Khronix said:
Although DMT seems to be very unfairly restricted, there are benefits to this kind of restriction, and this example leads to the reason that these chemicals should not be completely legalized. By and large, DMT remains unknown to the general population, and this has lead to it being basically unheard of as a “street drug”, which has lead to its use mainly by more well-informed individuals seeking a spiritual experience rather than a simple pleasurable body high.
To see just how bad the complete legalization of a drug like this can be, you need not look any further than the present day situation of salvia divinorum. This plant can only be found naturally growing within the “cloud forests” in the Sierra Oaxaca mountain range in southern Mexico, where the Mazatec Shamans have been found to chew the leaves of this plant for spiritual healing practices. This sacred plant was first discovered by the western world in the early 1900s, and wasn’t made readily available until the mid 1990s. Although the natives who use this plant show the utmost respect for it and believe only in chewing the leaves, western society has taken to drying out the leaves, proceeding to supersaturate the leaves in extra Salvinorin A (the active psychoactive compound) which can make the leaves over 100x as strong, and then commercially selling the product that is meant to be smoked (which increases psychoactive effects exponentially). While there are those out there who choose to use this plant to initiate meaningful spiritual journeys, the most common use of this plant is by completely uninformed individuals who treat it like a “party drug” such as marijuana or alcohol and end up going through one of the most horrific experiences of their life, with common themes like being physically stretched across the cosmos or drowning, often accompanied by a view of the world ending. After experiencing such a terrifying event they choose never to use the substance again. One of the most troubling problems with salvia use today is the trend for people to record videos of the experience, which usually looks frightening from the outside as the person is battling ego-loss and probably seeing some very unsettling events, and put them on Youtube for everyone to see. Concerned parents and government officials then see these videos of some strange legal plant that teenagers are misusing and work to ban the drug. This is just one example of why the society we live in today could never manage if hallucinogenic drugs were completely legalized.
*breaths slowly*
Mr. Khronix, I could not disagree with that paragraph more. You say that DMT should not be completely legal because most people won't use it for
spiritual purposes but rather for fun and trip balls.
First of all, if you do your research correctly you will find that, actually, most people use DMT with the purpose of exploring the mind and also to see what the experience offers. Its actually the minority who use DMT for fun (if that is even possible). But, that point aside:
1) It's not of your business to judge how people approach whatever drug they want to put in their body. Who gave you authorization to say which drug should be used under a spiritual context (whatever the ____ that means)? I don't care if shamans think they are being spiritual or not. That's not my business. If I want to insert DMT up my ass while I'm jumping off a plane and record it on film that, sir, is my business. Honestly, I'm tired of hearing people say that psychedelic drug use should necessarily be related to spiritual crap or if that is not the case it should remain illegal.
2) It's ok if you feel that Salvia and DMT and whatever should be used in a spiritual context, but always remember that different people have different views about life, the divinity and the psychedelic experience. You actually come across, in my opinion, very similar to those religious nuts that go around preaching Jesus or Mohammed like if that's the only way or otherwise one is wrong.
It's the most annoying thing to hear people saying that "people are not prepared for x or y", like if you knew what would happen for sure. Let me tell you one thing: DMT and all other psychedelics, and also all drugs, should be fully legalized tomorrow because:
1) It's not the government's or church's business to decide what an individual can or cannot do with their own mind.
2) Keeping drugs illegal only creates a black market that is full of corruption, uncertainty and irresponsibility.
So stop pushing your spiritual trip on the legalization of a substance that should be FOR ALL and used for whatever reason the user decides to use it. And if you want me to be perfectly honest, I'm very glad teenagers smoking salvia post their videos tripping balls on it on Youtube... that shows that there is hope for diversity of thought and that we psychedelic users are not all new agy spiritual woopidoos.
DMT should be completely legal. Right now.