Rising Star
Hey everyone!
I stumbled upon this site while tooling around on the Shroomery.
So far, I think it's pretty amazing! I must have gazed at the artwork on the home page for a solid 10 minutes before registering. The colors are absolutely marvelous! To be able to inject that level of depth, movement, and emotion into a piece without overcrowding it - that takes true skill. :thumb_up:
Ok, so where do I begin?
I just returned from Burning Man. While there, I was gifted something amazing: a release from myself.
I was terrified at first. I felt the universe enter me, expand in me, and begin to devour me.
My body grew colder. The patterns of fractals blossoming before me grew in magnificence and intensity. Then, without warning, I parted from myself. Out of me- into the rug. Then the hammock. And then the cooler.
Any object; every object; every space; any space. I inhabited it.
I felt physically ill. I was terrified, and I began to weep. I pleaded with the universe to bring me back to my body.
But it refused.
Then it spoke to me and said: I will not subside, but rather intensify. You must gaze into me and defeat your fear, or I will break your mind to pieces.
The force was having it's way with me, and I was certain that it would make good on it's threat to turn me into a vegetable if I failed to comply.
Pain and fear engulfing me, death becoming me, I stood before the void and opened my eyes.
And there it was- all the times when I was bullied & neglected; all the people who turned their backs on me; the years I spent hating myself so fervently & feeling like a monster inside- the nothingness.
It's eyes opened and met mine.
And it was in this moment that I understood. This is no devil I gaze upon. The force has no name and no face, but it's in everything & everyone at every moment. It is balance. The action to reaction; positive to negative; infinite to finite and back again.
A code. *The* code.
The universe's binary explanation from which the most breathtaking complexities are born.
The fear vanished and was replaced with a healing sensation unlike anything I've ever felt.
I was no longer apart. I was a part!
The universe, in all it's beauty & brutality, drew me into a lover's embrace and whispered in my ear: see- I knew you could do it.
I replied with a simple 'yeah.'
Yeah- I really am this strong. Because I am not my body, my name, or even my mind. I am an expression of the universe's infinitely repeating blueprint.
I am what you are. You are what I am. And the mysteries of space and the intimacies of love and the feelings that I get when I touch the nerve or when a hand touches my shoulder- this is the divine language of existence.
And now I cry tears of joy because I am so grateful & honored to be a part.
Thank you universe. Thank you for letting me in.
Thank you me. Thank you for letting me out.
I stumbled upon this site while tooling around on the Shroomery.
So far, I think it's pretty amazing! I must have gazed at the artwork on the home page for a solid 10 minutes before registering. The colors are absolutely marvelous! To be able to inject that level of depth, movement, and emotion into a piece without overcrowding it - that takes true skill. :thumb_up:
Ok, so where do I begin?
I just returned from Burning Man. While there, I was gifted something amazing: a release from myself.
I was terrified at first. I felt the universe enter me, expand in me, and begin to devour me.
My body grew colder. The patterns of fractals blossoming before me grew in magnificence and intensity. Then, without warning, I parted from myself. Out of me- into the rug. Then the hammock. And then the cooler.
Any object; every object; every space; any space. I inhabited it.
I felt physically ill. I was terrified, and I began to weep. I pleaded with the universe to bring me back to my body.
But it refused.
Then it spoke to me and said: I will not subside, but rather intensify. You must gaze into me and defeat your fear, or I will break your mind to pieces.
The force was having it's way with me, and I was certain that it would make good on it's threat to turn me into a vegetable if I failed to comply.
Pain and fear engulfing me, death becoming me, I stood before the void and opened my eyes.
And there it was- all the times when I was bullied & neglected; all the people who turned their backs on me; the years I spent hating myself so fervently & feeling like a monster inside- the nothingness.
It's eyes opened and met mine.
And it was in this moment that I understood. This is no devil I gaze upon. The force has no name and no face, but it's in everything & everyone at every moment. It is balance. The action to reaction; positive to negative; infinite to finite and back again.
A code. *The* code.
The universe's binary explanation from which the most breathtaking complexities are born.
The fear vanished and was replaced with a healing sensation unlike anything I've ever felt.
I was no longer apart. I was a part!
The universe, in all it's beauty & brutality, drew me into a lover's embrace and whispered in my ear: see- I knew you could do it.
I replied with a simple 'yeah.'
Yeah- I really am this strong. Because I am not my body, my name, or even my mind. I am an expression of the universe's infinitely repeating blueprint.
I am what you are. You are what I am. And the mysteries of space and the intimacies of love and the feelings that I get when I touch the nerve or when a hand touches my shoulder- this is the divine language of existence.
And now I cry tears of joy because I am so grateful & honored to be a part.
Thank you universe. Thank you for letting me in.
Thank you me. Thank you for letting me out.