Beyond Psychedelics
Global Psychedelic Forum
21-24 June, 2018
Prague, Czech Republic
Current Challenges and Future Prospects
Are any other Nexians thinking of attending this? It looks cool, I've just submitted a presentation abstract but think I may try and attend anyway, a few friends are going. Thought I'd share in case it's of interest to anyone else.
Global Psychedelic Forum
21-24 June, 2018
Prague, Czech Republic
Current Challenges and Future Prospects

Beyond Psychedelics
Kultivujeme prostředí pro pozitivní změnu v přístupu ke zdraví. Usilujeme o smysluplné využívání potenciálu vědomé zkušenosti. Podporujeme informované a kritické myšlení.

Are any other Nexians thinking of attending this? It looks cool, I've just submitted a presentation abstract but think I may try and attend anyway, a few friends are going. Thought I'd share in case it's of interest to anyone else.