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Anyone know anything about Crystals?

Migrated topic.
I was given one as a gift & i bought a few & gave one out..
i know their good for meditation & are supposed to hold energy, what else can they do?

Anyone ever trip with them & notice anything cool? can you pick up thoughts or vibes from the stones?

Im looking for anything that us trippers might know that wikipedia doesnt ya know?

thanks =D
Crystals can be used to focus your intentions... I don't believe in all the mumbo-jumbo surrounding them unless it supported by hard science.
stones can be used to balance and ground..stimulate spiritual evolution..access information..helping with transdimensional travel..contacting spirits and spirit guides..cleansing..protecting..storing information..healing..

the list goes on and on..each crystal or stone has unique energy..and frequency..get some books on it The Crystal Bible is a good one and so is Love is in the earth

SWIM used a Cacoxenite to help ground and protect himself when he learned how well theobromine potentiates pharmahuasca...it sort of called off his shelf

this quartz has inclusions of cacaxonite, hematite, strengite, beraunite, rockbridgeite, and Limonite...
I dont know much about them but I love them, they look great and I get good vibes from them. As jorkest says they have many uses, The crystal bible is a great book, loads of great info. I have lots of crystals around my house and lots of orgonite and when tripping on mushrooms I get great vibes from both of them. Swims first spice experience ended with him holding a bit of orgonite and a bit of cappi in each hand to ground him, was a big shock, he needed something lol and it seemed to really help him.
Gemstones and crystals are amazing tools if one knows how to implement them properly. I have in the past used The Crystal Bible and Love is In The Earth as references, but have shied away from them in the past year and draw from intuition as a far more accurate source. My most favorite crystal of all to meditate with is my Lemurian Seed Crystal, these have horizontal striations on them and are said to contain the records of ancient Lemuria, which coexisted with Atlantis. It has been an excellent Solar Plexus chakra stone for me and helps me to communicate with my spirit friend Uli. Aside from the New Age alleged uses of crystals, I have found them to be amazing energy tools. What I do when I wish to meditate with crystals is to close my eyes and hold my right hand over my crystals (I have hundreds on my dresser) and grab which ever one(s) seem to resonate with the type of meditation I require. This is a difficult feeling to describe, it is just that you KNOW which ones to use. I then set them beside me on my bed and lie down and start my breathing exercises and once I am somewhat into the meditation I grab from the pile one stone at a time and then sweep it over my chakras about an inch from the skin until I elicit a stronger response from one chakra than the rest, this signals that I should place the crystal on this chakra. When the crystal passes over the correct chakra my entire energy field seems to contract into that chakra and it feels exactly as if I have been shocked with a taser, my muscles tense and constrict to that point. The process continues until I am finished with all stones except one. The meditation is from then on VERY intense. About halfway through I will reach down and twist each stone about 180 degrees counter-clockwise. This stimulates and strengthens the energy interaction. The next thing I do is then to place the last and final stone on the one remaining primary chakra point, this is usually the Third Eye chakra. The stone usually turns out to be either Moldavite, which is a VERY VERY powerful stone I would recommend any spiritual psychonaut to add to their arsenal, Kyanite a wonderful calming stone, or Azurite a powerful psychic enhancer.

As for my use with psychedelics and stones, the most powerful experiences I have ever had in meditation occurred while on very good acid, and meditating with powerful high energy stones on every chakra. My entire body convulses and shakes, in a pleasant way, and vibrates to a very high frequency, the feeling of multiple intelligences occupying the room is highly noticable. I experienced areas impossible to imagine and delights and horrors that boggle the mind and shake the foundation of reality in which I had lived previously. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wishes to experience powerful energetic phenomenon and learn the powers that we have in the realm of the mental.

If anything Moldavite is a stone that will propel you into a strange and wonderful world and quite amazing. It is becoming more rare by the day and more expensive as it's quantities are diminishing. It is a volcanic glass created from the impact of a meteor into the Earth in Czechoslovakia about 35 million years ago and for this reason it is very powerful but also limited in quantity. It is estimated there is about 300 tons of it existing worldwide. Just carrying this stone around with you will create an unstoppable change in your spiritual being, a stone not for the faint of heart, it will shatter you! Be warned! The Ayahuasca of gemstones!

Crystals are a fascinating tool, I encourage everyone to see what they can do with them! ;)
since early times people had 'magical' objects to help them. Many times it was particular stones that had different properties.

I think its nice for one to have certain key objects during a psychedelic trip, but its more about the relationship one has to that object than what exactly it is.

I am worried about this crystal story because too much new age garbage piled on top of any possible real knowledge. Nowadays there's too much of these 'crystals to energize the room' kind of thing.

I have had trips where I saw how each object creates a certain psychological impact on us. The architecture of a room, forms and colours, all influence us. Some things are quite intuitive and when I trip I try to arrange the place where I am in a 'harmonious' way (whatever this means.. I just mean the comfort feeling it gives).

There could be interesting tests done with this, but so far none really that I heard of. Maybe some of these 'energizing healing crystals' will actually have some sort of negative influence. Possibly when tripping one could realize this negative 'something'.

Thats why I dont exactly feel the need to go after the crystals in the moment, untill I know some more reliable knowledge or come across something that I see and feel intuitively good with.
I find the entire New Age movement to be very deceptive and outrageous. I think it has turned into a new religion and that it is coupled with a desire to make money off of peoples willingness to believe things that are just not true. I can only talk of my own personal experience with crystals and am certainly not saying that it will be the same with everyone, but this is what they do for me. I'm not sure if you were directing that comment at my post endlessness but I am very wary of anything New Age these days. I was sucked into the trap for about a year but have since realized it to be a sham. I do not believe my crystals to be 'energizing the room' whatsoever, I feel that they have power within them but it takes a certain amount of input to receive anything from them.
Crystals seem almost supernatural in their formation. Especially snowflakes. Isn't it interesting how no two snowflakes are the same yet a snowflake has nearly identical formations on all six points?
11:11 said:
I find the entire New Age movement to be very deceptive and outrageous. I think it has turned into a new religion and that it is coupled with a desire to make money off of peoples willingness to believe things that are just not true. I can only talk of my own personal experience with crystals and am certainly not saying that it will be the same with everyone, but this is what they do for me. I'm not sure if you were directing that comment at my post endlessness but I am very wary of anything New Age these days. I was sucked into the trap for about a year but have since realized it to be a sham. I do not believe my crystals to be 'energizing the room' whatsoever, I feel that they have power within them but it takes a certain amount of input to receive anything from them.

nope I wasnt aimed at you, your post actually did mention things like drawing from intuition and not from other ppl's ideas, and so on

my post was more of a general opinion about the subject :)
the way i see it is that crystals do have a vibrational energy..thats how quartz crystals keep time in a watch..and how computers are able to synchronize there functions..its all based on the steady vibration that they emit..

some crystals vibrate at higher levels..and some at lower..depending on their mineral make up..this WILL have an effect on a body or a room..its just like having a fire in a house..the fire is making a vibration so intense that it changes the vibration(temperature) of the whole house..now crystals have a more steady and refine vibration because of their crystalline structure..a nice quartz has perfect crystalline structures so it vibrates very cleanly

our bodies have a vibration to them as well..actually many...one of them is our breathing..the steady in and out is one of our slowest vibrations..then there is our heart..then there is also the vibration that is created as the air flows in and out of our bodies..and the same for the blood pumping through us...

then our brains vibrate based on chemical reactions that are happening constantly...so by using crystals you can almost tune your body with them..creating harmonic resonances..especially combined with sounds or music..that is how shamans use drums and rattles to induce altered states..

now when using crystals to modify your own vibration...it can then cause chemical reactions or changes to take place..because just like chemical reactions cause vibrations..vibrations can then cause or change chemical reactions..

if we look at this scientifically we can see how stones and crystals can cause changes in the body..which then effects our minds...and the chemical and biological functions of our body

i mean..you can squeeze a quartz crystal to a certain point and get an electric charge from it...its how microphones work...the sound vibration squeezes the crystal just enough to get a certain charge out of it..that is then sent and amplified through the speakers..

if a quartz crystal is sensitive enough to create electric charges from sound...its got to make you wonder what our body's vibration does to it..

i feel the crystal bible and love is in the earth..is a good place to start learning about crystals..because when i first got attracted to them..i wasnt sensitive enough to understand any of their uses..i couldnt intuit what they did....but after working with them and reading about them you start to pick it up...

and the way i feel those books help..is that they teach you how your own mind programs what the crystal does for you..its like a focus point for thoughts to anchor to..when setting up your intention..and programming the crystal...you are actually programming yourself to think a certain way when you touch or see or think about the crystal...and in that way..its almost like hypnosis..you are training yourself to think a certain way..thus..changing your mood or thought patterns..and can sometimes help you enter into altered states

when SWIM had a bit of an OD with pharmahuasca..he just grabbed a crystal to help anchor himself..and just by holding it..it gave him strength and something real to hold onto..
and may i recommend Moldavite..this is by far the most powerful gemstone i have ever come in contact with..this stone is sometimes way to powerful..and causes DRASTIC changes to take place...sometimes when SWIM is tripping..he can barely hold the moldavite because its vibration is just too much to handle...this gemstone is said to get you into contact with extraterrestrials...and about 2 months after SWIM got one..he had his first breakthrough on DMT and met some..he has been in contact with them ever since..

his life basically turned upside down as soon as it came into his possession..and it really accelerated his spiritual journey..he can barely have it on him anymore without its power changing just about everything..

i recommend to anybody that is attracted to moldavite to get one..they are extremely powerful stones..but just be careful..because it will change your life..its is a stone of transformation
Jorkest said:
and may i recommend Moldavite..this is by far the most powerful gemstone i have ever come in contact with..
Interesting. I will look into that one, seeing as it has been mentioned by two people in this thread already. Do you think I will notice anything from it, even though I am probably not very sensitive to these things, at least not yet.

Also, does size matter when it comes to crystals?
size doesnt really matter..but bigger crystals seem to have a bit more punch to them..

the thing about moldavite is that even if you arent sensitive to crystals..this one will most likely be noticed...it may feel warm in your hands..or you may feel some energy course through your body..you may get light headed...arkadiancollection.com is a great place with some lovely moldavites...they are expensive stones..but there are only so many because they are from a meteorite..

and sometimes you lose moldavites...sometimes they just disappear..but its part of the stone..i have two..with another on the way..i like having them around..even though i dont like holding them too much
Yes larger ones do seem to have more strength to them but for the actual effect of the type of gemstone, any size will do. I like to make elixirs with some of my stones and use them as a tonic. I keep a red jasper and a quartz in my Brita water filter all the time and I find it gives me more energy.

My first experience with Moldavite was when my girlfriend gave me my lovely little piece. I was to give a presentation on sacred geometry and Fibonacci sequences at my college that day and I unexpectedly received it as a gift. I was given it about an hour before I gave my presentation, and I was EXTREMELY nervous about this presentation as I am a very shy person and have never spoken in front of an audience before without completely breaking down. I started to feel it's effects within the hour, I started shaking, my heart was racing and I felt energized like never before. When I got up in front of the class I just started spewing information like I had done this a thousand times, no nervousness, no trouble breathing or anything that would normally happen. I sped through my info and totally captivated the whole room. Afterward I got a long applause and everyone was congratulating me on my excellent presentation. I am not typically a high energy person but I was jumping around and getting really into it and everyone loved it. I was high on Moldavite for the next 2 days following that. I didn't even realize that it was caused by the stone, which I knew nothing about at the time, until I spoke with my now girlfriend who felt sorry for not warning me that that would happen! It can be very powerful so it is best to be prepared when obtaining it. I wrapped mine and wear it as a pendant, when I wear it with my Fire Agate beads, I am so energized I can do anything, that is a strong combination. One of my fav stones!
While I am a raving lunatic...we always need to keep our heads in science and realize that ours minds are sources of power and wonder... not some stone...
'Coatl look at our planet..where did we come from?? where did our minds develop? its a big rock!!! and we are discussing the uses of crystals and stones..not all of us need to have hard scientific proof that things are the way they are...and i understand that its our awareness and consciousness that directs our power...stones are focuses..but they do have a vibration..which everything has..except crystals..are crystalline and they have a more pure vibration compared to a handful of dirt..
Everything is made up of some kind of "vibrational energy". However yes crystals can do some fancy things because of their structures and consistency with various kinds of energy. Not to mention there are many uses like refracting light and doing all kinds of neat things.

As far as being used for healing etc I don't really buy that entirely. I just think people like them they look pretty. I don't think they exert any great effect on human beings unless being used to direct x-rays towards our heads etc. The rest I think falls into the placebo category unless some serious evidence is presented anecdotal reports about squeezing some rock and feeling better doesn't really mean much. While throwing around terms like vibrational energy sounds nice it also does not describe much, what kind of energy?

I notice many people have reports about tripping and getting energy given off by crystals. I think its simply some kind of emotional attachment one had to the crystal before taking the drug. On psychedelic drugs anything of value and wonder can become even more valuable even more wonderful and even more magical. But then again I could be wrong. Don't believe everything you hear or think you hear.
I just recently made a very powerful orgonite. I think it could be the most powerful one ive mad so far, and ive made alot. The main stone i wanted to use was moldavite. ive been wanting to get a hold of a peice for a while now, and just recently got a peice. I made the orgonite with the Moldavite, 3 double terminated quartz crystals, 1 very nice Double Terminated scepter crystal, 2 double terminated quartz one with a Doorway Etched into the stone , 1 nice garnet that i found at a mine, 1 green tourmaline stone, 1 blue tourmaline stone, 1 yellow tourmaline stone, 1 watermelon tourmaline stone, and 1 peice of black tourmaline. Also i used blessed oil. I put the oil on all of the stones to purify the energy. On the bottom i also put in one cosmic energy wire spiral for added boost. It seems to be a very amazing powerful peice.

Its November 2009 and i have just recently taken this creation Apart. i carefully smashed and chizld all the stones back out of it. I have found that Moldavite is very confusing and alot of strange things have happened because of this creation. I belive. I think i opened up some type of doorway when i made this. I would get near this orgonite and feel intimidated. Also recently there has been some type of black shadow entity around me and the people i know. I first accually saw this in the back of a graveyard one night in the town i live in. It was raining hard and i was in my car with 2 other people. It flew accross one side of my windsheild and then accross the other side of my windsheild. I knew there was something there. I saw it then hesitated a second and didnt say anything. Then my freind to my right in the passenger seat of my car said something- Did you see that!? And i responded Yes i did, i think we should leave. i Know this happened. Then my friends mom said she looked up on her roof one day because she noticed something out of the corner of her eye and she saw a black shadow on the roof. This freaked her out quite a bit. In a Negetive way. I really dont know what to think of these things. I think it could be related the the device i created. But now it has been taken apart. I would definetly stick to earth stones when it comes to making orgonite.

Also brought all my orgonite to the gathering of the vibes and other festivals to further confirm that this stuff does work and to show people and the help protect everyone. Over the summer of 2009 i met a very Dark confusing soul. Shortly after the Gathering in CT. By the way i live in East Haddam CT. This town has been changed by orgonite. It's EVERYWHERE! Back to the person i met this summer of 2009. I was at 7-11 in my town talking to a few people i know. Then this guy walked over to us, seemed like he was around my age-(21). The main point that started the conversation with this person is when i said "Hey look at the clouds, seems like the orgonite works". Then he started talking to me and my two friends. One of the first this he said was i am the devil i worship satan. Keep in mind this person is a complete stranger. He kept talking and the whole time he was focusing mainly on me. After he said that i asked him if he wanted to buy some L. He said, "Imagine if you could feel high everyday without taking any drug".He also said something about god and the battle at the End and i instantly responded, "well you know God is going to win right?" Then he continued to talk and at one point saying- Look around you all this technology, all these buildings you wouldnt have if it wasnt for me. I looked at him and said "All these buildings look discusting" All this land was stolen from the native people, they wouldnt of wanted this". He seemed very smart and new alot of things even down to the next upcoming concert dates on the NIN shirt i was wearing. Later that evening i tought VERY deeply about this whole conversation, and i was quite freaked out about it. That was a few months ago from now and i still have yet to see this person again.
-Maybe just nothing
-Or maybe not
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