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Any thoughts?

Migrated topic.

Use any name

Rising Star
As me (observer) my mind (creator) and my council on foreign relations (limiter) all sit here looking for things spectacular to tell to show to announce to prescribe. I can't help but notice them doing so (the ideas happening), and as I watch them (the ideas) at play I am succumb to say that I have nothing really at all of value to tell you. I can only spin you in spirals through your own creations, I can not give you mine, but maybe in these words you'll see a little more of yourself.

I wrote before of "observer", "creator" and "limiter", and in expression I must list them so, separately, but truly they are all tendencies within me, within you, and they act as one in everything we do, much like time and space act as one. The dynamic varies with interesting results, it seems also that limited controls can be placed upon them, they are controls themselves. If I were to remove the limiter, this essay would be incomprehensible, all things, to me, would be incomprehensible as I would have nothing to rest on. Also without my creator, I would have nothing to limit in order to form resting points and, without observation I would have neither the one nor the other. so without one of these things, I would not have any of them, they are all different sides of one thing, a thing which needs no sides. Outside of myself there seems to be a similar situation, where "creator" represents for me the unstoppable motion of things, the limiter; the plethora of forms contorted through unstoppable motion and the observer, well from here at least, its still me, but i should say a frame of reference to be less personal.

so an observation can be seen as a frame of reference made from the limitation of the infinite motions of creation destruction. is this me? Am I not so much more?

Anybody for or against this notion?

A short poem explaining why I came here;

To come together to take apart
The notions that we hold to heart
And chart anew
With compass askew
The imperfections of me and you

Which compasses did you create
Lets stop a while to appropriate
A language with which to communicate
To soften into hypnotic state

And regale ourselves of our fortitude
what to surrender and what to choose
In folly and in play we waist
A conception beyond all time and space

I look forward to new relationships.

I'll give a trip report soon.
Hello Use any name,

Welcome to the Nexus. I cannot wait to read your trip report. That was a very trippy introductory essay you wrote. Seems like you are one who is perhaps exploring and seeking answers. I'm no philosopher, but I would say you are indeed so much more and in a way so much less.

Which leads me to: Have you tried DMT yet? If so what did you make of it? Do you have much psychedelic experience in general? What can you tell us about yourself.

Again, welcome to the Nexus.
Sorry for time lag on my part, I can't always get to the internet. To answer your questions.

My first psychedelic experience was with L.S.D., or at least I was led to believe that It was L.S.D., I didn't make it though so I can't really be sure. This was pretty mind blowing but too long ago now to give an in depth analysis although, a few things. It was a far more superficial trip than others but It was my first time and I had no idea what I was in for. I was focused more on the surface experiences, how things looked, felt, sounded . I couldn't really concentrate as my mind was busy jumping all around like an hyper sensitive over active child. I remember feeling like I had expanded in time as I could see tracers coming off of all planes of motion, this wasn't limited to the visual field, it applied also to the physical feelings of movement, which made getting around pretty strange because I could still feel where I used to be. Also, I seemed to be able to “twist” myself along an axis outside of the usual three. It felt pretty strange but as I did it I would see glistening lines forming cracks in my visual field, the cracks were made of fractal type shifting patterns. This manoeuvre could also be transferred to my body which would subsequently feel and look as if it were spliced out it space, like if you cut stripes across an orange and then twisted it, I thought this very strange. these are the main points I was able to solidify into explainable ideas, so much more was incomprehensible especially at the peek.

I was originally informed of D.M.T. by a friend who didn't really know much about it, other than name and that it produced psychedelic states. I was interested and so had a look around the internet. I came across the nexus; read a few trip reports and the lazyman tech, and then, a month or two later, found myself committed to my first extraction. I was unprepared and it went totally wrong. Get this, all steps went well up until the final evaporation of the solvent. We couldn't find a suitable container to evaporate in, so decided to line some grill pans, old ones with burnt remnants, with foil. The Solvent did not sit on the foil but went through to the pan, although this was not realized until later at which point the D.M.T. was unsalvageable as far as I was concerned. the next time I knew better what I was doing and we had obtained some small perspex dishes to evaporate in. Since then I have been freeze precipitating.

The first hit. I start to trip before I finish inhaling. fractal patterns whirling through the air. So many patterns of interaction and patterns within those. Seeing with a clean mind reinventing understanding, “I'm an echo” I think, “no I am the chamber, or am I both”? Then some anxiety and I feel it but I don't identify with it. I just watch it within me, unsure of its intrusion. It fades, and I forget it as as I cascade through multidimensional sentences, in words and beyond them. I do not think that I have fully broken through yet, but I may have come close on occasion.

As for my outlook, I sometimes tell myself that I am an artist, and less often I act like one. Whether I'm any “good” I'll let you decide if your interested. I find my progress pleasing in theory and technique but I could be moving a lot quicker in terms of experience, and I will, I just need to develop some habits inductive to artistry. Like drawing every day. I need to be drawing every day.

How about you, anything you might like to share with me?
I really like your poem, the way you think and the way you express your experiences, given the limitations of language and brain processing.

I look forward to your posts and I hope to see you in chat. You will find many warm, funny and brilliant people here. You will be in good company, more suited to your experience and predilections than you will find in the average real world settings of family, jobs and neighborhoods.
Thank you Spangles for your kind words of understanding and comforting welcome to this site.

I've got to say that the details of your second paragraph note people I am in need of right now, people to intelligently compare experiences with in order to gain more knowledge of myself, people perhaps like you. I have a few friends that enjoy psychedelics, but none really that see potential for positive self challenge, they seem just to see a bit of fun, and that can be fine and true, but I see more fun in serious self reflection and evolution of understanding leading to more freedom in life.

I too hope to see you in the chat. As I pave my way with new perspectives, yours and others, I intend to involve myself deeply with this community. I'll probably take a while to integrate though as I don't have a constant connection to the internet, but who knows how long that will last?
I would say because it shows an understanding of the transitory nature of anything in existence. Also, I guess a comparison could be drawn between the idea of the Thus Come One and what I termed in the first post "the creator", and between Dharma and what I called the "limiter". In this sense the Buddha would be the observer and the Anuttarasamyaksambodhi the state with the "limiter" and therefore all other "things" removed.

Do you think so, or no?
Use any name said:
I would say because it shows an understanding of the transitory nature of anything in existence. Also, I guess a comparison could be drawn between the idea of the Thus Come One and what I termed in the first post "the creator", and between Dharma and what I called the "limiter". In this sense the Buddha would be the observer and the Anuttarasamyaksambodhi the state with the "limiter" and therefore all other "things" removed.

Do you think so, or no?
That is over my head, so to speak, at the moment at least. I am unable to give a response.

My own thoughts about the sutra were a lot more simple than that, mostly to do with the division of terms as a tool.
Ah I see, so I can divide myself in order to better understand myself, but the division becomes a crutch that I lean on when I don't really need it. In the long run it slows me down as I keep referring to to the division instead of experience so I'm always one step behind myself.

I may well have no idea what I'm really trying to say.
Use any name said:
Ah I see, so I can divide myself in order to better understand myself...

For me the concept of self is a tool that we employ and it has contextual validity, but in other contexts it is a non thing. We use terms like I and Self, but these are tricky. We say for example, I am hungry, and in a way we have become or personified hunger with this manifestation, but it is a trick, for we are not hunger itself. It becomes more subtle when we look at it from the point of view of: I am me, or simply I am. We have then personified self as self, or self as being in a manner. Perhaps this too is akin to the same thing as the personification of hunger insofar as it is a frame of reference that has some illusory potential as far as understanding self goes?

What is self? Is it experience? Is it mind?
I cannot identify the location of my experience as local to me, oddly enough. Nor can I really identify where my mind is, in terms of the line between it and everything else, it has a focus, but seems to pervade all now in a strange way.

It is for me merely something to think about.
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