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Australian Skeptics $COLLECT$ the $20,000 spotter’s fee

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
The nice people down under also have have a challenge out to all Healers and successful paranormal artisans.
You DO NOT NEED Paranormal abilities yourself just nominate and $COLLECT$ the $20,000 spotter’s fee to anyone who nominates a person!

"While it would be exciting to find someone with genuine powers our experience has shown that people who make such claims are either self deluded or fraudulent."

"he Australian Skeptics offer a $20,000 spotter’s fee to anyone who nominates a person who successfully completes the Australian Skeptics Challenge. If you know someone who claims to have special powers we encourage you to invite them to accept our challenge by offering you a $20,000 spotter’s fee."

Come on out of the closet the Australians got cash money for you. Collect your reward and donate to charity. Benefit the World instead of spreading BS. Quit your day job and Please help us all
The $100,000 Challenge - Australian Skeptics Inc

Why wait do it now.(Me doing my best "Billy Mays" voice) My powers are not fully developed yet or I would already be collecting these rewards:lol: and donating to charity.

But since some say they are ready. Help us out here and teach us something new.


Since it seems to be acceptable to make a "MOCKERY" of the truth.
Surely it is acceptable to make a "MOCKERY" of lies.:lol:
What a great idea. No one has claimed randi's $1 million prize but maybe some people in Australia think they are paranormally gifted enough to withstand an actual controlled trial (yeah i know objective scrutiny destroys these people ha). I'd love to see someone prove their skills though.
If you had "special abilities", would you really want the government and every schmuck in the world knowing what you can do for a mere $20K?

I think not.
Saidin said:
If you had "special abilities", would you really want the government and every schmuck in the world knowing what you can do for a mere $20K?

I think not.
Thats more than you could rake in from the 'psychic fairs' so yes, of course they would. 8)
Saidin said:
If you had "special abilities", would you really want the government and every schmuck in the world knowing what you can do for a mere $20K?

I think not.
Exactly the point; so all these people who claim to be paranormal, have "special powers" etc but reveal them to those who will not not question much and make money fooling others are scam.

I agree that if there were people with true special abilities then they would be sought after from some government or whatever first thing. Which means they must not reveal their powers to anyone and act secretly for all of their lives. Which means that their existence is hardly even a theory if their existence cannot been tested and verified.
Saidin said:
If you had "special abilities", would you really want the government and every schmuck in the world knowing what you can do for a mere $20K?

I think not.

That is certainly a valid point most average people would fear discovery. I would dare to say these fearful ones are of limited character and self centered and selfish. If your talent could be used to help others and was something new and amazing that could benifet all humans I would say you have a moral responsibility to utilize you amazing gift to benifet all.

Surley over the eons of human existance at least a few people would have the balls to come forward and use there gift to help all inspite of the fact it may inconveiance or even a risk of there lives.

If we assume for the sake of debate that Jesus Christ was a person with paranormal abilities and not the son of god. He put others before himself he spent his life helping others, he was a man of impecable charchter who knew the risk and took it anyway. To this very day two thosand years after his death many still worship him, and even atheist and agnostice people do not dispute he was a great man and his ideas had great merit, people will not be forgetting what he did with his life any time in the near future. In fact he may never ever be forgotten by humanity.

Is Jesus the single person in human history who had the balls to come out of the closet and utilize his gift for the benifit of all?

Maybe indeed he was, but I can honestly say if I had powers to help other in such a miraculous way it would be a no brainier for me. I would not even have to take time to consider it. I would put my personal well being on the back burner, I would happily take my chances in order to share this revolutionary development with all who may benefit.

Surley Jesus and I can not be the only ones who would do this, I would not flatter myself with such a assumption. This is almost like being on a desert island with twenty other people and you just happen to have a seceret stash of antibotics that you have been using from time to time to cure infections the others are unaware you have these antibotics.

Well all twenty people come down with a fatal infection that will kill them without proper antibotics. You happen to have enough antibotics to save ten peoples lives. What shall you do? You are aware that if the others find out it will be a free for all battle to get the antibotics from you.

So do you come forward with the knowledge that will save half the people knowing one of them may kill you to get there life saving dose? Or do you decide it would be better to keep this a secrete in order to avoid the riot, so you just take your life saving dose and allow the other nineteen people to die. What choice would you make?

I can say beyond a doubt I would come forward and let the chips fall as they may, I would take the risk of ending up dead to save ten peoples lives who would surely die if I fail to act again a no brainier for me. I am sure many many others would do the same and put others before there selfishness.

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