Rising Star
First off, hello nexus! I've been floating around here for many months now, and I am amazed by the fellowship this forum has been able to develop and maintain. I figured it was about time I officially threw my hat into the ring, while I also feel this community may be able to help me with an obstacle I have recently encountered in my life.
In the last several years, I have become fairly experienced with a handful of psychedelics, and have grown a great deal from them. One of which is Cannabis, but it happens to be a big part of my current dilemma. A few months ago, I vaporized some as I usually would, but several minutes into the effects I got an overwhelming feeling of panic that I could only relate to the panic you might feel on a difficult spice experience. To be clear, this was not just normal paranoia you might get from cannabis, it was like the overwhelming negativity one might feel during a really bad trip, but there was no drug, just our normal reality. Keep in mind, I had been smoking cannabis regularly for approximately 3 years before this incident and have never had any problems of this nature. It came in definite waves, each of which I would say lasted about 5 to 15 minutes and on average occurred every 5 to 10 minutes. During these waves I felt so incredibly alone, and detached from everything, and everyone, and no matter what I tried I could not find comfort in anything. It was so awful I thought I was either dying, had developed some form of psychosis, or had even been laced due to the strangely psychedelic nature of these waves. When I was not in the middle of a wave it was like everything was fine, and then another wave of despair would come on. I managed to make it through a few days with these intense waves until I was able to see a doctor. In that time the waves hadn't gotten much better, but I was able to deal with them better via meditation, and support from my family. I explained to the doctor as best I could what was happening and how it happened, and he thought they were just panic attacks and prescribed me effexor. Everyone was pressuring me into taking the effexor, but I figured whatever this problem is, it would be better for me to try to deal with it naturally and head-on rather then cover it up and run away from it, and in hind site I am glad I didn't take it.
A few months have gone by, and these waves eventually got less and less intense (or maybe I got better at dealing with them) until they were virtually gone. It's hard to explain, but my only problem now is I get the same intense negative feeling that I felt during those waves only less intense and very brief whenever I am around any negative energy, making me a far more energetically sensitive individual then I used to be, if that makes sense. I am worried about not being able to work with psychedelics anymore due to my current state. I haven't smoked cannabis since, in fear of going through the whole hellish cycle again, but I also am not sure it was even the cause of this. I feel strongly that it was related to the DMT experiences I had in the few weeks prior to the incident. I can't exactly explain how or why, I just really feel it is related. And while the whole affair has been the most emotionally challenging thing I have ever experienced, I also think I have learnt alot from it.
It is very difficult for me to portray what has happened and is happening, but I feel I have explained the jist of it. I have my theories as to what is going on, none of which are very solid. If anyone here has a helpful oppinion or advice whatsoever, I would love to hear it.
In the last several years, I have become fairly experienced with a handful of psychedelics, and have grown a great deal from them. One of which is Cannabis, but it happens to be a big part of my current dilemma. A few months ago, I vaporized some as I usually would, but several minutes into the effects I got an overwhelming feeling of panic that I could only relate to the panic you might feel on a difficult spice experience. To be clear, this was not just normal paranoia you might get from cannabis, it was like the overwhelming negativity one might feel during a really bad trip, but there was no drug, just our normal reality. Keep in mind, I had been smoking cannabis regularly for approximately 3 years before this incident and have never had any problems of this nature. It came in definite waves, each of which I would say lasted about 5 to 15 minutes and on average occurred every 5 to 10 minutes. During these waves I felt so incredibly alone, and detached from everything, and everyone, and no matter what I tried I could not find comfort in anything. It was so awful I thought I was either dying, had developed some form of psychosis, or had even been laced due to the strangely psychedelic nature of these waves. When I was not in the middle of a wave it was like everything was fine, and then another wave of despair would come on. I managed to make it through a few days with these intense waves until I was able to see a doctor. In that time the waves hadn't gotten much better, but I was able to deal with them better via meditation, and support from my family. I explained to the doctor as best I could what was happening and how it happened, and he thought they were just panic attacks and prescribed me effexor. Everyone was pressuring me into taking the effexor, but I figured whatever this problem is, it would be better for me to try to deal with it naturally and head-on rather then cover it up and run away from it, and in hind site I am glad I didn't take it.
A few months have gone by, and these waves eventually got less and less intense (or maybe I got better at dealing with them) until they were virtually gone. It's hard to explain, but my only problem now is I get the same intense negative feeling that I felt during those waves only less intense and very brief whenever I am around any negative energy, making me a far more energetically sensitive individual then I used to be, if that makes sense. I am worried about not being able to work with psychedelics anymore due to my current state. I haven't smoked cannabis since, in fear of going through the whole hellish cycle again, but I also am not sure it was even the cause of this. I feel strongly that it was related to the DMT experiences I had in the few weeks prior to the incident. I can't exactly explain how or why, I just really feel it is related. And while the whole affair has been the most emotionally challenging thing I have ever experienced, I also think I have learnt alot from it.
It is very difficult for me to portray what has happened and is happening, but I feel I have explained the jist of it. I have my theories as to what is going on, none of which are very solid. If anyone here has a helpful oppinion or advice whatsoever, I would love to hear it.