day 2- the wake-up call....
so, of ALL the medicine i brought with me to this paradise, for some reason i TOTALLY underestimated this salvia tincture. not in a dismissive, disrespectful way or anything...but i somehow was convinced that since i was not smoking it the effects would be not that big.
so- i encourage you ALL to read this thoroughly to hopefully avoid the serious wake-up call i just went through....without question THE MOST INTENSE psychedelic experience i've ever had to date. no question. i'm STILL shaken as i recant this to you....
i've got it all planned out. i just took a full gram of kavalactone extract and my entire head is numb and i feel like i'm made out of silicon. a giant foamy bath the size of my bedroom back at my house steams invitingly for me to melt into it. the panoramic bay window that surrounds the tub hangs over the sound and with the lights out (except for a couple candles) all i see are stars and shapes of islands. waves lapping and whalesong fill my ears. setting is handled.
set...however...was not.
don't get me wrong- i was on a full gr. of kava and could NOT be more blissed out. i was submerged in frothy warmth and every sensorial factor was getting the equivalent of a shiatsu massage. i couldn't have been more prepped to do ANYTHING. so....i reach for the bottle of green goddess salvia tincture from sage wisdom. i read the enclosed brochure and decide that i'm going to take 3 FULL droppers undiluted sublingual. this is the high end of "moderate" on the dosage chart. now...i say that my "set" was off and this is how: i COMPLETELY underestimated the potency of this tincture. perhaps the kava potentiated it...i'm not sure...but within about 5 minutes (was supposed to hold it for 15 minutes) i began to get the sensation that something massive was en route. so strong was this feeling that i literally bolted up from this heavenly setting and, with the urgency of someone who's house was on fire, i began to towel off and get dressed.
salvia is, without question, the strongest psychedelic known. period.
now it's a race against i'm frantically putting on clothing, my socks are melting into my feet and my arms are pouring out of my shirt sleeves. i am being unzipped, unfolded....all i can think to do is make it to the living room where there is a giant patch of empty carpet. i must make it there and lay sprawled on my back. every step i take toward the living room i am being eaten by the floor. 10 feet away now and i am on my hands and knees crawling. the instant i flop onto my back i am enveloped. overgrown like a shoe left in a field for, grass...spring out of me...through me...i am lost. the intensity is beyond anything my arrogant ass had prepped itself for.
this experience was a testament to my ability to surrender. once i was enveloped and taken, i surrendered completely. the "god-me" that cannot be destroyed began a humble dialogue with this undeniably female energy. i asked her if she liked the kava....
serpents flew through me, devoured me, shit me out...the salvia spirit regarded the "kava" much as a child would look at a momentary curiosity....then moved on. i felt that i was about to be reprimanded. not in a mean, evil way...but in a "i need to show you exactly who i am so that you will NEVER have anything other that the utmost respect when even uttering my name" kind of way. and this is where i experienced something i've NEVER experienced before. ever.
as if i were a child being yanked up by his collar, i was literally YANKED up onto my feet, turned around, and "taken" to the back door. i could not formulate words...i was trying to say something all hippy like "yes mother, show me what you will" but all that came out was gurgling blather...besides, my bitch ass didn't need to say anything...i just needed to shut up and pay attention. the salvia spirit literally put me on like a cheap suit and walked me right outside. my eyes were a little wild as i literally bore witness to my "possession". i couldn't do anything.....i simply watched as i walked on my tip toes almost falling forward all the way down to the water front and dropped onto my hands and knees into the shallow water. the water flowed through me, into me...the cold was more of a sound frequency that a palpable sensation. as quickly as i was thrown down, i was yanked back up and drug back upstairs. now i was taken out the front door and into a copse of treeS. thrown up against a giant conifer until the moss grew all over me and the tree ate, processed and shit me back out.
for a moment, i felt terror. truly. the terror of "if this spirit wanted to, she could march my powerless ass right off a cliff and i wouldn't be able to do fuckall about it!"....almost as if sensing this, i was immediately filled with this sense of motherly love that i've never known before. a sadness accompanied it..almost like she was sad that she had to be so stern with me but that it was for my own good...
....the journey lasted over an hour before i had any sense of self-control again. 90 minutes later and was STILL having OEVs and CEVs, but compared to what i had just experienced, it was nothing....i was truly happy just to be alive.
in reflection- i feel that all other entheogens/psychedelics that i have worked with up to this point are "mirrors" of a sort. even DMT that i love...after over 100 journeys, i have begun to feel that the world i go to, the entities i meet...they are all mirrors or facets of myself.... SALVIA, however, is the first instance where i felt that i was undeniably inhabited by ANOTHER spirit. as i sit here, thoroughly shaken, i am of the strong opinion that in the world of psychedelics..salvia is queen. never again will i approach her with anything but respect and humility.
sorry for the long one...that was as much for me as for you guys