i know exactly what you're talking about my friend....salvia is much different than many triptamines and entheogens as a whole. unlike most of them, it does NOT work in conjunction with the seratonin system in the brain.....it is a kappa opioid receptor agonist and as such, makes no promises of the "love" and "bliss" that seratonin can impart. it is a raw experience. a powerful and, if you're not ready, terrifying one...
for some time i tried salvia in it's many incarnations- dried leaf, extracted dried leaf (did NOT like), tincture (got my balls slapped pretty hard) and most recently, quidding fresh leaves...
as rough as that tincture experience was, it did do something pivotal for me and my relationship with the sacred sage- it introduced me to her on quite a personal level. she gave me a real sit-down that day....no joke....but i've since cultivated quite a formidable bush of salvia here in my living room and have tried imbibing her the way (in my humble opinion) she prefers to be communed with. the quid method. about 15 leaves chewed up into a wad and stuck in my cheek to slowly leak the bitter essence into my body.
the journey is much different as well- MUCH more friendly and (this is the best part) MUCH more USEABLE in terms of lessons and work.
for me- the extracts and, if i'm not careful, the tincture can be just too much. it can just blow you apart with no opportunity to even bring anything back other than, "holy mother of shit!!! what just happened to me??!?!"
i would strongly recommend if you have the space to grow a couple plants...pray to them...nurture them....fill them with righteous intent and, while you're at it, COMMUNICATE with them as much as possible. i've got a beautiful journeyman's garden going at this point filled with peyote, san pedro, salvia, and sacred weed (MJ) as well as a mycology kit i use to flush up some holy fungus on occasion. i play my guitar, sing, read passages from books, flatter, flirt and just plain BOND with all of these beings.
...they in turn show me the great unknown.
seems like a pretty sweet relationship if you ask me!