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Ok I just went to grab a bag of herb and picked up a handful of these and some lime.

I just sprinkled the lime in the bag with the nuts and mixed it up to where the nuts were pretty white, looked like sugar coated treats. However they diddnt taste like sugar coated treats, but not horrible either, just a bit earthy.

I noticed a slight tightning of my chest and a relaxed feeling mins after sucking on them and sprinkling a little lime in my mouth for good mesure. I eventually migrated them over to my cheeks and had one on each side.

Id say the effects on my 25-30 min drive home were that of smoking a few hits of some moderatly decent pot.

Plenty of spitting, a large blister on my cheek, and my tounge is pretty sore.

Worth a try, id like to do an extract on them if I could to injest it some other way.

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