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Ayahuasca ceremony, the PJ way

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Or, how to make your ayahuasca session as enjoyable as possible.

Try to keep the MAOI diet, eat as little as possible.

First of all, order some fried rice with veggies from your chinese restaurant of choice.
Prepare your MAOI liquid and your DMT liquid separatedly, using your plant matter of choice. Double the dosage that you want to take.
Clarify the DMT liquid as much as possible - I personally raccomend to freeze it multiple times; every time you freeze your DMT liquid it should become more and more clarified, with crud going to the bottom. This crud can be used for extractions later.
Reduce both liquids to a glass or less of water each - do not combine them!
Once everything is ready and the active liquids are cooling down, brew some of your favourite stomach calming tea. I personally use honey, ginger, mullein, sage and thyme.

Choose a room with a carpet that is safe. This means to remove any possibly dangerous things like furniture that can fall over, glass things that can break when pushed, blades of any kind.
Prepare a puke-bucket with some water inside and a few splashes of mouthwash - the mouthwash will give it a fresh minty smell that feels so good when you go bleurgh inside it.
Prepare your favourite fuzzy warm blankies and a cushion.
Prepare your audio system and two playlists: a 30 min one, to get you in the mood - and a multiple hour one to listen to while tripping.
Prepare a small table with:
- plastic cups,
- antacid tablets,
- mouthwash,
- raw ginger, some sliced thinly and some big pieces

Make sure the room is warm and cozy.
Make sure your neighbours know you might make noise tonight and not to worry: you are practicing for a modern art performance and it might get a little weird. You REALLY don't want them to call the cops on you in the rare case of a bad trip where you start screaming.

When the sun sets, you know it's time.
Make sure you pooped and took a piss already.
Meditate a little and then close the blinds.
Pour one half (your desired dose) of DMT and MAOI containing liquids in their respective plastic cups, along with another cup for going deeper if you desire to.
Don't forget the nice tea, either.
Start the first playlist, then down the first shot of MAOI liquid in a single gulp. Immediately mouthwash and spit in the puke bucket.
Lay down a bit, wait for the playlist to end while sipping on the nice tea - you should be already starting to feel the MAOI.
Start the second playlist, take a deep breath, and do the DMT shot in a single gulp. Like before, mouthwash immediately, spit - but this time swallow an antacid tablet to help your stomach handle it.
Lie down, relax as much as possible, drink the sweet tea, and when you start feeling it, enjoy the ride. If you feel like you're ready, drink more DMT and MAOI.

That was wild! You should be getting hungry. Good thing you ordered that sweet fried rice earlier on!
If you guys have any protips to make ceremonies more enjoyable that I haven't listed, feel free to contribute!
Nice to see you found your way.
I do things differently but that concerns only personal style, like e.g. silence.
Hopefully (new?) people find inspiration in OP what set-and-setting actually could be and start from there. It's not the traditional way but wtf you have your success.
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