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Automatic subscriptions

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I think it would be an awesome feature if we could have the option in our control panel to automatically subscribe to threads we create/respond to etc.

This would make it a lot easier to keep track of discussions of interest, and to more actively take part in them.

Just a thought.
As far as I'm aware you can only subscribe to threads as you create them. I may be wrong, it's happened before :p
Deleriant said:
I think it would be an awesome feature if we could have the option in our control panel to automatically subscribe to threads we create/respond to etc.
Just a thought.

Agreed, I've thought about this before myself. When I haven't logged on in a few days there are far too many discussions under the "active topics" to read in a reasonable amount of time; it would help to be able to subscribe. I would offer to help with this if I had programming skills, but I doubt it's that difficult...
Having some (very little) programming experience myself, I've learned that there are a lot of resources around for getting simple jobs like this done. It may be as easy as copy + pasting code from a website.
In the options, you can "watch this topic".
From your profile, under subscriptions are where the threads being watched are listed.

That's how I keep track of threads I am interested in.
BoKuDen said:
In the options, you can "watch this topic".
From your profile, under subscriptions are where the threads being watched are listed.

That's how I keep track of threads I am interested in.

Yeah, we kinda already have the feature.
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