and socially but as a strongly introverted person I find it better suited to quiet introspection. I continue to use it nightly and reflect upon my existence and other big questions.
My first encounter with psilocybin was a large step for me, my first attempt at growing failed, setting me back several weeks. My next attempt succeeded and I began to reap the rewards. I was scared when I began to feel the rushing sensation of the come up. The first experience seemed a little overwhelming but I persevered, edging deeper into it. To date I have only a handful of experiences with the mushroom but an enormous respect for its power. I am sure that I will never forget the splendour of those first few experiences. I feel pleased that the mushroom has allowed me to create some worthwhile and poignant memories. I am sure that it will play an interesting role in my future.
Today, the spice has entered my life. I have been reading the forums here to gain some understanding of what the spice truly is. Although I have the opportunity, I do not feel ready to take on the challenge. But as I understand it, nobody is ever, or could ever be ready for the direct experience of the spice.
My Intentions
While it may sound maniacal to say that I feel as though I have been 'selected by fate', I am unable to find the words to phrase it any differently. And thus, such a saying must reflect my true feelings. It is my fate to explore the realms of within and do my part to contribute to the understanding of the human experience. I have aspirations to become a writer, I am inspired by existentialist philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. To describe the experience of being in such ways that allow me to connect to others who feel isolated by culture, individuality and the human body is my intention and my passion.
It is my hope that with the support of this community, I am able to venture into the intriguing world of DMT and experience more of the mystery.
First of all, I must say that I'm surprised and delighted that such a community exists on the internet. The quality and quantity of information here is truly impressive. From what I've seen so far, the respectfulness and decency with which members conduct themselves here is also remarkable. I look forward to getting to know the members.
Up Till Now
In the search for meaning in my life, I came across the recorded lectures of the revered Terence McKenna. I can say with certainty that his influence is responsible for leading me down this enchanted path of exploration. My first encounter with this wondrous being's immortal message had me immediately captivated. I began to search for more of his material in a somewhat frenzied manner. I felt a sincere sadness when I learnt that McKenna had died in 2000 but also this caused his message to take on a new personal meaning for me. I immediately began to feel a responsibility for doing my utmost to contribute to the great work. If it is at all possible to say this with even a minute grain of modesty, I feel that I am to become a part of the continuation of his efforts. Not the sole inheritor of his intrepid spirit, but rather an inspired individual who has been deeply affected by his genuine and heartfelt attempt to transcend the isolation of the human experience.
I come here as someone who has contributed to the Shroomery for just over one year. Being there has given me insight into modern psychedelic culture, and taught me many lessons about discipline and self-development. I have a fairly intense interest in psychedelics which began around one year ago. By learning the basics of mushroom cultivation, I was able to provide myself with my first psychedelic experience. And so it began..
My Involvement with the Entheogens
I consider myself an experienced user of cannabis, with 6 years of very regular use behind me. During this period my use has fluctuated from overuse, to abuse, to no use and finally to disciplined enjoyment. I have used cannabis recreationally and socially but as a strongly introverted person I find it better suited to quiet introspection. I continue to use it nightly and reflect upon my existence and other big questions.
My first encounter with psilocybin was a large step for me, my first attempt at growing failed, setting me back several weeks. My next attempt succeeded and I began to reap the rewards. I was scared when I began to feel the rushing sensation of the come up. The first experience seemed a little overwhelming but I persevered, edging deeper into it. To date I have only a handful of experiences with the mushroom but an enormous respect for its power. I am sure that I will never forget the splendour of those first few experiences. I feel pleased that the mushroom has allowed me to create some worthwhile and poignant memories. I am sure that it will play an interesting role in my future.
Today, the spice has entered my life. I have been reading the forums here to gain some understanding of what the spice truly is. Although I have the opportunity, I do not feel ready to take on the challenge. But as I understand it, nobody is ever, or could ever be ready for the direct experience of the spice.
My Intentions
While it may sound maniacal to say that I feel as though I have been 'selected by fate', I am unable to find the words to phrase it any differently. And thus, such a saying must reflect my true feelings. It is my fate to explore the realms of within and do my part to contribute to the understanding of the human experience. I have aspirations to become a writer, I am inspired by existentialist philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. To describe the experience of being in such ways that allow me to connect to others who feel isolated by culture, individuality and the human body is my intention and my passion.
It is my hope that with the support of this community, I am able to venture into the intriguing world of DMT and experience more of the mystery.