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ayahuasca and my house cleaner luisa

Migrated topic.

martyr n me

Rising Star
so today at lunch i asked my house cleaner about ayahuasca.
at first she didn't understand what i was saying due to my broken spanish, but then i sensed some hesitance to talk about the sacred brew, which i respected. all she said was "bonita."

have any of you had experience talking to indigenous peoples of central and south america about ayahuasca? this woman came out of the jungles of guatemala a year ago. she is definitely tribal, and wonderfully gracious.
but i am afraid of tramping on a subject she may hold very dear. how do i avoid coming off as a know-nothing gringo?

and do any of you know a little about the tribes and customs of guatemala? i started off everything by asking about 'los indigenos en guatemala' and what group they're from, but i didn't understand what she said.
I can't help you, in any way. Well, perhaps get a small voice recorder and while you are talking to her, tape her answers. That way you could try to phonetically sound it out into a translation program or find someone online who speaks her dialect. I don't know your relationship with her, perhaps if you become buddy buddy and she realizes that you aren't some idiot trying to get fugkthed thup, like most are when they first hear about hallucinogens of any sort. ( Which is very sad, depressing, and embarrassing that most people probably think the same about my own personal spiritual almost obsession with it. I'm not some spice head, and I plan out my travels like you would for any travel. I've learned my lessons young and have some pretty " unique " ideas about many things that MANY people conceive as pretty nutty. But I don't mind if someone thinks that. Or calls me a eccentric loon .etc I'm also no stranger to opiate addiction. Yet in my mind I see or perhaps rationalize that the use of these substances doesn't constitute as me relapsing, or returning to my addictive or drug using behavior. I'm also not saying I don't sometimes COME BACK TO that addictive behavior, just not with things I hold sacred in a special sort of way, cos' I also have a respect for the opium poppy. Yet, I'm reluctant to turn people on to spice for many reasons. I'm also very overtly offended when someone tells me that "You Psychonauts/Neo-Shamans/Enthogenic spiritualists .etc are just bullshit addicts using god or spirituality as a facade to use without the guilt some people get by using purely recreational substances, that you just use whatever you use to escape reality, exactly like junkies do when using heroin." Most people that know me, understand that when it comes to Enthogenic/Psychedelic/Pathogenic or whatever the new term is now; that even though I had my past with purely recreational and depression, anxiety, spiritlessness, emptiness .etc psychologically driven self medication driven opiate use that when it comes to things like spice, I'm like a priest and a bible.

Once the wise often understand this about your Neshamah/Higher self; that you, as an organic life form has pulled a few pieces of truth from your non organic form of life that most people are unconscious of. Once this is realized and you are tested or they just see it in your ways... They will gift wrap and deliver their wisdom in truck loads. ( The ones who have it. )

I know I'm long winded, I apologize. But if I were you, I would try to show your personal reverence and personal love, also your respect, for this mystical, sacred, daedal creation; that was obviously put here for a reason. Also study her specific culture, region and lifestyle. Once you have shown deep respect and personal interest in her roots, culture, spiritual and natural way of life, perhaps she will not be so coy.

I understand the language barrier is a BIG part of it also, I wonder if your relationship with her grows perhapses she would openly let you and help you translate her and you translate yourself for her sake. Everything worth knowing takes effort, how much is it worth to you? It all depends, you would also gather some unrelated knowledge on the way, and having a vast multitude of diverse sometimes even trivial or at the time seemingly trivial information.

Good luck! Keep us posted, I'd love to hear back about what you've learned and more about your experience with this specific individual and hopefully others will start posting their personal accounts.

If you haven't already read The Yage Letters by William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. It's a great, yet sort of vague and it had be wanting more. But it's definitely a good read. I also loved the reference to the terminology: Telepathine. How wonderful!

Again, sorry for the long winded posts. I hope it wasn't a waste of your time or just skipped right over it.

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