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Asian corydalis prevents morphine tolerance and dependence

Migrated topic.
This is great, this is a big deal. Extract of this plant is available online.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that this could be used in conjunction with an opiate taper to make kicking easier. I wonder if I took enough with my methadone every day if I could eventually stop. Wonder if it lowers tolerance to the degree where I could take way less. Wondering about all sorts of things. Thanks for posting this Loveall.
Whoa. Just...wow. If this is real it could be a game changer. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

A possible solution consists of a co-medication that maintains the analgesic benefits of opioids while preventing their adverse liabilities. The research findings show that YHS,
when co-administered with morphine
, inhibits morphine tolerance, dependence and addiction. If YHS is used with morphine at the start or during pain management, there will be less need of morphine and thus less risk of addiction.

Tony, this seems to indicate that it can be used during a PM regimen at least. The long-acting nature of methadone presents challenges with ibogaine and it seems that would be the case here too. I'd like to know more about how it works. Morphine is an opiate with a relatively short half-life, a few hours as opposed to methadone's 24.

There are taper regimens supplanted with good excercise, diet and maybe other meds that a person can use to titrate of methadone with little to no acute symptoms. Post acute withdrawal is a serious thing with methadone, in my experience worse than with heroin, and kicks in around 90 days after cessation. When titrating, one has to pay more attention to the percentage of dose dropped within a given time frame, not be focused on milligrams. 1 milligram down from 90 is a little more than 1%, 1 mg at 10 is 10%, if you get my drift. In mty experience, I can rapidly (like 1-2 mgs per week) down to around 15mgs, and then slow down to 1 maybe every 2 weeks. Once I get to 1 or 2 mgs, staying there for a good 3 weeks to let the methadone backed up in your system leave is a good idea. I have done this and not lost a night of sleep. I did so the summer before my cancer diagnosis, but that sent me into a tailspin and I had a very breif relapse and then spent a couple months on oxy in hospital, so I returned to my clinic at 20mg. I'm looking to start titrating, again (ugh), next year once I am fully stable in my perma housing etc.
Loveall said:
"The Extract of Corydalis yanhusuo Prevents Morphine Tolerance and Dependence"

News article. Paper attached.

This is news to me. Anyone have experience with this? Seems like it could help people (?)
:lol: That's the page I randomly opened to on my Chinese herbal yesterday - I was literally going to do a post about this plant, but you beat me to it. Several species of corydalis contain benzylisoquinoline alkaloids that modulate opioid receptors.

They've been looking at this plant for a while - sorry, I knew about this for ages but never thought to mention it!
Not much to add, but wanted to reply to this one as it is something I want to look into further when I get a chance. I've been in pain management for going on four years now, and I think I'm getting close to a maximum dosage the Doctor will allow. I'm a huge fan of mitragynine but doctors act like you are talking about crack cocaine or something, which is frustrating as hell. Anyways, thanks for posting this!
I was looking into this when I was researching for alternate pain management medication back in February. The WSS website has some pretty interesting information on different alternatives. I alternate between Kratom, Wild lettuce extract, Blue lotus extract, and Ashwagandha, but the yanhuoso had little information in regards to it's effects, so I abstained. I may have to order some seeds and do some tests. Thanks for the information, loveall!

One thing I do wonder....they worded it a bit strange, but, hypothetically, could this be used in conjunction with morphine, and the plant itself works within the body to not create addiction or tolerance within the neural pathways of the brain? Or is it more an aid in weening? I think that it would be incredible if they found a way to extract it, and put it into a medication that could help people with REAL short term pain who need something as strong as morphine or oxy use these medications for their prescribed duration while supplementing said extraction as a finishing medication. In theory, this would all but eliminate the classic case of the person who comes off of an opiate prescription turning to heroin due to physical dependency issues.....just a thought
I have seen the crude extract for sale before but I was always sceptical of its safety, mainly because of unrealiable concentrations of the Dopamine antagonists Glaucine, and Tetrahydropalmatine, and the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor Corydaline.

THP or Tetrahydropalmatine is whats used as the painkiller in pharmaceutical extracts of the plant. which does have ligitimate use in pharmacy but its obviosly not harmless. case of poisoning

so even if your taking a refined pharmaceutical grade extract which certantly can help, its not without risk, my personal opinion is that there are other drugs that have helped in aiding recovering addicts with a more favourable safety profile.

also the chemical Palmatine, another isolate of C. Yanhusuo has an incredible history of use in the medical field, which is another great topic.
meluzine said:
I have seen the crude extract for sale before but I was always sceptical of its safety, mainly because of unrealiable concentrations of the Dopamine antagonists Glaucine, and Tetrahydropalmatine, and the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor Corydaline.

THP or Tetrahydropalmatine is whats used as the painkiller in pharmaceutical extracts of the plant. which does have ligitimate use in pharmacy but its obviosly not harmless. case of poisoning

so even if your taking a refined pharmaceutical grade extract which certantly can help, its not without risk, my personal opinion is that there are other drugs that have helped in aiding recovering addicts with a more favourable safety profile.

also the chemical Palmatine, another isolate of C. Yanhusuo has an incredible history of use in the medical field, which is another great topic.

I do have THP extract at the house that I have used to aid in sleep. Didn't know that there were cases of poisoning or that THP is extracted from yanhuoso! The stuff that I have is 99.9 percents pure and I take about 50-100mg as a dose. I will have to look into the poisoning cases a little more thouroughly because it seems pretty safe as far as my own expoeriences. Thanks for the info, mel.

Blessings, my friend
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