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Ayahuasca and bread

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey there,

has anyone noticed that having some bread part way through an Aya trip brings it on way stronger.

Been trying a number of foods (fruit, banana, bread etc) and found that while me and others haven't noticed any potentiation with the other foods about 20mins after taking bread it really kicks the aya into high gear,
even if taken after the peak another peak kicks in again.

any ideas or similar occurances?
Hmmm, I have noticed that a lot of people tend to choose bread....pita, toast, toast with butter, toast with fruit spread, toast with nut butters, etc...

I wonder what it is about it?
I was under the impression it was something fatty, so i would have a little bit of bread with a dollop of butter, I forget the workings of it but im sure it was to do with eating something then the gall bladder releases dmt, but ive always had bread too and its brought it on.
bread will do it for me...but alos ifind bread to be the most uncomfortable thing to eat to kick in a brew..seems counter productive in some ways..it always gives me the stomach cramps and seems to work against the healing effects on the gut i get from aya..i dotn eat anything now until 3-4 houra after drinking.
What I would like to know is what would help absorb the actives quickly, without causing these second and third waves. I find when it comes on quickly and fades without new peaks, the experience is much better.
Infinite I said:
I was under the impression it was something fatty, so i would have a little bit of bread with a dollop of butter, I forget the workings of it but im sure it was to do with eating something then the gall bladder releases dmt, but ive always had bread too and its brought it on.

This thread is fairly ancient, but being a newbie here, it got me to wondering...
Any idea how someone who has had their gall bladder removed would be affected? Wife and I are considering a trip to Peru for a retreat and I'd hate to blow a couple grand trying to convince some shaman that I need more because I 'lack the gall' to fully appreciate his potion lol
twitchy said:
Infinite I said:
I was under the impression it was something fatty, so i would have a little bit of bread with a dollop of butter, I forget the workings of it but im sure it was to do with eating something then the gall bladder releases dmt, but ive always had bread too and its brought it on.

This thread is fairly ancient, but being a newbie here, it got me to wondering...
Any idea how someone who has had their gall bladder removed would be affected? Wife and I are considering a trip to Peru for a retreat and I'd hate to blow a couple grand trying to convince some shaman that I need more because I 'lack the gall' to fully appreciate his potion lol
I don't think the gall bladder releases DMT.

I think that bread can "activate" ayahuasca because solids are more easily digested than liquids. Liquids can just stay in the stomach for a long time, doing nothing. Food activates the digestive system.
Yeah the gall bladder releasing anything sounded a little hokey to me as well, but if someone doesn't have a gall bladder I wondered if trying to trigger the digestive system with a fatty solid would be a waste of effort. I'm not sure what, if any role the gall bladder would play with ayahuasca but it seems to me that avoiding an ayahuasca misfire is fairly serious business for the home brewer as the material is so dear, or the 'Aya-tourist'... god knows those trips to Peru aren't cheap. Cholecystectomy is a common enough procedure to probably be a concern for a lot of folks I'm guessing though. Any thoughts on how this might otherwise interfere with, affect, or perhaps limit a brew's potential, if at all?
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