Since Bitcoin was quite a topic on the Nexus, I guess folks don't mind wrapping their head around ÐΑΩs:
ETH is the 2nd largest crypto currency and gaining momentum, I think there might be something wonderful in the making.
A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), fully automated business entity (FAB), or distributed autonomous corporation/company (DAC) can be thought of as a self-governing organization under the control of an incorruptible set of business rules. These rules are typically implemented as publicly auditable open-source software distributed across the computers of their stakeholders. A human becomes a stakeholder by buying digital tokens, similar to shares in a company, or by being paid in those tokens to provide services for the company. These tokens may entitle its owner to a share of the profits of the DAO, participation in its growth, and/or a say in how it is run.
ETH is the 2nd largest crypto currency and gaining momentum, I think there might be something wonderful in the making.

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