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Any way to bring someone down?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
If someone is experiencing a pharma trip that seems just too intense and they are wanting to come down as quickly as possible, does anyone have any suggestions?
Relax, deep breaths, water, nice smells like palo santo, eucalyptus, copal, etc. a steady musical rhythm can be grounding. explain with your body and mind that one must accept and trust and they will be OK. get rid of distractions or intensities and keep a safe and ambient space. try to purge !
If things get too much for me with oral DMT of anykind, first of all I force purge then I lie down and shut up.

It's never been that bad though really, compared to mushrooms or LSD. It's less of a mental chaos and more a case of "just hang in there".
The advice from house is just excellent. If you want a pharmaceutical way to stop the trip, try any benzodiazepine. They will relieve much of the anxiety, and diminish some of the effects. Thorazine (Chlorpromazine) is also likely to work, it does at least terminate a LSD experience. I think, however, that using the techniques house posted, is by far the best option.
soulfood said:
If things get too much for me with oral DMT of anykind, first of all I force purge then I lie down and shut up.

It's never been that bad though really, compared to mushrooms or LSD. It's less of a mental chaos and more a case of "just hang in there".

Thanks for the advice guys.

Lying down and relaxing a while did seem to help yesterday. I was freaking out a bit because I knew I was just too far gone to appear to be normal and I was afraid that I was going to be in a situation that I had to act normal. I was expecting a much lighter trip than I got, maybe just a little buzz, but I got whammed with a mind blowing, walls melting, very heavy trip. Next time I'll be sure my schedule is open for anything it might throw at me.
Yeah, sometimes the best advice is to just surrender to it. Before embarking, tell yourself that no one ever dies from it, no one ever goes insane forever from it, and that if things go south it will soon end. By not fighting it and giving into it and not trying to analyze it, you can mediate the bad effects. Pharmahuasca doesn't seem as unpredictable as shrooms when it comes to bad trips. It is usually gentler and more playful, but if it gets mad just remember to surrender yourself to and let it have its way.
I have never needed to terminate a dmt voyage. I have terminated a horrible shroom trip before by using 5mg of clonazepam (a benzo). It stopped the whole thing in about 30 min. I would be worried about using that because I don't know how benzodiazapiem interacts with harmala alkaloids. Could there be an issue there that could cause a hypotension syndrome?
Oh, by the way, Ice House Shaman was instrumental in helping me to navigate hyperspace and I often think of his advice before journeying.
Ice House Shaman said:
I have never needed to terminate a dmt voyage. I have terminated a horrible shroom trip before by using 5mg of clonazepam (a benzo). It stopped the whole thing in about 30 min. I would be worried about using that because I don't know how benzodiazapiem interacts with harmala alkaloids. Could there be an issue there that could cause a hypotension syndrome?

The only reason swim felt that he would like to terminate the trip the other day was that he was expecting something much milder and was concerned that others might invade his space and he might have to explain his dissassembled state to others who would not have approved and given him very much grief for using substances and tripping.
He's for sure going to visit pharmaland only when he is free of such concerns next time.
I can understand why you would want to terminate a difficult experience..BUT, that said..I dont think I would take that route unless I thought I was in some sort of actauly physical danger..

I think it's more benificial to ride out the experience..for me if I had the optionof simply cancelling a difficult trip, than I might be more prone to doing that in the future any time that difficult content came up in the experience..

Pharamhuasca isnt going to put you in physical danger...something like datura is different however..or if you took some other drugs that interact negatively with the maoi's..
but just so you know...you can take activated charcoal and then vomit it up..the charcoal will absorb up to 60% of the alkaloids in your blood stream and then you puke it up and repeat...but in most cases..purging with a lot of water chugging inbetween has help stabilize a trip that has gone off the deep end
obliguhl said:
I wouldn't take benzos with an maoi.

Why not?

No major MAOI interactions. I would not recommend it at less necessary. I once did my benzo experimentation in lots of 500 from India no script required you just need a friend over there, it beats the hell out of KAVA:lol: . Valium is the one to be careful with because it has secondary metabolites that are also active and can build up over time. Booze in combo with benzos is a KILLER. Xanax is like candy with lots of memory loss as far as being toxic it is not and nearly impossible to od as well on its own.

It will addict you and make you stupid but it is not a dangerous drug in fact it is far saferr than most MAOIs and we eating them like ice cream around here.

Jorkest said:
but just so you know...you can take activated charcoal and then vomit it up..the charcoal will absorb up to 60% of the alkaloids in your blood stream and then you puke it up and repeat...but in most cases..purging with a lot of water chugging inbetween has help stabilize a trip that has gone off the deep end

Interesting Jorkest. How much activated charcoal should be ingested? Just mix it with water and gulp it down? A good one to know for an emergency.
۩ said:
Relax, deep breaths, water, nice smells like palo santo, eucalyptus, copal, etc. a steady musical rhythm can be grounding. explain with your body and mind that one must accept and trust and they will be OK. get rid of distractions or intensities and keep a safe and ambient space. try to purge !

Swim read on the aya forums that incense can actually potentiate a trip, they attract spirits etc. Kinda makes sense if you think their literal.
Maybe you could change the environment.
Get a bath or eat something nice.

I think you want to calm a friend about getting fearful about the journey, right?
If he doesn't want the experience he's not ready. End of!
He must be willing to experience DMT as a whole and until it fades naturally away!
mad_banshee said:
If someone is experiencing a pharma trip that seems just too intense and they are wanting to come down as quickly as possible, does anyone have any suggestions?

Because of the MAOI part of Aya there really is no meds you can give to end ane experience unlike mushrooms or mescaline.

Breathing, drumming, humming, tapping, rocking, all seem to help me when I've gone way too deep. Other than that you've just got to ride it out. Music also seems to ground me to some degree.
1664 said:
Jorkest said:
but just so you know...you can take activated charcoal and then vomit it up..the charcoal will absorb up to 60% of the alkaloids in your blood stream and then you puke it up and repeat...but in most cases..purging with a lot of water chugging inbetween has help stabilize a trip that has gone off the deep end

Interesting Jorkest. How much activated charcoal should be ingested? Just mix it with water and gulp it down? A good one to know for an emergency.

im making a thread for this

will post link when its done
In the case of unsympathetic visitors, SWIM can't imagine a simple way to deal with it, the best option is to spend enough time with it in general that you can potentially collect yourself enough to simply and elegantly slip outside or express that your a bit tired and would like to take a nap. Purging beforehand, with whatever method, would likely be a good way to prep for this. If the activated charcoal thing works well, though, definitely go with that.

In the case of freakouts...SWIM wouldn't say much different from anything anyone else has said, but he would wonder whether going deeper may be the best option, as in smoking enough that you simply have to submit. SWIM's not saying that this would definitely work well (may even exacerbate the situation), but he can imagine it could provide some necessary catharsis. Many times, freakouts can be a result of half-heartedness, and a bit of a jolt is what's needed. Just a little hypothesis from the Rinzai school of shamanism 😉 .
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