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Art Section Down?

Migrated topic.


omnia sunt communia!
OG Pioneer
Hey Trav, I've been trying to get into the art section for like the past week or two but none of the actual images are coming up. I see it was redesigned and like the new background but I wasn't sure if the picture links got screwed up or if it's something on my end. I dunno, if others can see it fine, I guess it's just me, but I wanted to give you a heads up in case it's a real problem, as I think the art we've got is awesome to randomly browse through.


This might be because of the many images on one page. I have to make that one paged.

Because you download all those images rapidly one after each other you can by accident trigger a protection mechanism of the server. ;)

Kind regards,

The Traveler
hmmmmm, but upon clicking them I get a 404 file not found error, like the wiki was doing after the shift...
whoa, no, that's the old link, i thought.

When I'm at the portal and click "Fun" and then click "art" it takes me here, which I assumed was a redoing of the art page...
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