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Auditory hallucinations while falling asleep

Migrated topic.


You create your own reality
Hi Nexians!

I sometimes experience auditory hallucinations as I transition into sleep. These are usually random utterances or vocalisations or just random noises.

They often happen suddenly, I'll be falling asleep, then all of a sudden I'll "hear" a voice saying something or a noise of some sort.

This has been happening to me a lot lately.

I remember one time, I was in my bed, in that state in between waking and sleep, and suddenly, I heard this loud crack. It was very intense, and I was scared for a moment afterwards.

Have any of you experienced something similar? What are your thoughts on this?
Not really. But sometimes when im already half asleep i wake up in a jolt because of a lound noise that isnt really there.
I experience this regularly
Random words in voices of people i know
The brain doesn't work in the linear logic we know in how it stores memories and access them, i feel that these voices are me picking up a bit of the info that my brain is processing subconsciously..
this is a very well lnown phenomenon. and pretty entertaining when i get it, which sadly is not often.
this is classic hypnagogia.
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