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Another confused nexian

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello my friends,
here i introduce myself again.
I am a shredded I, with no purpose, full of complexes and sadness.
Irrational and superstitous believer in spirituality.
No job, trying to study engineering with a damaged mind which lacks concentration.
No girlfriend, a few friends, but problems with expressing myself the way I want.

My life seems to be a huge mess built on hopes and superstition.

What else is to say about me?

I had about 10-20 experiences in hyperspace, some deep, some brutal, some spiritual, some meaningless, some full of awareness.
But ultimately where did it lead me to?

I'm here, I'm broke, I'm desperate.

This is not to be understood as some kind of "don't do drugs"-post.

I realized certain things in my life, that's all.
This is all a bunch of synthesis of various problems which are caused by family and social issues.

Hope i can be positive again, but at the moment I just realized how fucked up my life and my body is.

Good luck

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough time, mr. DMT. The only consolation I can offer is that we have all been there and shall all return; get through it (and you will) and enjoy the other side when it comes back around and don't take it for granted as so many people do. These things happen in waves, and we just have to remember to ride the crests and appreciate the view, and when in the tube to know that darkness is only temporary. One thing I have learned is that you only drown if you want to...

So chin up and swim with all ya got!:)

Good luck,

Sorry to hear that you're feeling like that right now. I haven't got the answer to your problems, but i would say: stay away from psychedelics for a while. You love Osho don't you? Then go on, read a lot. There is a lot of wisdom in his books, try to bring some positive elements in your life. Look for a hobby, go running, make music,...
I'm more and more convinced that psychedelics aren't right for people that are very unbalanced, sad or even depressed. Maybe the substances just made you more aware of your ongoing problems and anxieties. Now it's the time to work on it, or even look for professional help.
I wish you all the best and i'm sending you lots of love...
Have hope – things will change. They always do.

Contrary to what some people might think, I don’t believe that DMT is a cure-all. Those who use DMT with the expectation that it will solve their problems or heal them are often disappointed.

This isn’t to say that DMT doesn’t have healing potential. It does what it does, not necessarily what we want it to do. And mostly what it does (for me at least) is show me another place, another plane of existence – “the immaterial realm”. It shows me my relationship to that place.

I’m not sure how knowledge of an immaterial realm can benefit someone in a practical day-to-day kind of way. It has given me a better appreciation of life, a certain amount of peace and contentment. And that’s enough for me.
Mr_DMT I'm sorry to hear about your situation.

Sometimes when we go to hyperspace, we can think it offers answers to our problems in life. And sometimes, I believe it can help - but it isn't, imo, a silver bullet.

Everything I have seen has told me that I need to do the work here, on Earth, in my life, and I have to do it. Whoever it is I meet in hyperspace has made that absolutely clear. They can show me, but I must do it.

Perhaps the most valuable insight is that we discover that we CAN change things in our lives. Things that I believed were beyond me. I hope that you find the strength to do this to your benefit. All I would say to you is that nothing lasts forever, and things can change. I hope sincerely that for you, they change for the better and that you can find hope.
Sounds like you're stuck in negative thought patterns. Read "The New Mood Therapy, by David D. Burns".

And be sure to get some sort of physical exercise, aiming for three times a week for 45 mins. I like yoga.

I'm broke, I have no girlfriend and very few friends that I see, can relate to or want to see these days, and I get easily distracted from doing the things I should be doing to better my life. But still, I'm happy, and that book did a lot to help me achieve that. Happiness is a trick that can be learnt, I promise. So, I think you can be happy too, it may take time, but you can get there :)

I know how tough life can be sometimes. We all go through ups and downs, and specially when we're down in the valleys, its hard to see whats on the other side of the seemingly uncrossable mountains (or hard even to imagine that there IS something beyond them). But do know that "this too shall pass"... Just try to learn as much as you can from the difficulties because they are great learning opportunities!

If you dont do that already, I suggest regular exercise and a healthy diet, this really makes a LOT of difference in our well-being.

All the best to you!
Talk with people about your problems. Even if you find that difficult.
Things that are difficult will become easier when you start doing them more often. Contact with other human beings is the most important factor in keeping both feets firmly on the ground.
And try to think in a positive way. Trying helps.
sorry to hear that, id be greatfull to be considered your friend Mr_DMT. when im down i try to find joy in the simple things maybe that will work for you?

peace to you my friend
88 said:
Perhaps the most valuable insight is that we discover that we CAN change things in our lives. Things that I believed were beyond me.

Ayahuasca certainly helped me discover that I could change things in my life. Im much more motivated and my diet is the best its ever been and I only use a few things recreationally, mainly cactus. The insights dmt and aya gave me really did show me what I was doing to my body. If it wasnt for ayahuasca I probably would have continued my unhealthy destructive ways.

If you have other things going on in your life mr dmt I would steer clear of psychs, I remember being unemployed in my teens and doing a lot of mushrooms and it would give me bad trips and depress me and be of no use whatsoever, it made my mental state a lot worse. as folks said diet and excercise helps your mind and once you are in a better place mentally maybe they could help again, their my biggest motivator for clean living and benefit me greatly. Unlike 3-4 years ago where I would take them to get fucked up tbh.

good luck and much love!!
Thank you all for your loving support and warm words.
I ordered the book you recommended, ohayoco.

Thank you

Mr Dmt

I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time my friend. I would advice taking a break from entheogens for a while and rather concentrating on creating harmony and positivity within yourself. Exercise, a healthy diet, enough sleep, meditation, yoga and spending some of your time surrounded by natural beauty all will contribute greatly in helping you achieve that balance and happiness within yourself.

A couple of natural supplements I find work wonders during low moments : 1. Siberian Ginseng - Promotes enhanced energy, concentration and memory, is also an adaptogen. 2. 5-HTP - helps to increase serotonin production in the brain, which may positively influence mood, sleep and appetite. 3. Melatonin - May prove useful for insomnia. 4. Tryptophan - Enhances mood and reduces anxiety. Please consult your health care professional before taking any of the suggested supplements. I hope some of my suggestions may help you out in some small way. Wishing you all the best and please do keep us updated....

Much Peace and Compassion
College can be a really tough time for a lot of people. Typically, once you make it into the work world things get a bit easier. So try to keep that in mind, and power through your last years of school (before the money starts rolling in).
Flower essences have been helping in me release some negativity. Agrimony is useful for being able to express yourself and your feelings. Take care :)
I feel your words deeply, like others have said we have all been there and we will all be back.

I try to enjoy even the bad times. Quoting Vanilla sky here "the sweet would never be as great without the bitter"

The way i see it is its an experience, and as a psychonaut i have to push my self to get through each and everyone, so

i can experience the next one. Emotions are powerful things, i appreciate them for what they are, even when im

screaming my lungs in anger, or crying my eyes out in desperation. you are not alone.
Mr_DMT, I can really relate to what you said here.

For years I have made a disaster out of my life, abusing drugs, failing in school and neglecting social interaction.

If I've learned anything about this stuff, it's that I must completely surrender to the truth if I ever want to improve my situation. My brain is very good at lying to itself and ignoring the most obvious problems with my behavior. It's soooo easy to pretend I can't fix things that I don't bother trying.

Complete surrender to the truth must include the positive perspective, or it isn't complete. You can improve. It's a fact. Your ability to enact change in this world is the only thing that separates you from the rest of the universe. It's the innate truth of every human being and it is the only way forward.
mr. dmt, sorry to hear about your confused state; in addition to all the above posts, i would highly recommend you watch this video by adyashanti -"the cause of suffering". it has some invaluable insights that helped me "perceive correctly" during the times that i was feeling down. hope this helps:d
I can relate to your issue as I am pretty much in the same spot I spend half my time trying to figure out how I am going to pay the rent and I have basically run out of stuff to sell. I am a unemployed student trying to get a degree in mechanical and materials engineering. At 38 years old and a pretty hefty case of A.D.D. and plagued with sciatica it's not easy. Plus my stupidity of youth I defaulted on student loans when I was young so I cant get any kind of financial aid whatsoever. I have no clue how I am going to pay my tuition when I get to the university after my 2 years at seminole state is up. I could get a job but I can't do that and school and I made a commitment.

Even when things are at their worst I tell myself that there are many people far worse off than me in this world. Somehow in some way things tend to work out in the end. Stick in there you'll be fine.
Today, things are better again.
I was at a my lowest emotional state on the day I wrote that post.

I'm feeling a lot better now.
Seeing life and my tasks in a much more positive light.

Thank you all, you helped me a lot aquiring the new state of being.
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