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Bhut Jolokia "Ghost" Pepper Experience


Rising Star
Well, against my better judgment, I picked up a pack of these at a supermarket, and proceeded to eat one. It's likely that I will never do it again, but it was interesting. I can describe eating this pepper as being so hot, that it put my body into crisis mode. I became very uncomfortable at one point, and felt as if I might vomit. However, the most interesting part of this, for me, was that it was fairly "trippy" for lack of a better word. I can't say exactly, but it seemed to induce a psychedelic-type state of consciousness for a few brief moments. In fact, it was kind of like tripping, in a way, when you consider that it builds in intensity and then peaks before starting to diminish. Has anyone eaten one of these peppers, and if so, what was your experience?
i have not eaten a ghost pepper (i am kinda over my capsaicin craze, but at the height of it i was extremely comfortable with ~300k scoville units or so - which is less than a third as hot as a ghost), but i have had some psychedelic-esque experiences with lots of heat.

even so far as mild OEV
One of my addictions that I still permit in my life, spicy foods :)

I ate a ghost pepper once on a dare (my friends enjoy watching me suffer I think) and I also had a mild sort of psychedelic experience. It really does put your body into crisis mode. I sat in the lotus position and chewed it for much longer than I needed to. The pain was almost unbearable and I consider myself to have a high tolerance to pain. But once it builds to such an intensity you can reach a place where you can shut out the pain and focus more on the other effects you're experiencing which is what I managed to do.

Definite change in consciousness, although no CEV's or OEV's.
Maybe the slightly altered state is due to the endorphin rush one gets from eating such?

I was at a buddies house last summer, where he has a fairly sized garden. He typically grows jalapenos, habaneros, chilis, squash, tomatoes, etc. I remember picking off this smallish-red-slightly deformed at the bottom pepper. Thought it was a habanero as ive ate those fresh many times. I remember throwing it back, munching away, immediately greeted by the most excruciating pain i've felt, quickly ramping up in intensity. My insides were literally throbbing from the heat. Turns out I ate a trinidad scorpion. :surprised

There was very faint OEVs, although I recall feeling this transcendental form of awareness. I felt paradoxically tranquil despite having my mouth and insides on fire. Like I said, it was probably due to the endorphin release. Still an interesting altered state nonetheless.

much love,
I have never eaten any of the uber-hot peppers, but I used to have a habit of eating one dried Chili Pequin every day. They were hot enough that the rest of the universe pretty much went away for a few minutes and all you knew about was your burning mouth. Definitely hotter than an average grocery store Habenero which I can munch down pretty easily.

There's a definite endorphin rush, for sure. It's pretty similar to the feeling of runner's high, etc. that anyone who exercises knows about. You can build up tolerance too, but I think once you're into the concentrates and such all bets are off. :twisted:

In Andrew Weil's book The Marriage of the Sun and the Moon there is a chapter on eating chilles as a mind altering substance which is worth reading. you can find it on Google books.
People from the native land of bhut jolokia live where it is incessantly hot. They actually eat the peppers to cool off at the peak of the day since it induces sweating. I grew some last year. One ghost pepper goes a long way in a big batch of salsa or pasta sauce!
They certainly shift your consciousness, that's for sure :shock: I have experimented with various mega-hot chillis and extracts, the hottest being 12 million scovilles. A match head size blob had me in serious pain for about twenty minutes, streaming eyes, drooling, stomach discomfort, hiccups, but the after effects are very nice indeed. A massive endorphin rush, euphoria. My insides can't take anything like that now. I'll stick to the tamer chillis now, no point damaging yourself.
I usually make homemade spicy thai food with alot of chilis and galangal, and honestly after munching on a big bowl of this stuff with a nice weed joint after puts me in a very trippy mode.

I guess its some kind of thc/insulin/spicy food combo, but its very ncie and rewarding esp if i have been working out before.
This is so cool, because I was eating a very very mild green pepper today, and I realized that there is much to learn while experiencing peppers.

If we relate peppers to mushrooms, we can see very clearly that for each of us there is a personalized scale to work with.

Eat jut one very mild chili pepper in small bites over a period of ten minutes.
You will observe the extremely subtle effects, and it will slowly build into a definite psychoactive experience.

But eat a very hot pepper all at once, and it's very clear that one is jumping straight into something and it produces a certain state of shock.

We can't process all the sensation at once, so we have a kind of overdriven waveform going on.

Anyways chili peppers for exploring conscious yeah!8)
cubeananda said:
This is so cool, because I was eating a very very mild green pepper today, and I realized that there is much to learn while experiencing peppers.

If we relate peppers to mushrooms, we can see very clearly that for each of us there is a personalized scale to work with.

Eat jut one very mild chili pepper in small bites over a period of ten minutes.
You will observe the extremely subtle effects, and it will slowly build into a definite psychoactive experience.

But eat a very hot pepper all at once, and it's very clear that one is jumping straight into something and it produces a certain state of shock.

We can't process all the sensation at once, so we have a kind of overdriven waveform going on.

Anyways chili peppers for exploring conscious yeah!8)

I'd relate it to ayahuasca, what with the severe stomach upset/paralysis. I would actually eat these again if not for the fact that it's not very healthy, that it gave me the hiccups, and that is causes so much gastric discomfort.
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