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Best Bufotenine?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the simplest, yet still relatively effective tek currently available for Bufotenine? I've been looking at many, but I see many responses to all of them stating a variety of issues and dilemmas, sometimes even from the original poster of the methods.

It's fairly confusing.

I'm extremely interested in Bufo.. I want to try it with my friends, but I want to get a good clean extract so they don't puke their guts up or have a ruined trip.
Jorkest's IPA Changa tek is pretty simple and it removes plenty of the toxins. Someone has said that even pure bufo has nausea at higher doses, so be ready no matter which route you choose.

There's always gonna be some issues with teks, but if you read through the thread you can learn from other's struggles and start ahead.

The only issue you will not have control over is seed potency. I would suggest 10g seeds extracted and evaporated over 1g of leaf. A little dab will do ya.

If you don't want to puke: start small and work up. Jorkest discovered that small rips held for at least 20 seconds each over a few minutes will greatly reduce the side effects.

If you don't want your friends to puke or have a ruined trip: get the tek to work so that you succeed personally with the enhanced leaf, become familiar with it so that you know first hand the proper setting and methods of smoking. Still, keep a bucket handy because sometimes things happen.

Hope this helps :)
I havent used any other tek other than the iso tek...when I first figured it out and told jorkest about it he wanst getting very good results with his bufo from his limo tek, and when he tried the iso tek it he said that it was the first time bufo really worked well for him..

BUT there is also a sort of reverse tolerance and different personal responces to bufotenine it seems..so who knows..i just never bothered wiht other teks becasue i dont want to boil xylene etc and my iso tek works well enough for me for now..

Extracting some bufo for you and your freinds to try sounds fun..but personally..i think you should take the time to work with it yourself over a period of time or you just might be dissapointed...

Oh and if you dont want any nausea and are not willing to purge if it gets to that..bufo might not be for oyu.
I am sort of the "psychedelic guru" around here. I bring all the strange and misunderstood substances/entheogens to my friends, the ones worthy of experiencing it - people who can disseminate the truths presented. Thus far I've brought DMT, LSA, and Mescaline forward. I've been excited about Bufo for a long time now - I actually wrote the summary and compiled the info for Jorkest's d-limonene guide for his tek back in the day so he could present it. But back then there was very little being done with it - now it seems a lot more actively researched..
yea deff work with it by yourself first..because ive tried giving it to some friends..one person experienced great pain all over their bodies...another person only got enough to feel the first effects...its something that you kinda have to push yourself to do..if you want the visuals and visions...its probably one of the most interesting chemicals i have tried..but its definitely not easy by any means...i struggled for over a year trying to get a tek that produced decent effects...and still struggling to purify it(even though i really dont see much point)

i did get pure why bufo crystals once...but when smoked..i barely got effects that were worth it...but i was also new to my bufotenine relationship...and i REALLY feel that you have to work with it for awhile for the effects to come apparent...
Well done Jorkest for getting to those pure crystals! I would pay to see pictures of those beauties.
But you are exactly right about the effects.
Its for the same reason that when THC is extracted from cannabis pure, and injected or smoked, it doesn't produce the same effect as the combination with all the other cannabinoids.
anadenanthera colombia seeds contain 4% alkaloids with ~75% bufotenine, 5% n,n-DMT & 20% 5-MeO-DMTG. 5-OH-DMT, for example is a 5-HT agonist along with all these sertotonergic psychoactives. (has a certain subset profile, dmt has another)
{Subset profile is when it has a certain affinitry for different types of serotonin receptos. Eg. DMT is a 5-HT 2A/2C receptor agonist.)

Its that perfect combination of the different tryptamines that causes the intese visuals. Therefore, purifying for purposes other than research or interest is not really worth it.
Sounds amazing.

I think its just the bufotenine..rons swim and ott both tested pure bufo many times and reported near identical effects to what i experience...

Also, the 5meo DMT and the DMT will both be vaped out of the seeds durring the toasting process..neither DMT or 5meo can withstand being toasted at 350 for 30 minutes..

Many people experience nothing the first time they smoke cannabis..i was one of those people..i felt nothing until probly my 9 ro 10th time smoking it..

Whith bufotenine it almost seems there is a revese tolerance to it where after after a few sessions you learn how to let the trance overtake you..once you can do that its prob the most visionary tryptamine you will find.

Also the onset and half life of DMT and 5meo are soo off from that of bufotenine...if there was really 20% 5meo in the seeds..even if there was 1mg of 5meo in each dose..you would feel it istantly, and the DMT would probadd some visuals to it..

When i smoke a fullrange extraction of the seeds, extracted after they are toasted, there is no 5meo rush at all or anything like DMT..just the expected onset time of bufotenine..I have smoked bufotenine with both DMT and a mix of DMT and 5meo and the onset in that case is instant and as the meo rush tapers off it fades into the bufotenine experience and sort of alters it somewhat.
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