I have friends in far away places:d ...
I have a place to always express myself, and others to talk to when in need...
I listen to music and look at beautiful art I never would have found otherwise...
I am more able to see others side of the story...
I feel like I am a part of something important...
I can use cool words like "jimjam" and know what they mean:d ...
I feel there is a place i can go where love is of the most importance...and I can be me...
I can talk about my magical journeys with others who "get it"...
There is always some new alchemical recipe for me to take a shot at...
I can be writer and be read by others(something I always dreamed of)...
I can share all the magic that I find in this life with all of you...and vicer versa...
I can always come here and find such beauty when all I can seem to percieve is the opposite..
I always have something cool to read...
I learn something new every day...
and so so much more..
Thanks traveler and everyone here who contributes! I love all of you and cherish this wonderful place.
I have a place to always express myself, and others to talk to when in need...
I listen to music and look at beautiful art I never would have found otherwise...
I am more able to see others side of the story...
I feel like I am a part of something important...
I can use cool words like "jimjam" and know what they mean:d ...
I feel there is a place i can go where love is of the most importance...and I can be me...
I can talk about my magical journeys with others who "get it"...
There is always some new alchemical recipe for me to take a shot at...
I can be writer and be read by others(something I always dreamed of)...
I can share all the magic that I find in this life with all of you...and vicer versa...
I can always come here and find such beauty when all I can seem to percieve is the opposite..
I always have something cool to read...
I learn something new every day...
and so so much more..
Thanks traveler and everyone here who contributes! I love all of you and cherish this wonderful place.