Artificial intelligence... Many experts on the subject are saying that the evolution of A.I. is happening so fast that most of us will live to see the day that the computer will indeed beat the human mind in almost every way.
The only thing they disagree on, is when exactly this will happen.
I find that a bit scary, to be honest.
Much will ofcourse depend on how A.I. is going to be used. I can see a lot of potential for both very positive as well as very negative stuff.
Personally, i don't think that the frightening 'terminater' prospect of A.I being used for military purposes is very fetched at all. People are already working on surveillance drones that can operate independantly, and i figure that for a missile defence shield to work, a lot of computing power comes in handy.
And there is the neuromarketing thing...oh, i realy hate the idea that one day, we will be manipulated 24/7 in such a clever way that we won't even notice.
But there are positive things, like if we no longer had to test new med's on animals. Or just the idea that we could gain understanding of realy complex things. That maybe A.I. could be a powerfull mind-extending tool in that we could gain insights in issues that are just too complex for a human mind to put the pieces together. Just in the way science has broadened the horizon of modern man significantly.
I don't know. What do you people think? Should we fear A.I.?
The only thing they disagree on, is when exactly this will happen.
I find that a bit scary, to be honest.
Much will ofcourse depend on how A.I. is going to be used. I can see a lot of potential for both very positive as well as very negative stuff.
Personally, i don't think that the frightening 'terminater' prospect of A.I being used for military purposes is very fetched at all. People are already working on surveillance drones that can operate independantly, and i figure that for a missile defence shield to work, a lot of computing power comes in handy.
And there is the neuromarketing thing...oh, i realy hate the idea that one day, we will be manipulated 24/7 in such a clever way that we won't even notice.
But there are positive things, like if we no longer had to test new med's on animals. Or just the idea that we could gain understanding of realy complex things. That maybe A.I. could be a powerfull mind-extending tool in that we could gain insights in issues that are just too complex for a human mind to put the pieces together. Just in the way science has broadened the horizon of modern man significantly.
I don't know. What do you people think? Should we fear A.I.?