I am reminded here of a quote I extracted, don't mind the pun, from an interview with Graham Hancock, by the word 'alert', which he uses to describe our normal day to day mental state. This interview was with Regina Meredith:
I will shorten it:
"Our society values alert problem solving consciousness. And it devalues all other states of consciousness. Any kind of consciousness that is not related to the production or consumption of material goods is stigmatized in our society today. Of course we accept drunkenness. We allow people some brief respite from the material grind."
What I find interesting here is that in order to achieve lucid dreaming is that you take this alert problem solving consciousness into the realm of the dream, which belongs more to the mystical experience in order to become aware of this mystical natural ability we call dreaming.
To me, in an occult way I suppose, this shows me a principle truth: that reality is discerned most vividly through the alchemical merger of the logical with the intuition, the left with the right brain hemisphere, that duality itself is a way to describe a fractal mind, therefore a fractal universe, yet it is also the merger of the occult with science. I believe in the end is a synergistic experience of reality and my explorations have this search as a key element associated with the psychedelic experience.
From an early age I have been exposed to the occult because my family is rather paranormal and have been in fact in the heart of the occult movement in my country, in terms of healing abilities as well as medium abilities.
I think for that reason, just as it was with McKenna by his own words, that I have an appreciation for and little fear of the strange and the weird. Psychoactive substances are an continuation into those realms. Telepathy and other such phenomenon are close to my heart.