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Aya visuals

Migrated topic.


Looking to try another aya/pharma run this weekend. I had a quick question. Are the visuals from oral route mostly cev’s or is it like being in hyperspace with eyes open? The last time I tried I puked it up in about 10 minutes and digested almost none of it. But my wife and friend held it down for an hour, and it definitely worked. But to me it looked like they were napping for an hour and a half basically. Is it usually that sedative, or maybe to much rue tea?
For me it's been mostly CEV's, but at stronger doses it's almost physically incapacitating. The ability to move about is there, but the will power required to do so is not, if that makes any sense. What might look a nap to the observer was, IME, the peak of the experience and I personally found it best to just lie still with my eyes closed and take the experience in as opening my eyes seemed to interfere or disconnect from 'the other'. My experiences were Rue based though which I've heard can intensify the mobility issues.
This sounds right. I made a heavy rue tea that day. Used 16 grams that was supposed to be 4 doses, got turned into 3. So it was a heavy 5 gram tea. I couldn’t keep it down. I’m going with a harmala extract this time. If I remember right twitchy, you’re the one who suggests using fb for both parts, correct? Last time I dissolved spice in oj.
Metta-Morpheus said:
This sounds right. I made a heavy rue tea that day. Used 16 grams that was supposed to be 4 doses, got turned into 3. So it was a heavy 5 gram tea. I couldn’t keep it down. I’m going with a harmala extract this time. If I remember right twitchy, you’re the one who suggests using fb for both parts, correct? Last time I dissolved spice in oj.

Using Free base spice instead of salt or dissolving in an acid. It mighta been jees or tony6 that mentioned it. The method was to dissolve the spice in sodium bicarbonate or carbonate, I can’t remember. I’d have to look back. And it just connected for me that you also just wrote that your experiences were rue teas. So it obviously wasn’t you using fb harmalas🤪
Metta_morpheus said:
But to me it looked like they were napping for an hour and a half basically. Is it usually that sedative, or maybe to much rue tea?
The nodding off like sedation is from the rue seeds, give caapi a dream, real traditional Ayahuasca consist of Caapi + psychotria or chaliponga. The high levels of thh in caapi are stimulating like coffee. Rue contains less than 1% thh. However, thh is the 2nd highest alkaloid in caapi.

More info here: "How Caapi is different from rue seeds: tetrahydroharmine"
How Caapi & Rue differ and are alike - Ayahuasca - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
Just whipped up a brew of ayahuasca yesterday so my minds still fresh on this with respect to the visual aspect of it in comparison to smoked freebase and smoked freebase with oral hamralas.

For me PERSONALLY an ayahuasca brew consisting of 3g P.harmala and 4.5g of MHRB taken 30min after the initial tea produced both open and closed eye visuals of the same caliber you'd expect from a break through dose of freebase n,n albeit much more longer lasting.

This kinda took me by surprise actually as I always assumed that the visual character of smoked DMT was much more stronger in comparison to oral, maybe it is but just a little more rather than a whole lot more, I couldn't really distinguish the difference at that point in time though, it was still visual overload!

P.S. The last time trying smoked DMT (+ harmalas) was at the start of September so my mind wasn't as fresh on this as it is on ayahuasca taken just yesterday.
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