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Ayawhasca as a scred experience for learning, healing, and trancending.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello DMT nexus world!

I guess this might be a little long so sorry for that. They suggested for an essay so I let my mind run free. I guess my essay title is “My relationship to ayawhaska”.
There is so much I could say and so much to share, so I will focus on my basic understanding and comprehention of this wonderfull oportunity to have a mistic / trancendental experience. The venerance, the humility and the profund definition that I have of this might be interesting for some.
At this point it will get very long and I don’t expect anyone to really go through so much detail. So for all that will stop reading here, thanks and I wish you the best in your journey. You are here in this froum for a reason and that puts you in a very special group in this time and place. 

Now for the ones that are very curious, have nothing better to do, or have allot of time in their hands, je,je.. please you are welcome to read on.. I have tried to test the limits of my curiosity and have amazingly found that they have no limits!! I believe that curiosity is a requirement for learning so as long as its there, learning will follow. A hobby of learning. And a good one ineed!!

Background & Setting:
I have been in the spiritual search path for some were around 10 years now. Initially sparked from an unconscious inner urge to solve psychological issues that I knew were burried very deep .
Fortunaly and by synconic means I meet with a fantastic teacher which organized weekend retreats /seminars in Spain. In them they use many tool in a holistic approach (kapalabaty breathing, music therapy, ayawhasca, etc..) all in a relax nature setting to help people learn and heal. Each semiars have theoretical talks prior to the experimentation. These talks are based mostly on transpersonal psycology theory and are designed to prepare the student to have a better understanding of what lies beyond the self/ ego. The purpose of this is to try to help the student attain the most amount of learning /healing from his experience. Some seminars contain ayawhasca sessions, some only have capalabaty breathings. It is funny but after some time and fine tuning, you can transcend and get profund conection / information from your higher self just by capalabaty breathing. No entheogens needed! But the ayawasca used properly is a teacher and its leassons are second to none. :)

Now, I have only experience ayawhasca in an almost ritualic settings. Probably done it about 20 times within the last 10 years. One of the things that I have been taught is to try to put allot of efforts prior to the journey to always define a “purpose”. Why are you going for the experience. Normaly the day prior to the ayawhasca experience, there is a night of capalabati, meditaion, etc… The objective of this night is to try to define as good as possible a purpose. Try to search within yourself, ask your higher self for guideance and define a question, situation to resolve, etc. This “purpose” should be as clear as possibe prior to entering the ayawhasca experience.
Now it will not always work. The ayawhasca (abuelita) might have more important places to take you first. The purpose that you had define might not be as imperative at that moment. However the ayawhasca is wise so be open to the possibility that she will take you and show you what you need to see.
The reason for all this is to gain the most out of the ayawhasca experience and its capacity for teaching / healing. Idealy the experice will give you the tools needed to improve your day to day life. It will allow you to reprograme your ego and put to rest all its negative traits.
The ego can die during an ayawhasca experience and it often does. But we need and ego to navigate this reality so the best we can do is learn how to address the ego “shadow side” to be minimized and brought up to the light.
It reminds me of an interesting quote I heard one time: “A warrior of light is that how dares to go through his own shadow”
I guess I have been tough to always use ayawaska a a tool for personal growth and to view the experience and opportunity as sacret. I ugess all saints peak experiences were trips very similar to an ayawaska experience.

My first experience:
The first time I took ayawaska I was really eager to have a strong experience and knew very little about it so after about 45 minutes or so from first shot consumption I asked the teacher for another shot… Allot of things happened but I guess I can focus on one of them. Needless to say the experience was so strong that I had an astral separation. I was pushed back behind the beach chair I was sitting in and could see the silouet of my body sitting there on front. Arms twiching like a robot with a short circuit, white light coming out of the head in all directions. Huge reporgraming taking place to the poor fellow sitting in the chair while I just floted calmy contemplated the caos that poor guys body (me) was going through,… Well it defenetly put the substance into perspective. This was by no means a recreational experience… ;)

Would I recommend it?:
There is allot of responsibility in regards to opening each individuals Pandora box the way ayawhasca can. Nothings harder than having to face your own shadow. And its not for everyone. Maybe people are unaware of what they have inside and it could be a great shock to find out. Even more problematic is to try afterwards to build an even more huge ego construct in order to try to put all that is not accepted back inside the box. This can in deed create a huge physiological burden in a person if he is not ready or humble enough to accept the truths that he has been shown. As my father always said “its easier to take a cat out of a bag that to put it back in…”
I therefore think it is up to the individual to find their own path and guide themselves by their inner self (not the inner voice that we hear inside the head since that one is usually the ego). How far curiousity will take you and how open/ serious are you to realy study what you have inside?
So I would be more than glad to talk about it and share my experience, but the door has to be seeked and passed by the person themselves.

Ingestion format:
Now I have only used oral ayawasca. (Mimosa & Peganus, Mimiso & Cappi). I have prepared the brew myslef probably around 4 ocations with quite satisfactory results. Fractal desintegration of reality, etc.

Reading some of the DMT –nexus forums I see there are a lot of people ingesting DMT in smoked /vaporized format. I can only imagine the speed of that ride. It must be like taking off to outer space strapped on to the nose of the space shuttle.. … I also understand from the readings that the expeience last around 10 minutes. I admire you guys for your courage. I wouldn’t dare to do it. However I wonder since the expeience is so short, does it looses some of the time needed to navigate it and learn / heal? I mean 10 minutes compare to 4 to 6 hrs when ingesting? I mean no disrespect. You guys know what is like and probably know both ways. I can only theorise based on my limited experience. My curiosity has no limits but for the time being oraly is way hard as it is.. I guess ever since my first experience I have way a lot of respect for the substance…

One last question to anyone that might know:
I live in Norway and Im afraid that they might close down the ability to order MHRB by mail. If its not closed already… For this reason I want to buy and stock MHRB in preparation for it not to be possible to buy it in the future. My question is the following. I have read all I could in storing MHRB from the inrent and the DMT forum. Cold, dark place, with sealed bags, etc.. My question is, how long can I store MHRB for and still expect a decent ayawyasca brew? I was thinking about stocking for like 10 years or so and my consumption is very limited (2 to 3 times per year). I have been in contact with a supplier in the Netherlands and they mention that its more stable in poder form. Now that differs from the DMT nexus FAQ where it says its more stable in shredded format. Also would putting it in a freezer help preserve it longer? Any idea of shelf life?

Well hello there to whoever made it this far… :d
In hopes that ayawasca can help illuminate your path for the better!! Im sure it can!
Welcome to the forums

I'm with you on going into an experience with an intent in mind, I usually do myself. But sometimes there can be great value in not having any intent, just letting the trip take you where it will.

I'be no idea about the shelf life of MHRB, I'm sure the info must be buried somewhere on here though.
Not too long at all :D I enjoyed reading it

Welcome to the nexus

I managed to take a lot out of that, I hope you can take a lot out of what other members discuss on here too

Thank you for the very interesting intro, I admire your curiosity

Tell me something, what is it that intimidates you about the smoked experience?

A lot of people on here see it as the other way around compared to you, as in they would think you have courage to drink aya instead of smoking it

I can also assure you that your precious bark will last a lot longer if you use it for smoking purposes...

And sometimes its nice if you are pressed for time, to have a comfortable (hahaha) experience that fits in with time

I'm sure your curiosity will get the better of you 😉

See you around the site
KaiserSausy: I understand what you mean and can contemplate how amaything it would be to just let it be. Isnt thats what life is all about anyway???? 😁 I will defentely try it when I get a change!

Unofortunatly my experiences are few and far appart so for that reason to try to make the most out of the jourey inward (this are guided weekend smeniar work) we are instructed to "try" to put a purpose.

But at the end it is the abulelita (the grandmother) who decides were you go... :lol: And it is great and so wise and so caring... I have but the upmost respect for the wisdom you come in contact with though the experience... It has teached me so much...

I guess in a way I have been thought to consider every ayahuasca experience as sacred. And I do. It truly makes it magical and opens the door for amaything things to happen.

But most of all it has cemented me as a student. It seems the ego erroneoulsy strives for illumination in order to satisfy recognition. I have therefore slowed down my search and humbly will remain a student forever.. Only way to assure I keep on learning.. :) Which sounds good and all but it is as long as its not the ego again trying to pretend you are so cool and wise... :twisted:

You have to be very carefull with the sneaky one... Its more cleaver that Mc Gyver.

Changalvia: Thanks for your port. I am new to this type of communication so I was not sure if my post was a little aquard. I guess I explained allot but at the same time I wonder if did communicate anything at least of interest to others. So both KaiserSausy and your post felt like a nice glass of ice water in a desert. Very refreshing indeed!

Funny that you mention about the reversal of opinions when it comes to oral vs smoking. This is one of thing that after joining this forum has intrigue me a little.

OK the issue is this. After my first experience, I developed a deep respect, and caution for the substance. I mean I really understood first hand the power we were talking about. My prior experinces with LSD were like children bed time stories compared to this. So from that experience I always have remain very cautious about going up to crusing speed. Once there I have an amazing time. But getting there Im always unconfortable. I guess its really the ego trying to keep its rains on control. And he hates when reality desintegrates. Nothing worse to him than to be desintegrated.. It is funny to say this but in a way I (or better said my ego) really dont like aya. But what my ego really does not like is the desintegration / loosing control.

So what do I do? I push his limits. I know he does not like it but that wont stop me and I still give it to him. :) In a way my ego and me have a much better relationship since I introduced aya. He knows that If I set my mind to it, he will never hear the end of it. So for that reason he has become a much more carefull and dosile companion... ;)

In a way I guess it could be summed up as fear of the unkown.

Lately is has been better though. Last couple of aya I have been able to surrender more to the experience and dont see it that much as a thread. I guess Im more confortable to let it be..

Now in smoking it I can imagine you go to a similar place but in a matter of seconds. That must be one hell of a ride!! I have great respect for those who dare. But for the same reason my cautious / controling side kicks in...

I still dont understand why people that smoke it might be hesitant of ingesting it. Isnt it the same place they go to?

And I fully understand the time issue. To do it oraly you really need a whole weekend... That is probably the main reason I do it only a couple of times per year. That and the fact that I live in Norway and they would burn me inquisition stile if they found out about my inner searches!!

I have not read anything about smoking it so I cant asses. Would be great to read a comparison. I have read of people drinking it and then a little later smoking it and it just blows my mind!! I guess theirs too...😁

When it comes to preserving it, here is a dilema. I hear that MHRB has a problem with DMT oxidising into DMT n-oxide. But I also heard that for oral consumption DMT n-oxide is water soluble so at the end there is really no DMT loss in the brew. This will mean that for oral ingestion there is really no loss of potency? With this info it seems for "oral" the MHRB has an indefenit shelf life. At least this is what I have been let to beleive by the FAQ.

Im curious though, why do you say that the bark will last longer if used for smoking?

And as you can probably guess my curiosity is having a field day!!!! :thumb_up:

Thanks again!
I just recently did a pull on some mimosa that was left sitting in a baggie for a little over a year with no yeild reduction IE I got like 1.1% DMT from the material, all I did was store it on a shelf in a sealed baggie and pushed as much air out of the bag as possible. Not vacuum sealed but tight enough that it felt like it was vacuum sealed.
Hello TOXIN. This is the info I found in FAQ: "For oral usage of mimosa, formation of n-oxide wouldnt really affect much as it will be water soluble so one will still get the effects when consuming the brew."

I therefor understand now (I think) that for oral consumption, there really is no loss in efficiency and for that reason the MHRB can be stored indefently in a cold, dark, dry place. And of course as long as nothing strange grown on it like a alien fongus or anything.

This makes me also reason that frezer and air tight is also not needed if oraly ingested?

For smoked I guess this might be a differnet story.

Im looking for storing it for up to 10 years. In case the laws change and I can get it anymore...

Thanks again for your contribution!
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