Rising Star
October heralds blooming season for those rugged members of the genus Ariocarpus.
A. bravoanus has kicked it off for me in 2014, with my two specimens blooming simultaneously (unusually, one of mine has become a double header, as the pic shows) - so I have been making like a bee with a little sable artist´s brush.
This is the most recently discovered species, only coming to light in the early 90s - but seeds fairly quickly made their escape from the state of San Luis Potosi.
A. bravoanus has kicked it off for me in 2014, with my two specimens blooming simultaneously (unusually, one of mine has become a double header, as the pic shows) - so I have been making like a bee with a little sable artist´s brush.
This is the most recently discovered species, only coming to light in the early 90s - but seeds fairly quickly made their escape from the state of San Luis Potosi.