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Ayahuasca alkaloids

Migrated topic.
The root of syrian rue has two main alkaloids, harmine and harmol, and seems to have extremely weak maoi properties if any. The sprouted rue seeds probably have a good amount of harmol as well, and though being weaker in maoi effects, have a sublime depth and profundity to them...
dithyramb said:
The root of syrian rue has two main alkaloids, harmine and harmol, and seems to have extremely weak maoi properties if any.
Harmine is a strong MAOI, so maybe the content is low.
What about THH? Have you noticed any effects you would attribute to it?
The doses I tried were supposed to have at least the same amount of harmine as I consume with the seeds, according to the literature. I wouldn't know how to recognize THH, bro, but there is a precious magical quality intrinsic to sprouted seeds, and I will do more experiments with the root after this Fall's harvest.
Really, drugs are being metabolized the whole time they are in circulation but harmine is more likely to get into the brain with little restriction.

I did not know there is 7-hydroxyTHH in aya, I wonder what effect it might have. I love the effect of THH.
Could we somehow make 6-hydroxyTHH with mushrooms? :lol:
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