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Any new courses or podcasts about permaculture or sustainable living?

Migrated topic.


Software engineer
Senior Member
Hey fellow Nexians

I will be leaving with a few friends to build a farm in a very nice place within a village of 60.
This being said, we are looking to be as sustainable as possible. In every possible way.
I need everything I can get, courses, podcasts, youtube channels. This subforum has been quite for some time now, anyone has anything interesting ?
I am about to read this.
and some cool stuff here

Some stuff you can glean from this guy but not totally organic, however very practical knowledge
Anything by Curtis Stone [type: curtis stone urban farmer]. Mostly off his youtube channel. Incredible human being. :)

Not that you would want to lean into profiting from your garden/plot, though he outlines sound methods and practices for a sustainable grow-life, and on using very little land.

Not sure how much you'll be able to take from him[if it's what you're interested in] but figured it's worth a shot, even if you just are interested in a little bit of his info. :thumb_up:
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