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Ayahuasca dosage: caapi leaf, chaliponga leaf, chakruna leaf

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello, I hope this is ok to post here. I wanted to post in the welcome area, but seems I no longer can as my account got upgraded (although I am still very much in the beginner / newbie area). If this is in the wrong section, my apologies.

Firstly, I have caapi leaf, not the vine bark. Reading around it seems that 50-100g of vine is recommended. With leaf I read that potency can be more variable, but assuming "normal" potency, would the same amounts be comparable?

Secondly, I read for chakruna a 1:1 ratio is recommended, meaning 50-100g of chakruna leaf. OK sounds reasonable. But then for chaliponga, I read 5-10grams is a dose. Is chaligpona really x10 more potent than chakruna?

I did try searching for the answers, but I guess my search abilities are poor as I couldn't find anything. I have about a million other questions, but not exhausted searching yet. But may post them here, if that is ok :)
well I now have one cup of chakruna liquid (200g) and 2 cups of caapi leaf liquid (400g). Unfortunately I burnt the 200g of chaliponga :-( I went to sit down as 3 washes last night then the boil down this morning took it out of me and must have dosed off for 30 minutes.

All being well will be testing tomorrow

Genetics and cultivation can vary and affect potency. The prudent way to do this is to treat every batch as extremely potent, test first with small amounts and raise gradually.

The method I used the most is to brew the MAOI-containing plant and DMT-containing plant separately at least the first time I use that batch.. Then I start taking small amounts of the MAOI plant first, see how it feels.

The effects I'm looking for with MAOIs is to feel light-headedness, a bit of tracers, slight altered headspace, light CEVs. If I don't feel anything or am not sure, I'd up the dosage next time. If I feel very nauseated, extreme light-sensitivity, dizzy, very strong tracers, then I probably took too much and next time will reduce dosage.

When I find my sweet spot with the caapi batch, then next time I can add a bit of the separately-brewed DMT-containing plant on top, and see how that goes. This way I adjust accordingly until I find the sweet spot for both plants. If you have significantly more of the same plant material, you could now brew a large mixed batch with the right proportion of each plant.
endlessness said:
The prudent way to do this is to treat every batch as extremely potent, test first with small amounts and raise gradually.
I have a feeling these will be quite weak, I've had the dry leaf a while (7 months) and seems that something had been eating some of the leaves lol. but yes, plan to start small (ish)

If I don't feel anything or am not sure, I'd up the dosage next time.

When you say "next time" you mean drink another cup in the same sesson? Or a completely different day?

I have the house to myself until early afternoon Monday, then the wife and kids are back. I know rushing things is not the best of ideas, but I don't really get much time alone, so am hoping to get a somewhat "good" experience tomorrow. Not just to test the caapi tea.

If you have significantly more of the same plant material, you could now brew a large mixed batch with the right proportion of each plant.
Got about a kg of chacruna leaf, 500g chaliponga, but don't have any more caapi leaf (although can get it easily enough, but then it's back to square one one in test doses.

Thanks for the link, will have a read :)
You can consume more in the same day.. In fact traditionally in Brazil it is common to take 2-3 doses in the same session, it will have cumulative effect. So yeah, start low and up the dosage gradually even if it's same day, if that's what your context/schedule requires.
endlessness said:
You can consume more in the same day.. In fact traditionally in Brazil it is common to take 2-3 doses in the same session, it will have cumulative effect. So yeah, start low and up the dosage gradually even if it's same day, if that's what your context/schedule requires.


I just read you can use a pressure cooker when doing the 3x3hr boils, meaning you can do 3x1 PC boils! Wish I knew this yesterday.

Going to try and get that done now and not burn away all those hours of hard work.
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