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Anhydrous Acetone question

Migrated topic.


ओं मणिपद्मे हूं
Once again greetings everybody !!:love:

I was experimenting with some extractions lately , but since my chemistry knowledge is very limited , i have some kindergarten questions about couple of methods .

Here it goes . I prepaired a bottle of some Acetone a couple of months ago , witch still has Magnesium Sulfate in it . Actually i was hoping to keep it that way because of ease of use , and anytime when i need some Anhydrous Acetone , i just could filter it and be sure that my Acetone has no water in it . All that because in place i live , air humidity is quite high all the time , and im a little paranoid about filtering all the Acetone at once , in another bottle. I believe that some humidity will get in it sooner or later.

What do you think guys , does after two months my Acetone witch still has Magnesium Sulfate in it , is still good to use ? Or does it go bad and my idea about keeping it that way was not good ..

Thank you in advance guys:thumb_up:

Best regards
Mindlusion thank you so much for taking your time and answering , i really appreciate it ..:thumb_up:

And yes sir , the magnesium sulfate was anhydrous , dried in the oven 😉

Best regards
This is how I would do it:

- Weight 200g magnesium sulfate (Epson salts)
- Place it on an baking dish covered with Aluminum foil
- Heat it at 200 C for 2 hours
- Collect the anhydrous magnesium sulfate
- Store it in an air tight container for future use

- Fill a 500ml bottle with the solvent to be dehydrated (Acetone)
- Add 25g of anhydrous magnesium sulfate
- Shake and let settle for a day prior use
- Always keep the magnesium sulfate in the bottle
- For usage extract anhydrous Acetone from above with a pipette

- The magnesium sulfate should hold 2x its weight in water
- 25 g anhydrous magnesium sulfate holds 50 g water
- 50 g water is > 10% volume of 500ml Acetone
- When you get below 100ml, discard the Acetone

You could try to re-use the left over Acetone:
- Add it to 25g anhydrous magnesium sulfate and wait a day
- Decant the Acetone away from the the magnesium sulfate
- Add the Acetone with new Acetone (500ml total) to new magnesium sulfate (25g)

You can re-use the magnesium sulfate:
- re-heat in the oven for 2 hrs at 200 C

Good luck!
some one thank you so much for taking your time and sharing the info !!!

I really appreciate it:thumb_up:

Best regards
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