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Black Caapi Instead of Caramel Colored . . .

Migrated topic.


Okay . . . I'm in the second hour of five boiling 114 gms shredded caapi. The first two strained-through-a-t-shirt remnants now sits in a jar in the fridge, but instead of cooling to the nice shade of caramel we all know and love, the tea is thus far black as a carload full of assholes. I've gotten black tea from powdered vine before and felt no effects. This is my concern with this batch: having no effects. Anyone had this happen? Is black tea a problem? If so, what can I do to get the caramel colored from this black tea? My plan is to boil it down to one dose and go deep.
..experienced ayahuasqueros in peru praise and use an often guarded strain of caapi known as "negro".
some say it is stronger, others that it produces different a different class of visions to other strains.
cut open sections of fresh vine reveal black central veins and cores. the resulting preparation is black and highly viscous...
not all phenotypes of banisteriopsis spp. have been content tested.

even known potent plants can result in little effect brews. all depends on prepartion (both of the brew and the voyager).
The vine I used was yellow. I think I'm going to turn this into my first alkaloid extraction . . .
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