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Are salvia seeds illegal?

Migrated topic.
So I got to call up some plant nurseries near the border? I don't think it would be safe to get a cutting shipped.
If it's like other plants, the seeds probably aren't illegal..... like the spores of shrooms aren't illegal because they don't contain the active drug.
If you do find seeds online, they will be fake. They very very rarely produce seeds and when they do it is usually under the close control of a collector who wont sell them online. Cuttings are very safe to ship, but if they are illegal where you are from.......make friends with someone out of state 😉
the sally which we want only comes from one valley of central america. all live plants originate from cuttings taken there. effectively every proper sally d plant is a clone of a very small genetic pool. any seed propagated plants will not be the correct strain.

of course this info is circa 2003 when i was working with it.
Tangarine_Dreams said:
the sally which we want only comes from one valley of central america. all live plants originate from cuttings taken there. effectively every proper sally d plant is a clone of a very small genetic pool. any seed propagated plants will not be the correct strain.

of course this info is circa 2003 when i was working with it.
Salvia Divinorum is not native to Central America.

Sagewisdom.org, the definitive site for all things salvia states “It is a native of a small area in Oaxaca, Mexico, growing in mountainous lands where the Mazatec Indian people dwell.”
Tangarine_Dreams said:
the sally which we want only comes from one valley of central america. all live plants originate from cuttings taken there. effectively every proper sally d plant is a clone of a very small genetic pool. any seed propagated plants will not be the correct strain.

of course this info is circa 2003 when i was working with it.

There most definatily are strains of divinorum that have been grown out from seed.
Dam, Now that I know it's rare I want it even MORE! I'm going to try and get one in about a month. I only tried 10x once so I'm excited to try the dried leafs.
Tangarine_Dreams said:
sorry in my mind mexico is central america. i knwo there are SD from seed, but they are nto the ones you want for terpene research.
Salvia Divinorum rarely produces seed, and its seeds rarely germinate, but occasionally they do. So salvia divinorum is occasionally grown from seed.

Also, Salvinorin A is a neoclerodane diterpenoid.
Tangarine_Dreams said:
sorry in my mind mexico is central america. i knwo there are SD from seed, but they are nto the ones you want for terpene research.

Salvia D grown from seed is rare but most definitely is active. There is a large community of collectors that are actively flowering and propagating from seed to open that gene pool up a bit. The most common strain is the H&W strain which I think you are referring to but there are many more these days. The seeds are just impossible to purchase because the few seeds out there are from collectors who would much rather attempt to grow them than make a buck. If you want seeds, you'll need to start with a cutting or two. My one cutting turned to a forest of plants in just a few short years. She is very forgiving and easy to grow in the right climate.

I had my girls all flowering last year but the frost killed them all the day after I pollinated them! :cry:
It's illegal in NC, but it only carries warnings and civil fines and you are allowed to grow it as long as it's solely for ornamental purposes and not human consumption. More and more states are trying to criminalize possession/growing, but at the present moment, the K2 and herbal blends seem to be making a bigger splash, legally, as they're more akin to cannabis and being used by many as a weed substitute. It's a good idea to check your local laws to see what's going on in your state as these policies shifts are generally announced fairly quietly.
SnozzleBerry said:
It's illegal in NC, but it only carries warnings and civil fines and you are allowed to grow it as long as it's solely for ornamental purposes and not human consumption. More and more states are trying to criminalize possession/growing, but at the present moment, the K2 and herbal blends seem to be making a bigger splash, legally, as they're more akin to cannabis and being used by many as a weed substitute. It's a good idea to check your local laws to see what's going on in your state as these policies shifts are generally announced fairly quietly.

I've heard of K2. I never tried it but I did try jwh-018 which is the main ingredient. Kansas I think has already passed some laws against K2. I remember when I heard salvia was going to be illegal, I was gonna bulk up for the future. I never got the chance, but if I hear anything is going to be prohibited, I'm gonna stock up quick!
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