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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Nexians!!

I would like to ask everyone here with the applicable knowledge. I would like to know more and at the same time build up a repository of knowledge here on Awakening, Ascension, shamanism ect. Its not that I am lazy (far from it) but I feel that I am wasting alot of time trying to sort through the MASSIVE piles of info deciding whats true or not.on top of that I can only manage to find very old outdated info around most of the time, so New material would be great.

So I am asking that if you have info linking to below list, Please post a link, document or any media relating to the topic. I will later compile this into the "awakening Guide".

Topics Of interest:

- Awakening / Ascension (Tips on awakening)
- Shamanism (intro into Shamanism, I want to become a Shaman)
- Alchemy (layman's or Beginner Alchemy 101)
- Ethno / Entheo 101

The point of all this is that I can educate myself and in turn freely teach any one who is willing to hear / learn. But I am a beginner in all filed and find it best to start with the basics or at the start. I want to teach people the alternative truth that been hidden from them but dont know where to find what.

I also believe that all of these topics fit into the same journey and I am trying to link it all up.

Please consider to rather not comment than commenting in a negative manner, Thanks.
Hey there!
I really enjoyed reading the book "Urban Shaman" by Serge King. He offers teachings about the Hawaiian Adventurer Shaman.

I've sent him emails with questions, and he is responsive. I favor the Adventurer Shaman teaching more so than some of the others because it does not involve fear or intimidation as a form of healing.

There are many different types of shamans, and some use fear as a tactic, and that's not my style.

It's probably worth researching a few different types and see what fits best for you.
AcaciaConfusedYah said:
Hey there!
I really enjoyed reading the book "Urban Shaman" by Serge King. He offers teachings about the Hawaiian Adventurer Shaman.
I've sent him emails with questions, and he is responsive. I favor the Adventurer Shaman teaching more so than some of the others because it does not involve fear or intimidation as a form of healing.
There are many different types of shamans, and some use fear as a tactic, and that's not my style.
It's probably worth researching a few different types and see what fits best for you.

Thanks a mil for the response! Great thanks, going to get to that book shortly, Would you mind giving me some more info regarding the different types of shamanism?

Peace and Love
there is no quick path to that kind of being.

no 5 day high priced adventure shamanism class is going to provide it. If it claims to it's probly a scam.

When, aside from in our modern commerce culture obsessed with everything we can buy and consume has this path ever been that easy?

Read the Voluspa..

Read about Odens innitiation hanging on ygdrassil.

"shamanism" without passing through fears is not shamnism.
Put down the books and go to the forest. Talk to the plants, ask them for their wisdom. Sing with the birds and the crickets and the frogs and the cicadas. Float down the river. Ride the wind. Salute the sun. Dance in the moonlight. Follow tracks. Sit under trees. Roll in the mud. Gaze at the stars.

Awakening is the sun kissing the mountain top. Ecstasis is a flickering flame. Alchemy is a flower blossom. You are indigenous to where you find yourself. Medicine is the scent of pine on the breeze. Each step on the trail is teaching. Learning is remaining downwind. Truth is a mosquito bite.

You are the hero of this story and every footpath leads to paradise.

antrocles, where are you when needed? LOL

Arczilla, not sure if you've read this already or not, but antrocles report, "A YEAR OF JUNGLE STEWING...", fits what you are looking for.

Also, in the first issue of the ezine, The Nexian, there is an interview where he talks more about the shamans that he was with. That starts on page 18. I recommend the largest file version as the pictures are great! The whole issue in fact is wonderful.

jamie said:
there is no quick path to that kind of being.
no 5 day high priced adventure shamanism class is going to provide it. If it claims to it's probly a scam.
When, aside from in our modern commerce culture obsessed with everything we can buy and consume has this path ever been that easy?
Read the Voluspa..
Read about Odens innitiation hanging on ygdrassil.
"shamanism" without passing through fears is not shamnism.
Yeah I was kind of thinking the same, I didnt quite mean 'The Easy way to Shamanism' more as a 'Total beginners guide to shamanism' or 'the basics of shamanism' lol 😁
Thanks for the read referrals :thumb_up:

dreamer042 said:
Put down the books and go to the forest. Talk to the plants, ask them for their wisdom. Sing with the birds and the crickets and the frogs and the cicadas. Float down the river. Ride the wind. Salute the sun. Dance in the moonlight. Follow tracks. Sit under trees. Roll in the mud. Gaze at the stars.
Awakening is the sun kissing the mountain top. Ecstasis is a flickering flame. Alchemy is a flower blossom. You are indigenous to where you find yourself. Medicine is the scent of pine on the breeze. Each step on the trail is teaching. Learning is remaining downwind. Truth is a mosquito bite.
You are the hero of this story and every footpath leads to paradise. ❤
Thanks Dreamer, your response resonates with me, I will definitely add more of this into my studies and journies!

FloorFan said:
antrocles, where are you when needed? LOL
Arczilla, not sure if you've read this already or not, but antrocles report, "A YEAR OF JUNGLE STEWING...", fits what you are looking for.
Also, in the first issue of the ezine, The Nexian, there is an interview where he talks more about the shamans that he was with. That starts on page 18. I recommend the largest file version as the pictures are great! The whole issue in fact is wonderful.
Thanks, just finished reading it... Wow that is incredible and very scary at the same time :thumb_up:
Yeah I downloaded the High res one first 8) absolutely love the Nexian!!

Thanks for everyone's responses thus far, I really appreciate it all!

dreamer042 said:
Put down the books and go to the forest. Talk to the plants, ask them for their wisdom. Sing with the birds and the crickets and the frogs and the cicadas. Float down the river. Ride the wind. Salute the sun. Dance in the moonlight. Follow tracks. Sit under trees. Roll in the mud. Gaze at the stars.

Awakening is the sun kissing the mountain top. Ecstasis is a flickering flame. Alchemy is a flower blossom. You are indigenous to where you find yourself. Medicine is the scent of pine on the breeze. Each step on the trail is teaching. Learning is remaining downwind. Truth is a mosquito bite.

You are the hero of this story and every footpath leads to paradise.


Said with such eloquence good Sir... Thank you for making me smile and for making my day. ♥

Much Peace and Respect
I just want to echo John Lash's proposal that the trendy word 'Ascension' be replaced with 'Immersion' -

'Ascension' has an un-grounded, escapist quality which many seekers find attractive - "Up & Out".

'Immersion' suggests a deeper engagement & contact with what is - "In & Through".

Just a thought. Do with it what ye will.
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