Ok, back to the drawing board.
After finally finishing the extraction I ended up with a reasonable amount of brownish goo. Which has a distinct smell, as I have no much experience with the goo Im not sure if it was what I was looking for.
I infused the goo into some peppermint leaf and light away... with very little success. I had a very heavily sedated feeling and managed to finish off the whole of leaf only adding to a heavier sedated feeling.
I have since been back into the bush and have a funny feeling that I may have been running the very fine line between Maidenii and Concurrens with my identification, coupled with the fact 90% of all the trees in this grove have just finished flowering, which i guess could be adding to the situation.
Though after the excursion into the bush, with a friend with an infinite amount of knowledge compared to mine on acacias has helped my positively identify the difference between the Maidenii and Concurrens.
So stay posted.