Yo so a year or so ago right after the first time SWIM did dmt. SWIM took one the smallest amounts of mushrooms Hes ever taken. and ended up In the worst trip hes ever had. he took the mushrooms went swimming with some friends. had a great time for the first 3 hours of the trip but then when they came inside to watch tv he felt my heart start beating faster and faster he was sure he was going to die. he told his friends he was going to die started crying he was positive he was going to die that night. after he calmed down a little he was paranoid that there were people out to get them so he sat by the window waiting for the cops to arrive. he felt as if he was going to be stuck in this mindset forever. he felt as if some force was sucking the life out of him.
ever sence that experience he hallucinates all the time .everything always looks like tv static of various colors and he gets lines and colors that form shapes on the walls and move around. sometimes when he smokes weed it often exagerates his hallucinations to the point of where its like a mild boomz trip. but sometimes he gets these terrible flashbacks in which he gets very confused distant from reality and start having completly irrational thoughts that hes not alright and something has happened to him that is going to die hes not done boomz sence and he never will again but he was just wondering if there was anyway that he can deal with these bad flashbacks to turn them posotive or someway to get rid of them completely.
ever sence that experience he hallucinates all the time .everything always looks like tv static of various colors and he gets lines and colors that form shapes on the walls and move around. sometimes when he smokes weed it often exagerates his hallucinations to the point of where its like a mild boomz trip. but sometimes he gets these terrible flashbacks in which he gets very confused distant from reality and start having completly irrational thoughts that hes not alright and something has happened to him that is going to die hes not done boomz sence and he never will again but he was just wondering if there was anyway that he can deal with these bad flashbacks to turn them posotive or someway to get rid of them completely.