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Rising Star
Not my trip but an articulate trip I found on the web recently: On the way out I meet a femanine entity that reaches down from the sky and with long tenticle arms, foldes them around me. The beauty of this creature is beyond compehension. Hair flowing like seaweed, a face of radiant love., peircing blue eyes and a smile oh so sweet. woooooosh! I am wisked, me away, way up, up into the upper strata. Folded and cuddled within tenticle arms. There we spin and dance and the whole of all vibrates like a tuning fork. Pindot cathronwheels everywhere. Then she meldes and evolves into a most awesomely intricate dragon entity that is creator and I transend into a being of blue shimmering light and I dissappear into a sea of vibrant white electricity. My whole being exploding in rapture of orgasmic love. As I start to come back a bit I am met yet again folded in the arms of an entity somewhat like an octopus and we danced through halls of architectures of spirals, cubes, hexigons, tetrahedrons, dodecahedrons, Pyramids, evolving waves and dimensional tangents. I fold out apon a wave and become enveloped accross the top by another that split through a tangent dimension and takes me with it. This is a strange orange land, purple clouds and flat plain lands that seemed to go off at a 60* angle up left. I stand projected outwards and am surrounded by gosimre' wisp entities with gohstly smiling faces. These also dance and vibrate as I swirl and roll vortexing across the sky. I loop the loop and fall back through myself only to be grabbed by a most intricate dragon entity that flew with me, holding me (the touch of this entity almost exploded my psychi and I implode, exploded and become once again many many shards of irradecent light. We fly side by side through galaxies and super novas, the sky full of green and red shooting stars. I then stand up and shake my body as i feel like I had turned into the tree I sit back against. The sky above a massive archetectured cathedral ceiling, all the grass and the trees glowing vibrant white in the star light. My friend becomes a fallen Wizard the likes of the book disk worlds, fallen and not bothered to use any magic any more. His pipe done him. : ) Swirled apon the ground like a rag, cloke covering from shoulders to the ground. A hat atop his head, pointed and folded to one side. His cloak covered in silver moving symbols, stars moons arrows snakes all melding and creating a flow of energy so intricate my simple language can not describe. Sucking deep apon my pipe I fold out, upwards like an express train. Everything becomes atoms of light all connected and evolving. I melt into this atomised space the sky coming down and folding through me, translucent simbols silver every where and become an ever evolving mandela that chases and carrales around itself. Then I start to expand like an atom bomb exloding in space. White light from a centre rolling outwards across the flat plain of space and time, looping and vortexing through symbols and spirals waves and dimensions (Wordless folks, I do apologise : ) Zap! Point! Out! Larger, flatter. Out! Even bigger, flatter. Now like atom paper flat, Out ! Out! Out gone! Pop! Dimensional time and space all existence gone. Transcended into all incomprihesibly vast enourmously flat and sphered. Exploded like a super nove star! Silver blue yelleow red melding energies folded around and through me. I become many spectrums of light fractaled and prismatized. The energies are so great I cry out loud with the shear force of rapture. I roll around and wollow in a sea blue silver alive writhing sizzling through my existence like frying oil, bubbling effervecent evolving prismatic explosions of pure love for what seems like a thousand years and then some. I suddenly realised I have stopped breathing! Whoop I filled my lungs. Rolling backwards as if falling, each breath brining me closer to the earth. It is raining the rain drops slice straight through me and hit the ground beneath. I breath deep and open my eyes. The whole world, the way I see it has changed. Everything containing silver life force energies shimmering in the star light, everything complex patterns roll and dance around me. My psychi, my minds eye, my existence full of intricate patterns and I see energies flow an ebb, like being in a tidal water but also in the air. I breath in electricity and breath out. My whole body electric and alive. I start to dance and whirl giving thanks for the gift. I am now like a tuning fork in tune with a vibration so primal and pure I become connected with the ground through my dance. The lights around me forcefully by my movements collide and re-evolve as dancers within me. The star strune sky above spins like cathronwheels pindotting an cavorting in my dance. I whirl and spin staff in hand my cloak flying high like a flat wing. I am able to spin like a top endlessly without getting dizzy. I spin and jump, I have body, but the enrgies are so intence I can almost fly. I run up the feild and dive in the air fluid motion (not bad for an old man) I danced for nearly an hour screaching and whooping with primal exstatic delight and then collapse to the floor beaten. I crawl some 35 feet back to our little bender and suck deeply on my little green stick. (A lick of white widow for my body) I sag to the floor and fall deathly asleep for about ninety minutes. Apon awakening something has shifted. I see my world in a new light. The Sun crackes across the horizon with an orange big bold head and smiles at me. Everything is prismatic and alive all connected, at one. I sit and face the Sun and offer my pipe to our giver of life, tears streaming down my face. I hum chant and mumble humble my thanks as the Sun rises, eneregies within rising also to the new day. Completely soaked bedraggled and extreemly tired we break camp totally speachless. Return to the car and express both at the same time how plastic artificial the inside of the motor looks and feels. Ah well back to the hussle an bussly of our normal day live. Holding close to my heart of what I was shown and learnt. Spangled!!!
Very nice. [quote:cf3a9a7b1b]On the way out I meet a femanine entity that reaches down from the sky and with long tenticle arms, foldes them around me. The beauty of this creature is beyond compehension. Hair flowing like seaweed, a face of radiant love., peircing blue eyes and a smile oh so sweet. [/quote:cf3a9a7b1b] And BTW, i always thought if we had tentacles it would make sex really fun. Just think about all the rubbing and sucking you could do. Not to mention the cuddling.
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